Dumbest Product Ever? 🥞 (Mrs. Butterworth’s Fruity Pebbles)

What happens when Post comes out with a Mrs. Butterworth’s Fruity Pebbles flavor?


Dumbest product ever?

Hi, this is Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to talk about this, and if you happen to be listening to this and not watching, I have up on the screen. This was a thing that I saw on one of my Facebook groups.

There is a Mrs. Butterworths syrup out there. And for those of you who don’t know, aren’t familiar with the brand is especially if you’re outside of the United States, Mrs. Butterworth has almost like a made shaped bottle with corn syrup, maple flavored corn syrup in it.

And I know it was one of my favorites. As a kid was poured this stuff all over back then I don’t think it was mainly corn syrup like it is now. But this is a very special bottle of maple flavored syrup.

It is flavored like fruity pebbles, the famous Flintstones based cereal. And so it says slightly different color, it’s more of a fruity color.

If you can think of the sweetness of fruity pebbles in liquid form, it kind of it automatically sent chills up my spine just thinking about it. And so here’s what I ended up doing with this, I ended up taking this post that someone else had posted reposting it on my Facebook page and making a snide comment about how all these crazy things are happening in the world.

Yet, we have this. This is truly a sign that the end of the world is coming and the more I think about it, the more brilliant I think it really is.

I had a friend who bought it for his children, and they said they don’t like it. I can’t have anything like that. I try to stay away from things that are high in sugar or high on the glycemic index, you could say, and so I wouldn’t buy anything like that.

But it’s a very interesting concept and his children didn’t like it. They didn’t.

They hated it.

But I loved all the different reactions I was getting from people, because it definitely caught attention. It caught fire on my Facebook feed. And so it made me think, yeah, initially you think it’s stupid. Initially, you think it’s dumb, and you think this is something that nobody should do.

It should not be something that we even think about. But then I thought, Look the initial person posted it in a very popular Facebook group. I took it reposted it, even though I mocking it, I’m advertising for them. And whether a person even goes out and buys that particular one or not. I’m advertising Mrs. Butterworths.

There’s no other reason in the world that I would really ever do that unless they had something else that was relatively newsworthy, or what we’re talking about.

Now I’m making a video and an audio podcast for you advertising Fruity Pebbles, Miss Butterworths. I’m not intentionally advertising. I’m talking about it.

The magic of marketing is getting people to talk and advertise for you when they don’t intentionally even mean to do so. The this is the equivalent.

I know I’m going to get in trouble for even saying the name. This is the equivalent of a Donald Trump. Okay, Donald Trump got people to talk about him even when they were mocking him. And talking about the stupid thing that came out of his mouth or showed up on his Twitter account.

He was able to advertise himself even and most often in a negative light. And because of that, he was able to garner more and more and more attention where he was able to initially that’s first time around, beat one of the most popular most well known persons in American politics ever.

You know, whether you like it, you don’t like it. Whether you like it was rigged or not. That is really how he was able to do it.

He is in his own way, a crazy brand that gets attention.

And like these guys, they’ve gotten attention for me. I’ve passed it on to others. I know people share my posts, and people with large followings shared my post.

That is brilliant marketing, if you can get something that is remarkable, worth remarking over worth spreading, if you can create by roll by being outrageous, then you’ve got something magic.

It’s been able to do that over and over and over again, really, this is so absurd that people are going to talk about it. And that’s the brilliance of it.

So yeah, it may be stupid, because you don’t want to eat it. But it’s also brilliant because it’s tied to two different…it’s not only advertising one thing, it’s advertising two different items.

It’s advertising cereal, and it’s advertising syrup. We’re talking about both.

In fact, in the comments, we go back and forth, either making Flintstones jokes or Mrs. Butterworths jokes.

So it’s very interesting concept and you keep your eyes open for this you get but like I said, you can see it in politics. You can see it in advertising a product that you buy at the stores.

But see how you can do this within your own business. If you’re a business owner, or if you’re an executive, if you’re one of the people in charge. If you’re anywhere in the marketing department, think about what are clever ways that you can get people talking about you.

Even if initially, you think that might be a negative thing.

So that’s all I’ve got for tonight. It is a very fun idea have fun, interesting concept of meshing two, very well known things together. I’d love to hear what your comments are about Fruity Pebbles Mrs. Butterworths. That’s all I’ve got for tonight.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Here I use the Amazon name in my title to kind of gain a little bit of attention for it. But the whole idea is to make your make your business competition proof. How do you go about doing that?

I’v got nine ways on how to do it. Go get this book, or download yourself your very own free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

We’ll see it tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.