Begin With The End In Mind ⌛

How Brian uses the Dan Sullivan question to help others envision success for their business.


Begin with the end in mind.

So you had to do the beginning and then you got to think of the end before you can do the beginning is. I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’ll explain, I’ll explain.

So that this comes from two different situations. That just happened.

So yesterday, I sat down with Tom and Carissa, and talked with them about their project that they’re looking at building out. And the same question comes up a lot when I’m working with people. This is a great exercise to do, if you have something that really seems bold, and something big that you’re looking to do, and you can’t really grasp what the next step is.

You may be scared about all the different ins and outs of what’s around the corner with these tough things. Not that Tom and Carissa were, but it’s very common to have a whole bunch of excitement over something new, but at the same time be kind of lost as to what the next step is.

I always take people the same direction with this. And it was something that was drilled into me when I was younger, even though I didn’t appreciate it till many years later, from a lot of the mentors that I’ve had through the years.

The whole idea is you got to forecast yourself, you got to put yourself into the future. And you have to end it at that my favorite way of saying it, it’s a thing called the Dan Sullivan question.

So whatever the situation is, in most cases, you can usually say like a year, Dan Sullivan, I think uses three years because it’s an off the wall number and it really causes a person to think.

But depending on what you’re talking about how big a change you’re looking to do, or how big a project you’re looking to take on, or what have you. The best thing to do is to say, if we were sitting here a year from now, and I do this on all my podcasts, you can hear on all the interviews that I do on my other my two other podcasts and

If we were to sit here together to 12 months from now, we’re looking back over the past year, what would have had to have happened for you to feel happy with your progress both personally and professionally.

That’s the simplest way of saying Dan Sullivan has a little bit more ins and outs to it. But that that’s the main concept, future cast, what would have had to have happened. And that is where you need to go.

What constitutes and if you if they already have an idea of a project, they’re working on it even better because then the real question is the same question I had for Tom Carissa.

It’s that what would what would make this a success?

What can we pinpoint what would absolutely make this a success?

It was something they had not thought about. And this is not uncommon. It’s not uncommon to not think about it. Because you get so wrapped up and excited with the idea of doing something new, that it’s real common to set aside the fact that where are we where are we going to be in the future?

And what what why are we doing it?

What what’s the point?

And there’s a point to everything, but sometimes there’s more than one point. Especially if you have two people working on the same project, one person’s point may not be the other person’s point.

If you have multiple people, it’s even more so that case. So you have to very much get in line with each other and decide, okay, what constitutes between all of us involved?

What constitutes success versus failure, not that failure shouldn’t be an option. Failure is quite often the only option, but you need to know where you’re going. So that so that you’ll know what to do when you get there.

The simplest question but it’s one that gets tossed around it get what is tossed aside and not thought about and pull it off on but it’s the most important thing for you to figure out early on.

Because one thing you’ll find if when you realize a common goal, sometimes the delivery device that you may have fallen in love with already isn’t the right delivery device.

So you fall in love with the vehicle but it’s not going to get you to the destination. It’s like man, I can’t drive I can’t wait to drive this new Tesla, I can’t wait to get in, it’s going to be so fun.

Man, when I get to Hawaii driving around that doesn’t well the Tesla’s not going to get you to Hawaii, if you’re on the mainland, you know, unless you got some some way of getting a ferry out there, it’s probably not going to make it.

You got a good vehicle and you like the vehicle but if your main goal is to get to Hawaii, you’re gonna have to take a plane or boat.

It’s kind of tied in there. So simple idea passed up quite often.

Here’s another situation.

This was today, I was sitting talking with my friend, Beverly, and we’re becoming partners on a new project. And we were talking about said, but what constitutes success?

What is what is the best case scenario here with your business?

What are you actually looking at?

Why haven’t thought about it?

Well, it’s time time we started thinking about it. Okay, because there’s no reason to start if we don’t know what the end game and you have to have some idea of what the end game is, you have to what you really have to do is uncover your expectations.

Because you have them whether you know it or not, you have to uncover them. And maybe your expectations are stupid.

But you better uncover that now, otherwise, you’re going to get there. You’re not going to reach your expectations.

You’re going to feel empty on the inside. And you’re not going to know why. And it’s because you did not meet with your expectations. But what you really should do is challenge your expectations right up front.

Find out what those expectations are, figure out whether it’s actually something you want to go through with whether you want to do what it’s going to take to get that thing or whether you don’t and all these things start solving themselves all the problems of what do we do next?

Everything else it all solves itself when you when you picture the end in mind first simple idea and hope I’m hoping this is helpful to you, especially if you’re starting out and want to do a whole lot of this stuff on your own.

Another good thing to take along with the ride if you’re starting this on your own for the first time, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You go purchase a hard bound copy over at I don’t know what it’s going for right now. They’re always switching pricing around but you can probably find a pretty good deal on it. Or you can go just download a copy if you don’t mind reading it on your phone or on your tablet or PC.

Download a copy at

It’s all I got for today. You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Why Is My Business Not Growing Faster?

Why is my business not growing faster?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. We come to you every day with another live concept and currently exclusively through Facebook Live.

Then we take that recording, push it out to all the other social media, both video and audio format so you can listen to this on podcasts.

Just type in Brian J. Pombo Live.

Welcome back, today I’m going to cover an issue that is core to what I deal with, with all of my clients, especially from the very beginning. And it’s why I’ve referred to myself for a number of years now as a business growth strategist.

The main question on most people’s minds when I talk to them about their business is why isn’t my business growing faster?

And the question I have back to them is the most telling question of all.

It doesn’t matter if you’re running a multi-million dollar business or if you’ve just started and it’s just a few years old. The same question’s always there and it’s the most telling, and I’d say 90, 95% of the business owners I ask show exactly why they’re businesses and growing fast enough.

When I ask them this question, the question I ask back is what we refer to in the business is the Dan Sullivan question.

If you haven’t heard about this before, this will be interesting to you and I’m going to recommend that you ask yourself this question.

I’m going to be doing a big lead up to this, because this question is based off of a concept called The Dan Sullivan Question written by a guy named Dan Sullivan. He wrote a book called The Dan Sullivan Question. I can go and look up, and they have an ebook on it.

It’s not a long book but it gets straight to the point of what the Dan Sullivan question is.

Frank Kern has brought it up.

Russell Brunson has brought it up.

A whole lot of other marketing experts have mentioned this and have talked about it for years.

It’s a simple straight forward question, but here it is.

If you and I were sitting down a year from now and looking bout back over the last 12 months, what would have had to have happened in your business for you to feel happy about the success?

Something to that extent.

It’s not perfectly word for word with the Dan Sullivan question is, but that’s the concept and it doesn’t need to be for a year.

It could be for six months. It could be for five years, could be for three years what have you.

If people have a concept of their goals, it’s usually for a year.

What usually comes back is a long pause and a thinking process behind it.

That’s if they really understood the question, they’ll sit there and think about it and that tells me usually exactly what I needed to know. Here’s what’s missing there. If you don’t know what that is, if it isn’t on the tip of your tongue, if you don’t know clearly where you plan on being in a certain period of time. Now, maybe your goal is for five years and so within one year you don’t have all the math worked out.

That’s not usually the issue though.

What usually comes back as, well, I like to do this, I like to see this happen.

I’d like to see this no longer there and oftentimes it comes back very vague and what you need is something specific for your business. This is the problem with goal setting is goal setting can sometimes be all over the place.

It can sometimes be too specific.

It can sometimes be unclear.

There’s a whole bunch of problems with setting goals, but the worst problem with saying a goal is those that don’t have anything for their business in terms of business growth, in terms of really knowing what you’re wanting, what you want your business to be, you have to have something quantifiable.

Most of the time it’s got to have a number attached.

This is why having some form of profit margin or some concept of revenue in terms of numbers that you’re looking to get back within a year is extremely helpful because then you know whether you’d made it or not.

If you don’t have those guidelines, if you don’t have what they call, you know, KPIs.

If you don’t have those, then what are the chances you’re going to get there?

Here’s the problem.

Most people aren’t growing fast enough because they don’t have a set date when they’re going to achieve something and you say, well, yeah, but that’s minor.

I know why I want my business to be bigger.

Yeah, but you can know you want your business to be bigger and not have it clarified like that.

You may have thought about it once, written it down and then you lose that piece of paper.

You know? I know I’ve been there.

The real problem is, I know exactly the concept. In fact, I’m always having to reintroduce this concept to myself.

Even though I’m working with business owners on a daily basis who are having this issue in their business is something we all have to be reminded of. And it’s something that you need at least your executive board, at least the people at the top of your business, they all need to know what the number is.

They need to know when it needs to be done by and everyone’s gotta be on the same track.

It’s not important that you hit the number.

What’s important is that you focus on one thing to get done, one major achievement for the year, that you focus in that direction.

Otherwise everyone’s got a separate focus and they’re all going different ways.

Even within yourself, especially if you’re the visionary, if you’re really the entrepreneurial mind of the operation, it’s really easy to get distracted.

It’s really easy to be pushed a million different ways.

In fact, sometimes it’s impossible not to.

If you’ve got the right personality or the right combination, that can really throw you off.

So the simplicity of this is having a goal, having a number, keep that in mind.

If you are need help in extracting that number and finding out what it is that would really make a difference in your business, what is the one thing that you should be focusing on?

Then you want to get on a phone call with somebody and you’re welcome to get a phone call with me.

I’m Brian J. Pombo. You go to, you’ll see how to spell my name, right in the description, and if you are in the self-reliance field, meaning if you have products and services that help people to become more self-reliant in any way, go to

You can have a chance to have a free conversation with me and we can discuss this very topic or something similar to it.

It’s all about transforming your business into that Dream Business concept for you.

Hopefully that made sense for you tonight. You have a great day. Get out there and let the magic happen.