1,000 Video Podcasts 🎥🎙️

Brian reflects on the past three years of doing this podcast as we hit episode 1,000.


1,000 video podcasts.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is the 1,000th episode. And it kind of snuck up on me, it’s been a while.

This is counting from when I first started, Brian J. Pombo Live. But that isn’t where it all started.

So initially, I had started doing YouTube videos, and I still have a handful out there from the first first couple years. That started in, I believe it’s July of 2015.

Following that, I had spent a lot of time editing videos and everything else. But I didn’t really have a direction, I didn’t have it tied to my business or anything else.

It was more experimenting with YouTube, seeing what works, seeing what doesn’t work, playing around by interviewing other YouTubers and so forth and seeing how that affected you can see how I was completely messing around with genres and everything just in that those handful of videos that came out, just me kind of playing around.

I had a lot of people that I looked up to in the world of YouTube and I wanted to see how they did it and then kind of have a perspective on I did.

It’s a lot of hard work if you’re going to put out quality content, which I’m not saying that I did. I’m saying that if you’re going to achieve going anywhere near that, it takes a lot of work and a lot of dedication.

So I knew it was going to be a while before I could really do that, to the full extent of how I wanted to do it. Just because life became more hectic.

After 2015, more kids, everything else, it just snowballed. So it’s one of those things that that’s kind of how it works.

I fell into audio podcasting during the Off-the-Grid Biz Podcast. And that was a lot of fun. Within the first month or two of doing that, I realized that I wanted to have something that was completely different from that but still played into my business.

Even the direction of my business has changed so much since that first very first episode of Brian J Pombo. Live in 2019, in May of 2019.

Everything has changed. Everything and nothing, I mean really, I’m doing the same things. I refer to a lot of the things that I do differently.

Because it’s a lot clearer to say that I’m a Business Investor than it is being a strategist. That was confusing people.

When I really stepped back and looked at what I did, it really was more business investing. And it’s something that I’ve really had a lot of fun with. You can see the progression.

If you went and looked and watched or listen to these podcasts all through the years, you would see the progression. You would say this is very different than how it started.

But in the same sense, I had the book partway through, I had started doing interviews with people, which I’m still doing, we’ll have more coming out in the future.

It’s one of those things where it just keeps going and keeps going and keeps going. It’s been a wild ride. I’ve been happy for those of you who have stuck around with it.

Love to see what you think about where we’ve been, where we’ve come and where we’re going. What would you like to see more or less of love to find out, leave a comment wherever you’re watching this.

Otherwise, I’m going to keep going with it. And I’ll talk more about where I was in the beginning versus where I am now in terms of where I see it going. What has been the best advantages to having a video slash audio podcast that is relatively unedited.

I throw things out a lot more nowadays for quick edits. But for the most part, it’s just a day by day thing. It’s been a wild ride.

Thank you for joining me. We’ll see on the next episode.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

The Next Six Months 🙂 (Future of Brian J. Pombo Live)

Brian touches on some exciting upcoming projects here at Brian J. Pombo Live.

Be on the lookout for up coming videos playing off a recent video he did liked below.

Hegelian Dialectic – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLkRKFffvkg


Review of the next six months.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I don’t know if I’m going to give you a review of the entire next six months, but I’m going to tell you what’s coming up here on this channel. So I put out these videos on a daily basis, hopefully, you’ll enjoy what’s coming up.

If you’re brand new, go back and rewatch some of the videos that we’ve already put out.

So we’ve had a lot of fun up until now and some of it plays off of what we were already going off, I had a conversation with a friend of mine named Brad and I’ll go more into what that was, and how it gave me the idea for a single video. But after digging in a little deeper, it created three videos, they’re gonna be coming out, they’re not done yet.

But the topics I already know what I’m going to be talking about for the next three videos. It all has to do with the Hegelian Dialectic that we talked about a couple of videos ago.

And if you’re not aware of that, go back and watch that one. We’re going into that and bringing real-life examples from both personal life and large mass media culture, so that’ll be a lot of fun.

We’re also in this is all stuff that can help you with your business, believe it or not.

So I’m a business strategist and so everything I do, I find some way to tie it back into your relationship with your business and that back into your personal life.

When we go into that, after that, I’ve got a very special series of interviews. One specific interview is going to be coming out next week, I do believe so we should have it all ready to go for you. So that’s coming up real quick.

The only reason why I discussed six months is that we’re halfway through at the point at the time making this video halfway through 2021 and we’re on to the second half. So the next six months, it’s man, it’s exciting.

We’ve gotten through so much in such a short period of time and there’s just there’s so much ahead of us. So this should be a lot of fun.

I’m happy to have you along for the ride. I hope you had for those of you who are in the States, I hope you had a wonderful Independence Day celebration over the Fourth of July. And for those of you outside the states, I hope you’re having a great life and celebrating whatever you’re celebrating right now and all at the same time doing what it takes to be able to build your business, which is what we’re all here for.

So if you have any questions or comments about anything we’ve done up until now or something you’d like to know more about, leave it wherever you’re seeing this, I don’t care for whether you’re seeing this on Instagram, or LinkedIn or YouTube or Facebook, we’re in all these different places.

You might be listening to this through your favorite podcast provider. So leave a comment if you can, if you can’t, wherever you’re at, then leave a comment at BrianJPombo.com all of this is brought to you for the last year or so.

Buy my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business and I promoted and nearly every single video by letting you know that you can get it for free.

You could buy it from Amazon.com or Barnes and Noble or all the different places where you buy books. Or you can get a free digital copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

We’ll be back tomorrow. Like I said we’re starting a new series here. So this will be a lot of fun. Don’t miss it. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.