The 10th Way To Amazon-Proof Your Business 📚 (Offer Advancement)

Brian reveals the 10th way to Amazon-Proof Your Business.


The 10th way to Amazon-Proof your business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I have here in my hands my book,9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can get a free copy at

But this discusses only the first nine ways and I realized that there was there’s actually a 10th way that I talked about briefly in chapter five and chapter six, which you can check out, I’m not going to ruin it for you chapter five and chapter six cover an area that most businesses don’t have that they all need.

But there’s also another element to those chapters and I would make it the 10th way to Amazon-Proof your business and what is the 10th way?

The 10th way is called, Offer Advancement.

This is a funny thing because it’s not something it’s not so commonly discussed. That it is something you can go look up, I was looking for keywords to try and catch people who are looking up details about this.

And I wasn’t able to find really anything out there that is so common that people are looking it up on YouTube and Google and so forth.

I just had to kind of go back to scratch and say, Okay, well, if I were to tie this in with my original book, what would I say?

It really is offer advancement.

What does offer advancement mean?

Well, I’ll tell you what the fifth and sixth chapters are all ruined for you. I won’t get into the detail, you can read about that but the fifth and sixth ways are offering belonging and offering ongoing.

So belonging is about having a part of your business that allows the person to be a part of a community. It’s offering that belonging concept, the belonging, feeling that the most famous one of the most famous ones that I could put out there is Harley Davidson.

How you know when you’re in Harley Davidson, that’s a cult, I mean, that is belonging.

When you own a Harley, when you want to have a Harley when you walk around with Harley patches, I mean, that is something that’s very specific.

It’s a very specific type of motorcycle, nothing funky, none of the other motorcycles function quite like a Harley Davidson. It has a specific sound, it has a specific feel everything else.

So you need to offer that type of belonging and you also need to offer some form of bond going whether there’s belonging attached or not. But if you can have those two together, then you have some type of membership ongoing. Having it to where you give people the option to purchase from you on a regular basis.

It’s not rocket science but how many businesses actually do that?

I mean, very few, especially local-based businesses, if you’ve got a local or regional business chances are you don’t have an ongoing option unless it’s already kind of contained within your industry.

But you want to look way outside the box and look at the possibility of offering something on an ongoing basis. But I won’t get too far into those I want to talk about at the next level.

The next level is advancement is once a person feels like they belong once a person feels like and I don’t care if you’re offering, if you’re running a hair salon, it’s the same same thing.

If they feel like they belong, if they have the ability to pay you on an ongoing basis, then you give them the option for advancement.

And you give them more of a club feel more things that they would want more things that they would never expect from a hair salon or whatever it is that you’re working in.

This can be any business, any business can have this element. It’s really exciting because you see it every once in a while you see ongoing membership-based businesses introduced into an area you would never think of being and what they end up offering is something much greater than the commoditized product or service that you normally would relate with that business that this is my one of my favorite examples.

Because it’s it’s informative and it is but it’s functional.

And this is I’ve used this I’ve used these guys before this is a this is the mark magnetic Marketing letter that goes out.

At the end of every letter, they show the ladder of success. And the ladder of success is an advanced process that you can go through with this group.

So it starts out with, you know, read magnetic marketing as a book. And then you attended some type of fast implementation boot camp, which is a deal that they offer.

Then you have you join with the gold membership for you know, 97 bucks a month, or whatever it is.

Then you can upgrade to the diamond membership, it’s more expensive, you get more stuff out of it, then you can join a magnetic marketing, implementation coaching, much more expensive, much more back and forth and much more intensity.

Then from there, you could join a renegade Millionaire Mastermind Oh, wow, mastermind, that’s a whole nother level. And then you could join elevate their top one here.

So this is just one of the latest versions of their ladder but what options do people have, if they want to be around you more if they want to be around your business if they want to hang out more?

What other options are you giving them?

It’s not that tough to at least offer it, if you offer it, it makes even the lower end the initial offerings that you have, it makes them more valuable, and makes them look more reasonable.

Like a discount almost. It’s all relative. So this is why you want to look into offering advancement, people want to advance, they want to go to the next level, if you give them a pathway, they want to keep going down that pathway. It’s yeah, this can be taken to a level of manipulation that is unbelievable.

But it can also be used for good and as long as you’re offering something good as long as you’re offering quality to people of any sort. And it’s worth the money that they’re paying, then go for it do it.

It’s voluntary, they don’t have to but you could see this in a whole lot of other areas. When I was in the just as a quick example when I was in high school, you were in the I was in the FFA was the Future Farmers of America.

And there you could, that it was all dependent. There are different contests.

And each contest had its own levels of advancement, depending on how well you did in a particular contest.

For example, I did an extemporaneous public speaking contest and advanced to the next level that went from a sectional to a regional competition from a regional to a statewide competition and so forth.

They had this on on every competition that’s available through FFA. And then they had offices that you could run for, so you could run for the chapter office, which was a local high school-based office.

And then you could go from there, run for a sectional and then run from a sectional run for a regional and but so I ended up working my way up through the race, it ended up as a regional officer, and then eventually ran for state office twice back in the state of California.

But there was a field that you want to advance, you want to go to the next level, you want to be part of that next club that has all these benefits that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. And that’s merely a situation that didn’t, they weren’t asking a huge chunk of money or anything. This is just a nonprofit organization.

Think of how you can create that in your business, you create a feeling of advancement of any sort, then that helps bind them with your brand with your product or service. And it’s not a bad thing. As long as what you offer is high quality, good stuff.

That doesn’t hurt people, right?

That’s all on you but this is these are the rules that work. This is just human psychology.

Hopefully, it makes sense to you. That’s all I’ve got for tonight.

I’ll be back tomorrow, and I’ll tell you a few ways to take people to the next level, whether it’s from the very beginning, or whether it’s from one advancement on one level to another in your business.

So check that out tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

You Define You 😐

Thoughts on differentiation to help you stand out.


You define you?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Quick idea tonight. But it’s an idea that’s I’ve been bouncing back and forth with for 20 years, honestly. And it reminded me today of where a lot of it started.

So when I was younger, just starting out in a lot of my business adventures, I found that I got really good being that I kind of got trained up by some really sharp people.

But I got really good at budgeting and getting my finances in order, and then helping other people do the same thing. And so I was able to do it with multiple friends, including who would someone who would end up becoming my wife and it was just a very interesting situation.

And I was looking for, well, how would I define myself?

Well, but I call myself and I landed on the idea of calling myself a financial consultant. And depending on where you live, that’s either legal or illegal, I think based on, you know, I know definitely being called a financial advisor is a very specific thing that not just anybody can adopt that name.

So there are specific deals with that but where I was living at the time, and what I was doing, I don’t think it was against the law to go by that name. I had business cards printed up and I called myself a financial consultant for many years.

It worked out really well it allowed me to go in and talk to a lot of people I wouldn’t normally get to talk to and hit people really where I needed to hit them in terms of having the right conversations right off the bat, which is what I found just about all business starts with a conversation of some sort.

Maybe it’s you starting a conversation widespread on social media or advertising online, but it’s all a conversation of some type. And the more the closer you can get to an actual conversation that you’re having with the person, I think you have a deeper tie with that person, and goes much beyond just a consumer product, back and forth relationship.

I wanted to point out that I had to come out, come up with a designation because I wasn’t sure of anybody that did what I did. And I wasn’t sure what they call themselves.

I kind of had a meeting, make it up but making it up, did give me a chance to start conversations with people and it served a purpose for a good period of time until I was able to transition into something else.

But I want to make a point about defining yourself, don’t let yourself get pinned in I’m not just mean to you as a person. But you also as a business, okay, when it comes defining your business, don’t just get pinned into an industry, or an idea.

I was in an idea that’s already solid that already has something behind it a title that already has the prestige or whatever tied to it.

I was on a webinar tonight and earlier tonight. And somebody was on there.

And so what is this all about?

Tell me what industry?

What’s going on here?

And the person just had to be able to place everything into a box. And because he wasn’t able to do that right away left the webinar in a huff.

I’m like, well, this was a person that was not really pre-set up properly. And that’s a whole nother conversation that we can have. But it also came back to mind.

It’s like everyone feels like they have to put you into a box they have to label you or your company like this or that. So that they can compare and contrast on very simple in a very simple way to see whether, number one, you should get their attention number two, that you should get their money.

Your goal should be to keep people from putting you in that box. keep people from labeling you unless you have an offer or an idea that completely blows away all the competition that completely revolution revolutionizes everything and does it in a split second.

But if you don’t have that your best Bad is to redefine yourself in a way that nobody else can do.

Or at least in comparison to the other people in your so-called industry that I talked about this a little bit, I touch on it in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, because one of the main things in Amazon proving things is becoming competition proof.

It’s setting yourself so far apart from the competition, they, they don’t exist anymore, at least in the customer’s mind in the consumer’s mind in the audience’s mind.

You need to set yourself so far apart, that they don’t look at you as being even in the same realm as where they’re at. This is what eventually led my company and I’ll go into more depth into this in the future into me becoming more of a business investor than anything else.

And they’ll, the further I go down this rabbit hole of being a business investor, the more I love it, and the more it fits what I need to do, and the more it sets me apart from an industry that was going in an opposite direction from where I was going, and I didn’t want to be painted that way with a lot of what I had been doing up until now.

So hopefully that makes sense.

You will go more into depth this week in the future.

Like I said, we have these conversations on a nightly basis. I’d love to hear what you think about that or anything else that we’ve discussed here.

Please leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this, you can always leave a comment over at go to the media section, check out all the other videos and audios there. Also, go grab a copy of this book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy or get a hardbound copy to or you could get a free copy at a little digital download.

Go check it out.

We’ll be back tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Being Different Is Endless

Brian shares an idea used by a friend of his in marketing for standing out and being different.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Being different is endless.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

You know, there’s a, there’s a whole chapter of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business that’s dedicated to being different. Because if you can be different, that concept of being unique in your marketplace, if you can be different.

If you can be even more than that you can be remarkable to where people remark about you that they hold conversations about you because you’re different, then there’s no end to the advantages that you get there. I mean, look, look at look at Donald Trump running for president becoming president, everything else love him or hate him, you got to admit he’s different. There’s never been a politician like him probably won’t be another one in our lifetime.

There’s just endless advantage to being different.

How do you go about doing that, I’m going to give you a quick example. This is an example this specific one is from a friend of mine, but it was invented by Bill Glazer.

At the time, at least when it started becoming public, he was the owner of Glaser Kennedy Inner Circle, which is now that believed the NOBS Inner Circle. And he came up with this, this is this looks like a wad of $100 bills, right?

It’s actually a fold out and it’s a business card. Unlike a typical business card, it doesn’t just have a name and the name of a company and the way to contact them. It has a little write-up about the person that says put more profit in your pocket, cut the waste, the fat waste and frustration out of your advertising and marketing dollars.

Let me show you how to do it and then it has little points about how he goes about doing this. This is specifically from my friend Brad Harmon, who’s up in the Dalles area, which is a little area outside of Portland, Oregon.

Really nice old town that he grew up in and he put this thing out years ago. This one doesn’t apply anymore, because he’s changed a lot of the information in terms of the the details, so I won’t show you that.

But you can look him up, his name is Bradley Harmon. Sometimes it goes by our Bradley Harmon and you can look him up. Good stuff.

He’s a really sharp marketing guy and he went and he took Bill’s idea and used it. And it’s one of the only times I’ve ever held one of these in my hand, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody else do it.

It’s specifically taken from Bill Glazer. But it’s something that you could do that simple different. Any way that you could take something as simple as a business card, something as mundane as a business card and spice it up a little bit, add a little bit something extra to it.

Your going to stand out, you can’t help but stand out with something like this. And it’s the type of thing that people will show other people the other people in the office and so far, they say you see this, you see one of these nothing cooler than that there are digital cards nowadays that have little pop out USBs there’s, there’s so many different things you can do and it’s a way to be different.

You’re just applying, you’re applying a different methodology into an old tactic. There’s a million old tactics that everybody uses, in any industry, look at that real estate industry about how all their signs look alike. And all their business cards and billboards all look alike.

You’ve got the smiling picture, you got the logo from the from the common company that is common around the country, you know, everything’s done alike, but you’d be a little bit different. All of a sudden, that allows you to stand out. And that’s what it’s all about with me. I’m always trying to help my clients to stand out from the pack.

And being different is a huge piece of that. And it’s a small little concept that’s endless. It’s endless, all the different creative ways you could be different. Sometimes all it takes is looking in other industries and looking at what they’re doing. Taking that idea, put it in your industry where it’s never been done before.

It’s a tired old tactic in one industry in your industry, it’s brand new, no one’s ever done anything even close to it. So the same thing is true of geography. In certain geographies, things are done, where they are done. They are done where you’re at, you know simple idea.

We can go on and on and on about being different and I’ll always bring up more examples every time I run into something old or new. That’s a great example.

I’ll bring it to you to kind of get the creative juices flowing. But it’s good idea also to get other people who are on your team, your partners, your employees, your anybody that you do work with, get them on your team to come up with new, exciting, different ways to show up and stand out.

Hopefully that’s helpful to you. If you’d like more ways beyond just being different.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. There’s eight other ways and I go into depth on some creative ways to be able to be different in your marketplace in there also. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. Oh, get a free copy at Amazon proof. I almost forgot to tell you that We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, you get out there, be different and let the magic happen.

How Many Different Ways Are You Showing Up?

Thoughts on differentiation while doing what you love from a recent podcast interviews with the Corn Man. 🌽👨

First Episode with Corn Man ➡️


How many different ways are you showing up?

I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today I’m going to talk about my friend Charles Wiley, and his book, and album and everything else revolving around his Corn Man project.

A couple days ago, I received these in the mail, I wanted to make sure you saw them.

Check this out. This is the Corn Man t-shirt. I got a copy of the original Corn Man book, Story Of The Corn Man.

This is Chapter one.

Now chapter two just came out.

Now, what’s Corn Man?

Corn Man’s a project. And you can find out about this by listening to my podcast Off The Grid Biz Podcast where you can find it

And I’ll put a link in the description going to the first episode that I interviewed Charles.

Well, we just had him on a recent episode, well….I just recently had him back to talk about his chapter two book that came out. And I’ll get into it in a second.

Well, what ended up happening was, Charles is a musician, right. How this whole thing started, is he fell into the situation where he started researching the whole idea of how corn is and everything that we eat, that the corn lobby has been extremely good at getting corn into everything, to our from our fuel to everything we eat, to a lot of things we were and everything else, they just they found a way to similar to the soy industry and found a way to fit corn into everything.

And so this inspired him to want to talk about this idea and how he knew how to do that, up to that point was through his music.

So what he did was he put together an album, he had some he had a piece of art put together by a friend. And this was the original art is him as a stock of corn. And then it kind of inspired him to make this whole album that kind of and he found a story developing.

So what did he end up doing, he made a children’s book out of it.

And that’s what this is. It’s the story of Corn Man.

And it’s a series of books. This is the initial book about how a regular everyday person ends up being turned into this Corn Man like creature. And it’s very interesting.

I wanted to point something out. He took an idea. He plugged it into something he already knew how to do. And then he tried something else and put it into an area that he had never….he’d never written any children’s books before.

But he got together with his wife and she helped him develop a storyline and develop the script for it. And he got together with Andy Westhoff. His wife’s name is Deirdre by the way.

And he got together with Andy Westhoff, who did the illustrations for this and also did illustrations on the second one that just came out, you find these in, under The Story of Corn Man.

So the story of corn man, the original and then chapter two. And then on top of that, he made an audio book for his original book he’s doing he’s doing it, he came out with merchandise and everything else why I met him at the Mother Earth news Fair, last year in Albany, Oregon. And so we hit it off.

And I was inspired by his enthusiasm for his project and his ability to take one simple idea and how to put and his put it out there in a million different ways, and continues to come up with new ways to put out the same thing, including ideas in the future, possibly doing something animated or something else.

I mean, there’s so many ways that you can take this and develop it and find an audience for it or multiple audiences for it. So it’s really interesting stuff, great conversations, watch for that second show when it comes out.

And I just want to thank Charles for sending me a T-shirt and a book.

And I want to inspire you to take your ideas, get them out there work with somebody who has some experience in the areas is trying to work these into don’t just go one direction, don’t just do the same old thing that you’ve always done.

Try and hit multi medias, try and hit multiple forms of media and to even just to reach the same audience. If you can do that. You it creates multiple dimensions to your work.

And that makes you more real to the average person out there, especially if most of the work that you do is online, try doing something physical, so that it adds a whole nother dimension, like I said, so. Hopefully that makes sense to you.

If you would like to know some other ways to be able to capture your audience and to really stand out in your competitive space. Check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and learn Let the magic happen.

Be Different: A Case Study

Walmart Drive-In Movies and thinking outside the box.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Be Different: Case Study.

I am Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live. The only reason why I have this thing on my face so I get a good screenshot that shows up on the video. Hopefully you saw that before you clicked on the video. The whole idea is to be different. And I got a great case study for you to hear today. I was looking.

I was actually surfing the internet just before I came on here and came across a thing called the Walmart driving. I’m not sure if you’ve heard of this, but you could find it at the Walmart all one word.

Okay. I’m not advertising for Walmart. It’s a great big company that does a lot of good stuff and a lot of bad stuff. And so I’m not taking them, I’m not taking their side.

What I wanted to do is show you though, that they’re doing something to be different. To stand out a little bit. I don’t know whose idea it was. I don’t know if it’s Walmart is the main person behind it, but they’ve certainly taken it on and allow their name to be associated with it. So what they’re doing is they’re putting together drive in movie theaters, temporary driving, pop up drive in movie theaters, in Walmart Park parking lots all across the country.

And you can find them on that website. Now, you may not have any near you. One thing I noticed is we have some near me, but they’re not showing up on there because they got filled up so quickly. So you can go on there and get tickets. It’s free to go to. It’s nothing but publicity for Walmart. If you look at it from Walmart’s perspective, just as a business, what did they have to lose?


In many cases, they’re not open 24 hours because of this situation with COVID-19. And so they’ll have extra space in their parking lots. A lot of them have enormous parking lots to begin with some of the most enormous ones in any town that they’re in. So they have the space to be able to do this.

They rope off a space. It’s relatively inexpensive nowadays, to get a good size screen to get a good size. sighs projector. And what else do you need a broadcaster for the audio that comes over on your FM radio. So it’s a great idea. It’s actually an idea I’ve had and talked about with other people about how, how, what a cool idea to have drive ins this summer to have these pop up drive ins.

It takes a little bit to get set if you’re starting from the very beginning, but look at Walmart, what they’re able to do with their resources and be able to stand out just by being a little bit different. Why do I bring on being different?

It’s all about my new Amazon Proof Book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

So be different is chapter three. It’s the third way of how to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

And I thought the Walmart example so great one to be able to tie in with all this because it’s simple. It’s simple, it’s subtle. It doesn’t take anything it doesn’t necessarily need to be fantastic or outrageous. It just needs to be different, just a little bit different, something you weren’t expecting something that’ll get people talking a little bit.

That’s what being different is all about. It could be something temporary like this or it could be something major, that completely changes how people view your company in the long run. But that’s a great example.

Go grab my book, if you can get it for free at, that’s, that link is in the description.

But go get a free copy of it or you can go pick it up, you get an electronic, you get one that’ll go on your Kindle Fire. If you go over to over to you can also get a hardback version of it there also, or you get a free version over at my website,

Hey, we’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

“Amazon Proof” Sneak Peak 😎

It’s the book you’ve been waiting for all your life but didn’t know was coming out.

Brian’s new book (and first book):

9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business: How to STAND OUT in Your Industry & Make Every Competitor Irrelevant

Checkout the links below to see a book called Amazon-Proof being sold on Amazon. 🙃

9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️

Brian’s Author Page➡️


It’s time for an Amazon-Proof sneak peak.

I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo. Live.

I was hoping today was gonna be the day that I could make a huge announcement. But we’re only going to make a partial announcement today.

The partial announcement is, is the 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, the new book that I’ve just come out with is available to purchase, you can get it on those links are in the description, you will also see a link going to my author page on, which I’ve never had before, which is kind of cool.

And what’s cool about that, well, there’s a bunch of cool things about that, and we’ll talk about that another time. But I’m putting those links in there not only for your use, but for the fact that I need to get it out there so that the search engines pick up on it. And so these are the type of things that pop up when people search for my name or search for the books name, I want to show you.

This is what I mean by sneak peek. I do not even have this on my Kindle yet, but I do have the sneak preview that you can get off of oops, off of And here it is, this is what the cover looks like. I don’t even have a physical copy of the book yet.

But 9 ways to Amazon-Proof your business. okay, it’s how to stand out in your industry and make every competitor irrelevant. It’s my first book. So it’s been very much a learning process.

Okay, that’s why I don’t have everything in place today. What I want to be able to give to you is a free copy of this at least a free electronic copy. So you’ll be able to get that over at my website when I have it available. And I will give you the link to that.

Hopefully tomorrow or the day after.

But more than likely on Monday we’ll be able to get that out to you. And so You’ll want to keep your eyes open up if you want, you can go purchase a hardcopy or at which it comes in hardback. It’s a short book, small book, highly expensive, I priced it very high for a very important reason. not going to get into that right now either.

But in the future videos, we’re going to be going into this. But this is you can get the Kindle version tonight, if you go and click on that link, and go and check that out. It’s really been a lot of fun going through the process, very painful.

Just because I didn’t know what I was doing all the way through. And I like to do everything on my own the first time it’s a it’s a very, I hope you don’t have that quirk because it’s a bad quirk to have is to be a control freak in the sense that you want to understand everything before you outsource it.

I think it’s a bad thing at least because it takes me a lot longer to do everything that everyone else can do a whole lot quicker if they just get in and outsources to people. Who had the best knowledge, that’s something you should not follow me on.

Definitely want to outsource things as quickly as possible, especially the people that know what they’re doing. me I’d like to I’d like to know what’s going on. So I’ve gone through the whole process myself, outsource things where I know way too much time to handle. The cover of the book was really well done by Angie over at Fiverr. And her link is in the book itself. So you can go and check her out.

And if you if you’d like that without getting a copy of the book, just let me know and I’ll send you her information. We had a great lady. I can’t remember her name off the top of my head but she had her name is in the book.

She has a link to her website, where she handled all the editing of the book, at least the really basic proofreading and so forth on it and that was really helpful. I had a I had a really great piece of software that we used for the what they call the typesetting, which is just making everything fit into a proper book.

And that was really cool, because it’s free. It’s online. I’ll tell you more about that in the future, we’ll have a whole program on how you can put together your own book.

I’ll walk you through the steps me and producer Sean Douglas are going to sit down and talk about that. And we’ll make that available to you. But in the meantime, I want you to think about, if you haven’t written a book yet, how you would what you would write a book about it, especially if nobody ever read it.

Because I have no interest in a whole bunch of people reading this book, I’m looking for a very particular audience. I’m putting it out there to bring them in and to let them know that I know about these sub subject matters. It’s also a great way to be able to get the word out about speaking because I could speak on any of these topics or all of these topics. The nine different chapters that I have in here are very specific areas that I have a strategy session available in each of those areas. It’s on my website. You’ll have those links directly from the book itself.

So the book is really a starting point. It’s only 67 pages long. It’s very short.

And it’s but but it is a starting point. It has books, it has other sources for you to go to, to be able to find out more about each of these ideas. And if you implement any one of these ideas into your business, I guarantee it will dramatically change your perspective on your business and and really, if done right, it should change your profit margin. Incredibly, so check out this book over on Amazon.

Like I said, the big complicated link is going to be in the description of this video, I may give you a less complicated link for a free version of it in the future days ahead. So hang in there. We’ll be back with that. In the meantime, we’ll be back tomorrow.

Going more through this I’ll have more of a grand opening of a big to do when we actually talk about about the book but you can get your hands on it. Now at

Hey, you have a great night. We’ll be back tomorrow. Get out there and let the magic happen.

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Does Your Competition Haunt You?

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Let’s face it, differentiation is important. And if you don’t want to be devoured by the dreaded Amazon monster, you’d best start…or continue to look for ways to be unique.

Brian gives us the kick in the butt we all need. And it just so happens this is the first time he talks about his new upcoming book titled, 9 Ways To Amazon Proof Your Business.