Three Years Down ☺️

Brian talks about doing three years of daily content for Brian J. Pombo Live.


Three years down.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Check this out here. This is my first video as part of this series, okay, I had a few other videos that are still out there, which were experiments in YouTube land specifically. They were and for those of you who are listening to this, you’re not seeing what I’m pointing to, I’m pointing to the original show the original episode that came out May 6 2019, three years ago.

Now, I’m recording this a day later and it’s probably going to be published a day after that. But the same thing is true, we’ve gone through three years, over 1,000, I believe it’s 1,050 something episodes that were on, I think this is, but I could be completely wrong.

I think we’re at 1,057 today or 56. And so that’s a lot.

It’s a lot when you got it when you’re looking backward, it’s quite a bit a lot has happened in that time. If you go on your watch this first episode, you’ll realize a lot of things.

Number one, the audio wasn’t quite up to par as it is now although it’s close, I think I was working with a microphone then the lighting is horrible.

This is back when we were in the Orange Office. For those of you who watched in those early in that early year, we did most of the episodes in the Orange Office, I was still looking for a format didn’t quite have a format.

I didn’t have anything on the screen whatsoever, no type of effects whatsoever.

That came much later. I didn’t have my book to promote, I did not have much of anything else to promote other than the dream biz chat, which I was promoting at that time, I was also very much focused on the specific niche of self-reliance, the self-reliance niche, which I’ve expanded out from.

I still work within it but I’ve gone much further beyond that because I’ve met so many people in other industries that kind of working all over the place.

I was before I even referred to myself as a business investor. At that time, I was mainly referring to myself as a strategist. Even though I do very similar things today, as I did, then, I focused much more on the investing end of it and start my conversations that way when I’m dealing with business owners out there.

So it’s a very interesting concept, it’s very wild to go back and see some of those original episodes, and to see how things have changed. And to also show you how simple one thing put into place over just a little bit of time spent just about every single day.

And there were stretches in there when I missed a day or two or three. But for the most part, it’s day after day after day after day. And there’s a secret there in building a habit that I had not really done.

Even at that time, I wasn’t doing it fully consciously, I wanted to see if I could do it. But even in my episodes previous to that I was referring to a friend of mine, Adam, Adam the Woo, who is a very famous on YouTube, where he was discussing doing dailies fully unedited.

Also, I was doing them live at that time I was doing them live. But hence the name Brian J. Pombo Live.

We were doing them live on Facebook to begin with, because there was a whole lot of talk about a lot of organic reach that people were getting, by doing them live. Now I wasn’t able to teachers really hit those numbers that other people were claiming to have hit. I think it could have been changed in the Facebook algorithm.

It could be other things that I wasn’t doing but it we changed our focus from being live to just the fact that we record it live and has very few edits.

We put it out pretty quickly so and I just want to thank everybody who’s helped out in this mission all the people that we’ve gotten to interview through the years on a daily basis, Sean Douglas, the producer, slaves away and puts these things out.

He probably spends more time on them most of the time than I do, even in putting them together. So just all the things in the world goes to him and just everybody associated or who has helped out who has given me praise and comments and everything else online.

Even the trolls and the people who have turned me down haven’t had a lie But we’ve had a few. And I appreciate you guys too. So you can’t, I can’t help it. It’s just too, I’ve had too much fun ordered way too much.

I don’t know where this goes from here. I can stop anytime I want. It’s just I don’t want to.

I’m going to keep going. And we’re going to see where it leads us. I’d like to do more interviews in the future I’d like to do, I’d like to see some different backgrounds and try some different things. When you get into a habit.

The one thing I’ve learned more and more as I start studying this, and I’ll be discussing a book I read that it helps to have it around the same time every day, it helps to have it daily, it helps to have it around the same time, it also helps to have it in the same area, the same environment, which is why most of the time you see me, I got this behind me going on.

But I’m going to be traveling this next weekend. So we’ll get a couple different areas. Probably some worse lighting and everything else. So that’ll be fun.

We’ll see where that takes us. More Adventures On The Road, more adventures at a distance, I think as we go ahead.

But thank you to everyone that reaches out to me. And I appreciate all of your views and listens for all those of you on podcasts, which it took us a while to get out there.

But once we got out there, I think we have all the episodes available. You can also check out all the back episodes at

If you go into the media section, you can find all the episodes back there, you should be able to if there’s anything missing, let me know. But that’s, that’s really all I have. As always my book is available to you, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you can go pick yourself up a copy, or you can get a free digital copy at It’s a link that delivers you to

The specific page just for getting the book off of this podcast. Thank you so much for watching, and listening, love to hear your comments about what you wouldn’t what you’ve liked, what you haven’t liked, and what you’d like to see me do that I haven’t done yet.

Whatever else please leave comments wherever you’re watching or listening to this. And you can always leave them at Brian J That’s all I have. You have a good night. We’ll see you.

Let’s see how many more years we could pump these things out. Calculator. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Manage Expectations in Content Marketing πŸ“‹

Thoughts on setting proper expectations to your consumers on when to expect your content to go live.


Manage expectations in content marketing.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We talk a lot about content marketing here.

Content marketing is that type of marketing where you’re looking to get attention by providing some form of content.

It’s very broad idea, right?

But it could be everything from social media, to newsletters to books to, you know, just just about anything, both online and offline.

If you’re providing content, whether it be entertainment, or whether it be educational, you’re providing content, and getting a marketing result back, right.

The reason why I wanted to talk about this expectations and content marketing is because the people that are watching, listening, reading your content, they are going to have expectations, and you’re going to want to manage that.

You’re going to want to give them an idea of what to expect of how often to expect it.

That’s why every night, I’ll say, you know, we’ll see you tomorrow, because in general, I post these and I put out new episodes on a daily basis.

Now this mixes up once in a while and you can see going back that sometimes to get posted in one day, or we go a few days without posting. In general, it’s every day, so I give them that expectation.

People know when to expect, but they also know what to expect because I give an idea of the type of things we talk about here, even if it’s your first time.

By the way, if it is your first time. This is kind of a business conversation that we’re having right now. It’s kind of one way because just me here, sometimes we do an interview, sometimes we have a conversation with somebody else.

In the end, it’s all about business. Business ownership, business management, if you are a either a business owner or an executive, you know, how do you go about handling those things?

And specifically, we’re talking about content marketing today.

So how do you go about using this stuff for your business, and managing the expectation of your audience, like I just did with you is how it’s done.

You have to know what you’re doing, where you’re going, how you’re going to get there.

I don’t talk about this thing directly in my book, but my books another form of content marketing, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It gives you very, very broad-based, but some very specific areas to on how to learn more about these broad-based strategies that you can use in your business.

So short book, it’s really easy to read, you go go check it out at You can even download a copy, if you want download a free copy, you can go to

That’s our sponsor just in case you’re wondering, but if you’re really talking about managing that the reason why this came up, I think I started talking about that and then I got distracted.

The reason why this came up is a friend of mine does vlogging on a regular basis.

Now his form of vlogging is not really content marketing. He’s not specifically marketing anything he does this mainly on YouTube, where he does these kind of day in the life of vlogs that he puts out there.

He’s been very, very successful. Makes a decent amount from YouTube, and also has side things like t-shirts and other things that he sold over the years, that he’s able to make money there also. But in terms of what he does, it isn’t really direct content marketing. But I was very interested because he discussed how he’s going to be retiring in the next few years. And that he plans to buy his 50th birthday. Stop doing his show.

Now some of you already know who I’m talking about just because of that. And it’s somebody I’ve discussed before, but I don’t want to get too far into it.

I do want to discuss though, what that did is because I started watching, and this is if you really want to get a good idea of how to study marketing, study it in your head in your own head, study how you react to other things.

So I saw how I reacted to it. And I said, Well, if it’s just going to end it doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere.

If it did and didn’t feel like it was going anywhere. I wasn’t encouraged to watch more so funny psychology thing with expectations, but it’s something you got to you have to pay attention to.

It’s more prevalent in entertainment forms, but all content marketing is has to have some level of entertainment.

So you have to realize what people are going through when you tell them certain things, when you let them in behind the scenes, what they’re going to get.

Now my friend, he doesn’t care, because he’s not looking to get more views or anything else he’s happy where he’s at. And he really has an issue with bending to the will of the public. So that’s not his game.

But if your idea is to get people to do what you want them to do, which is kind of the idea of marketing, you’re trying to persuade people to purchase something, or get involved in something or donate to something.

If you’re in that frame of mind, you have to realize what you’re putting out there. You have to realize that if you aren’t purposefully giving a proper expectation, the wrong expectation will drift in from time to time, based on you just being honest or what have you.

Sometimes I can totally turn people off.

Once again, no offense to my friend, but at the same time it reminded me that this is an issue with all forms of content marketing. If you’re doing it regularly, which I talk about in my book, how to do it consistently. Because that’s really where the magic is like we do hear, we’re going on, you know, what are we on three years or something?

Over 1,000 episodes here at at Brian J. Pombo Live.

I appreciate you hanging in there and joining me from time to time.

Go check out my book, and we’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

1,000 Video Podcasts πŸŽ₯πŸŽ™οΈ

Brian reflects on the past three years of doing this podcast as we hit episode 1,000.


1,000 video podcasts.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is the 1,000th episode. And it kind of snuck up on me, it’s been a while.

This is counting from when I first started, Brian J. Pombo Live. But that isn’t where it all started.

So initially, I had started doing YouTube videos, and I still have a handful out there from the first first couple years. That started in, I believe it’s July of 2015.

Following that, I had spent a lot of time editing videos and everything else. But I didn’t really have a direction, I didn’t have it tied to my business or anything else.

It was more experimenting with YouTube, seeing what works, seeing what doesn’t work, playing around by interviewing other YouTubers and so forth and seeing how that affected you can see how I was completely messing around with genres and everything just in that those handful of videos that came out, just me kind of playing around.

I had a lot of people that I looked up to in the world of YouTube and I wanted to see how they did it and then kind of have a perspective on I did.

It’s a lot of hard work if you’re going to put out quality content, which I’m not saying that I did. I’m saying that if you’re going to achieve going anywhere near that, it takes a lot of work and a lot of dedication.

So I knew it was going to be a while before I could really do that, to the full extent of how I wanted to do it. Just because life became more hectic.

After 2015, more kids, everything else, it just snowballed. So it’s one of those things that that’s kind of how it works.

I fell into audio podcasting during the Off-the-Grid Biz Podcast. And that was a lot of fun. Within the first month or two of doing that, I realized that I wanted to have something that was completely different from that but still played into my business.

Even the direction of my business has changed so much since that first very first episode of Brian J Pombo. Live in 2019, in May of 2019.

Everything has changed. Everything and nothing, I mean really, I’m doing the same things. I refer to a lot of the things that I do differently.

Because it’s a lot clearer to say that I’m a Business Investor than it is being a strategist. That was confusing people.

When I really stepped back and looked at what I did, it really was more business investing. And it’s something that I’ve really had a lot of fun with. You can see the progression.

If you went and looked and watched or listen to these podcasts all through the years, you would see the progression. You would say this is very different than how it started.

But in the same sense, I had the book partway through, I had started doing interviews with people, which I’m still doing, we’ll have more coming out in the future.

It’s one of those things where it just keeps going and keeps going and keeps going. It’s been a wild ride. I’ve been happy for those of you who have stuck around with it.

Love to see what you think about where we’ve been, where we’ve come and where we’re going. What would you like to see more or less of love to find out, leave a comment wherever you’re watching this.

Otherwise, I’m going to keep going with it. And I’ll talk more about where I was in the beginning versus where I am now in terms of where I see it going. What has been the best advantages to having a video slash audio podcast that is relatively unedited.

I throw things out a lot more nowadays for quick edits. But for the most part, it’s just a day by day thing. It’s been a wild ride.

Thank you for joining me. We’ll see on the next episode.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

The Benefits Of Sharing πŸ“ˆ (Personality-Based Content Marketing)

The value in sharing value and bonding with people through content marketing.


The benefits of sharing.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

As I knock over the camera, let’s talk about sharing, shall we?

Social media is all about sharing in there are a lot of benefits to sharing and showing a little leg, so to speak. If you are wanting to really connect with your audience, if you’re doing content marketing, in order to build more of a connection if you’re wanting people to know like, and trust you so that eventually your business grows.

All these things are reasons that you should share. Okay?

And I don’t care if that’s, I mean, honestly, it gets made fun of a lot. But I don’t care if it’s the things you’re eating, or what’s going on with you today.

I don’t care if it’s religion, or politics, or sex or all the taboos, there are benefits to sharing a whole lot of that stuff.

Can you overshare?

Ah, I don’t know, I haven’t seen it really done.

You could overshoot to the point that you can push away certain people. If you get popular enough, though, if you’re able to, to get wide enough and cast a wide enough net, you, you may turn people away, but you’ll also attract more people to you.

So it all depends on where your comfort level is and how far you’re willing to expand that comfort level. a certain amount of sharing.

When it comes to content marketing happens. Kind of becomes a necessity after a while, especially if you’re doing content marketing on a regular basis. And you’ve got personality wrapped around it.

For example, I do content marketing, just about every single day, every once in a while we miss one. But for the most part, it’s a daily thing that I’m on.

And it’s personality-based because it is one way or the other. I’m there, whether I’m interviewing somebody, or it’s just me talking just the two of us, you and me talking.

I’m here. So wherever I am, you’re along with all along for the ride. So you get to deal with all the craziness.

For example, this weekend I’m flying into Pensacola. Going to be giving a talk I’ll be maybe I’ll tell you more about it as we get close.

But I’m going to be given a talk over at Perdido Beach Resort at a conference over the weekend. So that’ll be fun.

I’ve never been there before.

Never been to Alabama, I don’t think I think this is my first time.

So I’ve been to Florida before I’ve never been to Pensacola.

So this will be this be interesting just there for a handful of days. But it’s gonna be a long trip.

So next time you see me maybe at the airport.

Well, not tomorrow, but the day after so but that’s part of the sharing thing.

So if you come with me, I have to share those certain things. I can’t hide the fact that I’m not where I normally am, which is where you normally see me. So that becomes part of the story, it becomes part of it.

There’s a lot of things that I don’t share and there’s a certain reason why I don’t share.

If you want to know why you wouldn’t want to share certain things.

Join me tomorrow, we’re going to go over some of that stuff. So come on back then or if you’re watching this way in the future, go and find where this is that this is let’s see what are we in we’re in October of 2021.

So you can go check that out over at and see where the series ends up going. or check us out wherever you’re seeing or hearing us right now you could probably find it there too.

I’ve got a book, if you’re not aware, it’s called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

The whole idea of this book is to show you how to share properly, and how to get the most out of sharing in a sense. And to the point where you don’t even have competition because you’ve put so much personality out there.

You’ve created such an ideal situation in your business for customers that they don’t see the other people and if they do, they certainly don’t see them as competition. So hopefully you’ll find that interesting.

Go to

We’ll be back tomorrow, like I said, talking about why to hold your cards close. See you then. Have a good one.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Monetary Value In Content Marketing πŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ

Part three of a three part series all on Recency, Frequency and Monetary Value when it comes to content marketing.


The monetary value for content marketing.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

It’s always fun kind of tossing around a few $100 bills, get people salivating or whatever out there. There’s something hypnotic about cash, you know, what we’re talking about today isn’t cash, we’re talking about content marketing.

In a very specific area of content marketing, we’re talking about how to measure results. And ideally, the best way to measure results when it comes to content marketing, well, first, let’s redefine content marketing.

If you’re just joining us, content marketing is when you’re promoting your product, your service, your cause, whatever it is that you’re trying to promote, whatever you’re trying to get out there, you’re promoting it in the form of content, meaning you’re providing some type of value or entertainment, along with the fact that you’re trying to get somebody to do something.

Maybe you’re trying to get them to donate to your nonprofit, or you’re trying to get them to purchase your book. You know, it doesn’t matter.

That’s all content marketing.

So I’ve got a book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, it’s just a quick commercial for it. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, it’s all about how to make your business competition proof, completely competition proof, even if your competition is as big as, you can get a free copy.

So I’m here I am selling it and I’m giving away free copy at

That’s content marketing.

What you’re watching right here is content marketing.

So now that we have an understanding of what that is, for the last handful of videos, we’ve been talking about how to apply marketing, analytics to content marketing. How do you apply them in the same way when you’re dealing with a list of buyers.

The best way to be able to kind of organize them, it’s been kind of a traditional thing that people have looked at over the years is a formula called recency, frequency, and monetary value.

It’s, you know, RFM. We talked about recency, we talked about frequency, I want to apply monetary value back into how we handle content marketing.

Now with content marketing, in most cases, you’re not going to have a direct purchase happening off of just your content marketing. In fact, kind of the way that most people are promoting content marketing today is to stretch that out as much as possible and allow people to get to know you, like you and trust you, by having videos over time, or audios over time, podcasts, books, anything that’s written a blog.

Whether it’s audio, video, or text, anything that you’re putting out there in the form of content, having it happen over time, and therefore building up familiarity and getting people to eventually purchase from you if that’s what you’re trying to get them to do.

If you’re trying to get a purchase, monetary value then becomes very clear in the end game.

But what about the pre-game?

What about, if you’re putting out videos, for example, doing it over and over and over again?

How do you measure monetary value as far as that goes?

There are a few ways of doing it.

Number one, you can promote things that don’t cost anything. And that can take the place of monetary value, you’re getting people to do a step that is taking them a little deeper into your funnel a little deeper into your world, by now a little bit more about you.

You can give away free books like the one I just talked about, you can give away any type of free course, you give away anything. Honestly, you give away.

You know, I have a friend that’s on YouTube that gives away postcards, all you got to do is sign up for it and he will send you out a postcard. Wherever he’s at that week.

He travels all over and sends out postcards. So it doesn’t matter.

What matters is the monetary value.

What’s important about that is not that it’s monetary. It’s not that it’s a cent or more, that’s not as important, although that becomes important over time.

What matters is that you’re measuring it.

If you could measure it at some point, then it comes back to, Okay, who’s viewing, who’s listening, who’s reading, and what are they getting out of it?

And the ones that you’re able to track are the ones that you know are of any value to you whatsoever, whether it be monetary value now or monetary value later.

So I’m kind of talking all around this because when you’re talking a buyers list, it’s the people that purchase the most are going to the higher up on monetary value, if they’ve spent more money with you, a person that spent $50 is worth more than a person that’s been $5.

A person that spent $5,000 is worth more than a person that spent $500, and so on so on.

It’s tougher with content marketing because you’re not necessarily selling everything at every round that there are a couple of different things that come into play here.

Another thing that comes into play is, what if you’re on a platform, say, like YouTube, and you build up in popularity in terms of subscribers and views, to where you’ve got commercials on top of your content?

Well, in that sense, you’re building up monetary value there too. But it doesn’t come back to the individual user, you can’t directly find out more about them until you can direct them back to your hub, wherever you are collecting information.

Wherever you’re collecting customers, wherever you’re collecting email addresses, or what have you. That’s what you got to be paying attention to in terms of monetary value on the front end, you really can’t do it when it comes to content marketing.

And that’s not the point of content marketing.

But I wanted to be able to talk about RFM in general. So that it brings us back to the final point, in the end, all that matters, is you getting information about the person so you continue our conversation beyond whatever platform you’re using.

Whether that be, you know, Apple podcasts for podcasting, or YouTube for videos or whatever, it doesn’t matter what platform, you don’t want to be dependent on that.

You want to go beyond and have a relationship as much of a direct relationship as you can have, I mean, there will always be a third party, there’s always going to be a telephone company.

If you had people’s phone numbers, there’s always going to be a telephone company and between you and them, and there’s always going to be something. But the closer you can get to that one on one relationship and have control and direct communication with them that way, the better for your business, you’re going to have more security.

And eventually, you build that into a customer base and you get to learn more about them. Then you can organize them in the proper way of RFM. Really, really get deeper and deeper into this concept of marketing.

So I hope that makes sense to you.

If we go deeper into that in the future we’re going to have I’m going to my next book is probably going to be on content marketing.

I was just speaking with my producer today, we were talking about the different ideas for where that book is going to be.

So we’re going to have a book, we’re going to have a course, we’re going to have multiple different pieces. I have years worth of conversations with people through my podcast, you can go check those out over at

See the right currently we have three podcasts. On each of those podcasts. I’ve had pieces of conversations regarding content marketing, I’m going to take those pieces and toss them and cut them up, put them together in an easily digestible way.

If you want to find out more about content marketing, also watch the videos, I have a playlist over at YouTube.

You can watch all these videos, even if you’re listening to it via podcast.

Go and watch the videos that all have to do with content marketing, you get a deeper idea. And I’d love to hear your questions when it comes to content marketing.

I’ve been working in this field for many years before they started referring to it as content marketing. I was working on it. But I’m always finding out new things, so I’d love to hear from you about what you think about this world.

Hopefully, that makes sense that that’s all I got for tonight. I’ll be back tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Frequency In Content Marketing

Part two of a three part series all on Recency, Frequency and Monetary Value when it comes to content marketing.


Frequency in content marketing.

I am Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Let’s talk a little bit about frequency, shall we?

This is off of a conversation that we were having yesterday regarding this concept and marketing. That’s called recency, frequency, and monetary value.

Oftentimes, it’s the acronym is RFM and you normally apply this to sales. So in terms of sales in terms of lists of people that you’re selling to, you’re looking at how recent they’ve bought from you, how frequently they bought from you, how often how many times and then how much they’re buying from you in terms of monetary value in terms of the number of the dollar, right.

So how does that apply to content marketing?

How can we apply these same things?

So yesterday, we talked a little bit about recency, how recently have they been back, not that easy thing to track when it comes to content marketing, eventually you can track it in terms of sales if that if you have a pathway for them to get to purchasing something, be a content marketing.

But let’s talk about frequency, shall we?

Frequency is how often, this is something that’s much more visual, especially from people who are active on content marketing in depending on what type of tracking you have, what type of platforms you’re on.

If you’re doing an ad, drive for your content, meaning you’re paying to have people watch your content, you’ll have extra analytics that you could be able to judge this by.

But the whole idea is how frequently do people watch, listen to read the content that you’re putting out there. And you can see this a lot by comments.

So people that like to chat a lot and like to put comments on, on your posts, wherever they may be in whatever format they may be.

And that’s going to be a really leading qualifier. In some cases, you can see views on certain platforms, Facebook, and other places. Depending on where you specifically place it and how you place it.

If you have a group within Facebook, you can track a whole lot of that a whole lot more, you can see what type of activity you’re getting off of that group, that’s going to be very different than if you’re just throwing it out there on a page somewhere.

But once again, these things are It all depends on the amount of tracking that you have. But watching for frequency is going to be a common thing in content marketing, you’re going to want to see how often that person is interacting with you how often they’re doing something that’s trackable.

And really the amount of people that are doing that it’s going to be more powerful than anything else in terms of frequency. So hopefully that makes sense.

Tomorrow, we’re going to talk a little bit about monetary value. And this is a little bit difficult when it comes to content marketing, especially if you’re not selling something, but I’ve got a couple of workarounds with that. So come on back tomorrow, we’ll talk about that.

In the meantime, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

It’s all about how to overcome competition. It’s not just about is what we use as a foil in terms of this is the enemy. This is your competition. They’re kind of the Uber competition.

What every one sees as the ultimate competition is It’s the one that can fight off anybody for the most part. And if you’re really fearing competition, you’re going to want to take a look at this book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You get a free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, I want you to get out there and let the magic happen.

Uninspired Content 😞

Thoughts on creating content outreach for your business when you’re uninspired.


Uninspired content.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo. Live.

There comes a time, when you have to make content on a regular basis, you have to do it every month or every night, or every other night or something like that, you’re going to be putting content out.

That’s what content marketing is all about. It’s about consistency.

If you’re going to do that, you’re going to reach points where you’re just uninspired, the muse is not going to come to you, you just don’t have what it takes to be able to go the next step. And in those situations, I’m going to highly encourage you, if you do video, or audio, press record and start talking, just start the process, if anything, talk about the fact that you’re uninspired, but start the process and put it out there.

If you’re writing, you need to grab a pen, you need to grab a paper or you need to get your typing pad in front of you and you’ve got to type out words. Doesn’t need to be words, and anybody will see but you got to start going, start moving, and something will come to you.

Something’s coming to me now, as we’re talking about this. This is an ongoing issue that happens and when it happens you’ll start to see trends as to when it happens.

So for example, I took a few nights off of doing a video. Wasn’t because I was messing around it was because I had other business I was taking care of. And at the end just did not have it in me to take the next step to do recordings.

But by the time I got back and started moving and start doing more on a nightly basis, slowly but surely I get into the swing of things.

Every time it happens, though, every time I take a break, I have a little bit of stumbling to get started again, just being honest, just how it works. And since I’m a business investor, with really an emphasis right now on content marketing and how companies use content marketing to their benefit, because there’s such a huge opportunity I see available for most companies in order to spread their outreach.

If you’re looking to spread your outreach, you need to be in this game.

If you are in this game and you get to the point where you’re uninspired, realize it’s normal, it’s no big deal. You got to keep on going and go the next step as best you can do your best at not skipping, stick to a schedule, keep going press through it, they’re not all going to be the greatest thing you’ve ever presented.

You just got to put it out there, you got to start the process and keep it going day after day after day. This is how it’s built.

It’s not built with pure gold. It’s built with all the different coins of the realm.

And so hopefully that’s helpful to you.

I have a book if you haven’t heard if you’re new, it’s called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It will give you more broad ideas. These are more thought-out concepts, principles that aren’t going to go away. How I describe them, how I talk about them are a little different all the time.

But these 9 ways are ways that you can keep from your comp from your company being overcome by competition by the threat of competition or really even the idea of competition.

So go get a copy of this book. You don’t have to buy it, get a free one. Go try it out. You can get a digital copy on my website,

That’s all I got for tonight. I’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

When Your Brain Doesn’t Work πŸ§ πŸ™„ (Daily Content Marketing Challenges)

So Brian’s having an off night, you do content marketing daily and see how it goes. πŸ˜‰πŸ™ƒ


When your brain doesn’t work.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Talking today about your brain not working because my brain isn’t working. It’s one of these things where I didn’t eat the best today, and my whole schedule was kind of thrown off today.

And so because of that, I get to the time of day when actually a little later than usual, in putting together my video, and it just isn’t happening. It’s just up there, the brain ain’t working.

This is common in content marketing, if you’re doing things on a regular basis, especially if you’re dependent on yourself as the producer of material. And sometimes it just isn’t there, there’s just not enough there.

All I can do is make the video about that idea. And I’ll give you something even extra, I’m going to direct you to the interview that was out about a week and a half ago or so.

You’re going to want to go check out that interview if you missed it with Bob Regnerus. It’s a great interview. some really interesting guys got a lot of cool stuff happening over at feed stories. So Bob Regnerus, you can catch that interview at

BJPchats, this is a website that I’m going to be using to contain all the interviews that I end up doing for Brian J. Pombo Live so it’s kind of a show within a show, if you will. So go check that out.

If by the time you’re watching this, we’ve put out the other interviews, you’ll be able to see those there as well. But those are if you’re watching this brand new, just realize those are coming up. If you’d like to be on the program, go over to, and apply to be on the show.

So we’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.