Do You Choose Your Passions?

Some thoughts on following your passions.


Do you choose your passions or do your passions choose you?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

It’s gonna be a quick one tonight. We’re here on the eve of, well, tomorrow is Easter here while I’m recording this in California. And I was sitting and talking with my nephew about where he sees himself going and everything else.

I’ve really changed my view on things in terms of passions and where you should be leaving yourself. Jeff Bezos said one time, the Jeff Bezos, you know, the guy that started Amazon.

He said one time that, people try to force interests on themselves. And that really, you don’t choose your passions, your passions choose you.

At one time, I may not have believed that. But as I’ve gone through life, I realize that that’s absolutely true, that you kind of have to go with your gut, you got to go in the direction that you feel led to go even when it doesn’t necessarily seem the smartest.

Not that you should always run by your passions, but in the same end you can’t ignore them, because they are trying to tell you something.

So that’s something always to keep in mind is that you’ve got an instinct, and your instinct is telling you where to go. And this is this is more common more for newer entrepreneurs or people that are looking to get into something, or looking to move on into something else. If you’ve closed the part of your life, maybe you’ve sold your business or something, you’re looking to go into the next part, you really got to go where your passion leads you not that you need to do what you love to do, but that you don’t ignore your passions. You don’t ignore what your great interests are.

Because that plays into everything and they’re, in my experience, your passions are trying to tell you something, either something you gotta you got to pay more attention to that you should stay away from.

But or it’s telling you this is something you should you should head towards. And so I just, that’s just a great quote by Jeff Bezos. I wasn’t cooling it exactly.

You can go and look up the exact quote, but I just wanted to leave you that thought for tonight. And we’ll be back tomorrow night.

In the meantime, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at And we’ll be back tomorrow night. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.