The Answers Are Out There 👽

Confidence, Faith, Doubt and X-Files. Sure that all goes together.


The answers are out there.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I found that I came across this idea kind of accidentally just recently. In fact, that had to do with yesterday, I mentioned in yesterday’s podcast that I was repairing a faucet. And I kept hitting a wall with different things, just things would not work.

It was comical, just how absurd.

The scenarios were in which they weren’t fitting together and not working. And it’s just one of those things, you just got to have to sit back and laugh. But you also have to have the mentality that the answers are out there and it reminds me of that x-files. If you ever saw that show. Mulder had the thing, he was always saying the truth is out there. The truth is out there.

And it’s it’s true, the answers are out there. But how many of us in our everyday lives get caught up in the idea that the answer doesn’t exist.

There’s this hopelessness that takes over a lot of people and some people live in it completely. And these are the people you got to watch out for, you got to watch out for the people that don’t believe that answers exist.

When that when you’re around those people, you can tell, and they’ll suck you into their chaos, if you’re not careful. They’re like a black hole, it just pulls everything in to the center piece of nothing that they live in. And it’s a sad thing.

It’s not something I like to see. And if I can, I, I would love to be able to help people out of that, that mess. But it’s tough, and you got to watch out for it. And they can ruin your life if you allow yourself to be pulled in to that concept.

A lot of it comes down to the idea that the answers don’t exist, but they do exist. And all you got to do is that whenever you’re in a situation where it just feels hopeless. And you’d have a very clear idea of what the question is that you need answered, ask the question and walk away.

And what happens, you know, what happens?

Because it’s happened to you a million times?

If you ask the question, and you walk away from it, and you don’t obsess over it, and you put your mind on something else, what happens? It comes to you, the answer just comes to you. You may be re you may be reading something else.

All of a sudden, what you read makes you think of something, and then the answers there or it comes out of nowhere. It has nothing to do with what you’re doing or thinking about, it just pops in your head it’s this and happens over and over and over again throughout your our lives.

But we choose not to recognize it, we choose not to see it for what it is. And it’s the answer. The answers are always there. But they’re always held just out of reach. So so that we realize we don’t we don’t have the answer.

The answer is out there, though. And you just got to eat if you believe that your life and you you hold on to that view that belief, you realize that believe every time you get into a frustrated situation, oftentimes it’s you’re looking for an answer that isn’t, doesn’t feel like it’s in reach and then there’s something that gets in our heads and makes us think there is no answer or the answer isn’t going to be one that you like.

But it’s a lie. It’s just not true.

Reality is reality and when you find it, you’re happy about it. Hopefully.

If you’re not, that’s something else to watch for.

We’re not going to get that deep tonight. I just wanted to bring up the idea because it’s not an idea that’s new to me. It’s just one that I’ve never said in quite this way that the answers are there.

Don’t forget it. Keep it in mind.

So much of what I talk about has to do with principles. Because those are the answers that don’t change. You can apply them a million different ways and the how you apply them changes.

But the answers are there and I’d like to call them principles. I based my entire book 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business on that idea.

These are nine answers to a problem. And they’re they’re an answer. They were answers before I found them. They were answers that they’re gonna be answers long after I’m gone. But you can apply these answers to your business in a very simple way.

Go read the book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business you can get your own free copy at that’s all I got for tonight. simple idea, something juwan I love to hear what you think. You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.