Do You Make It Easy To Start? 🤔

Brian shares an experience he had at Les Schwab.


Do you make it easy to start?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

We meet here on a nightly basis. And we discuss different items that have to do with running a business, owning a business and really taking things to the next level. You know, whether that be whether you’re planning to sell your business, whether you’re buying to keep your business, whether you’re planning to revolutionize your business and take it to the next level. That’s what we go through here.

I’m a Business investor. So I’ve got some background in this, both doing it with my businesses and with other people’s businesses.

So I wanted to bring up a really great point here that it’s shown quite often in terms of when you’re following anybody that has to do with marketing, they like to cover these type of deals, I’d like to talk about it a little bit differently.

So the other day, I went in, took my wife’s vehicle in to get a tire looked at, because we had, we had a tire that had a leak, and it was just enough to make it annoying, it wasn’t enough to leave her stranded anywhere, just enough to where it was, it needed refilling too often.

So we took it in. And I had forgotten that they had this deal. So we took it into it, we have a local chain here called Les Schwab tires, maybe you have them in your area, but one of these very high-end customer, very customer service-centric models.

You can see this, this is actually a screenshot from her phone, and it says tire repair, we flat out take care of you whether your tire is looking a little low or it’s downright flat, bring it to your leer nearby, Les Schwab. We patch plug or fix most repairable tires free of charge to get you back on the road. And then you scroll down the page a little bit and it says free repairs come standard.

If your flat tires are repairable, we’ll fix it for free on most noncommercial passenger cars and light trucks. Most tires are fixed in no time flat.

So we’ll get your tires repaired as fast as possible just come by any Les Schwab location or make an appointment online.

So they want to get you in quickly, right. You don’t have to make an appointment. But you’re welcome to if you want to. Tires made as good as they were before. Every year we mend more than 1 million tires, we guarantee that each repair will last the life of the tire. That is a very interesting deal.

So they’re asking for no money exchange whatsoever.


And I want you to think about this. This is very helpful in terms of thinking about how your business runs, do you have the type of business that people make a habit of using.

So for example, if you’re a tire repair place, once someone goes there once, maybe twice, they’re going to go there continuously until they have a reason not to, they will just continue going there, their car will find their way back to you.

Because it’s familiar, because it’s easy. Dry Cleaners also work in a similar way. Hair salons also work in a similar way. And so on and so on.

There are certain types of especially when you’re talking physical retail locations that work this way.

But you can also have online locations that work this way. Why does Amazon do so well? Is it because of the low price leader?

No, because they’re not the low priced every time. But they they’ve become a familiar app on your phone, an easy place to go to go and check to see if they’ve got what you’re looking for.

They have the specific kind and see if it’s see if it’s at a reasonable price. Most of the time, people aren’t even going to check after a while because they’ve got Amazon Prime because they’ve got other reasons why they get drawn in to that place. But it becomes a habit.

It’s not something they think about they don’t think well I have Amazon Prime. No, that’s just the first few times after that, it becomes habit, it just becomes a natural thing. This is where I go to buy stuff. This is where I go to do this thing.

When you make it a habit for people. They’ll continue going over and over and over again, this works this way with both businesses, depending on how people perceive your business.

So what’s the trick?

The trick is getting them there to begin with start the process. And so you have them offering to do something which is relatively labor intensive.

I mean, it’s not as labor intensive as some of the other things that they do there. But it is something they have to find a leak.

They’ve got to fix a leak and be done with it. Every once in a while. They’re going to find and I don’t know what percentage maybe it’s a high percentage. But on occasion, they’re going to come across a tire that is just in bad shape.

They can’t send you back out on the road with it. You’re stuck, you’re going to have to buy a tire from them.

And after that, you’re going to keep going back to buy a tire from that same location, in most cases, unless there’s something that they did wrong, but if they do everything right, you’re gonna keep going back, just like we continue going back to Les Schwab.

And we don’t go to one on the other side of town, we are the one nearby us. And I’m used to it. I’ve think I’ve think I’ve been there twice. But because of that, I’m stuck. I keep going there.

And if they’re the free place to go, you have my tire fixed. If even if I didn’t have that happen, I build up that habit, because that’s a great deal. How do you miss out on that? Hey, we’re going to check you up. We’ll see. If you need new tires, which is what they’re really doing.

They’re just checking to see if you need new tires. If you don’t, hey, now they’ve got a connection with you that got you in their system, which they? They absolutely do. They take your phone number, all that stuff and they keep a database.

And they probably mark it to us somehow. I don’t know if we get mailers from them or not i i haven’t noticed, but they probably do they at least have the ability to write. This is something just to keep in mind. What’s an easy way to introduce yourselves into people, what’s an easy way to start?

An easy way to get people started to get them started getting to know you getting to know like and trust you how you do that in your business. How does that work? Something to keep in mind. So check that out.

Think about that a little more. I’d love to hear what your thoughts and comments are telling me what what’s getting in the way of that.

How does your business model not allow for something like that? Because I’d love to love to hear about that. Also, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can go buy a copy of their hardbound copies or you can go get yourself a digital copy my website

That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

What Can Doctors Teach Us About Customer Service?

What can doctors teach us about customer service?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live, sent out every day live from Grants Pass Oregon. Today we’re back in the blank office, the new headquarters for Brian J. Pombo Live.

And you could see behind me, this is some of the bookshelves we haven’t put together yet. So we still got it in pieces. I’m in my baseball cap and tee shirt because Wednesday’s are my day at home with the family.

So just doing odd jobs and looking after the kids. And I wanted to talk about a conversation that I had earlier with with my good friend Jesse.

I know he watches, so he’ll get to hear this. He’ll remember the conversation because we were talking about who’s the one profession that nearly everybody trusts without even thinking about it.

We’ll do what they tell us to do though they don’t have the power of law behind them. They just hold rain over everybody. And there’s a whole bunch of reasons for that. I’m not going to get deeply into all of them, but there’s one specific thing that they do that changes everything.

Of course, I’m talking about doctors, it’s in the title, right?

We’re talking about doctors. Doctors will tell us to do whatever to fix whatever problem we come to them with and most people are going to go along with it. As long as it doesn’t seem too difficult, too painful, we’re all gonna go along with it.

Oftentimes, unless you’re really a Renegade and like to fight with your doctor or like to try alternative medicine, stuff like that. But in general, most people, most of the time we’ll take whatever pill their doctor tells them to.

We’ll do whatever procedure their doctor tells them to, as long as they can prevent pain in. For the most case, we don’t go to the doctors to prevent disease. We just don’t.

It’s not something we go and do and this is why doctors have more pull over us than does a nutritionist or a fitness coach in general. Most of us are going to listen to the doctor a lot more than we will any of those other people. We may take their advice, we may ask them what they think about this and that, but it’s not necessarily something that we’re going to follow through with with a doctor.

There’s an authority figure there that you feel like you have to follow along with that you got to go along with. And there’s the incentive of having a pain or an issue that you know needs to be fixed.

How’s this draw back into business? How’s this go back into everything that we talk about on a daily basis? Well, it all comes back to your business with a concept called prescriptive selling.

I don’t remember who came up with it. I don’t know who first talked about it, but you hear it talked about here and there. And that’s the idea before you sell a product or service to your customers, having a way for them to go step by step to tell you what their problem is, to tell you what their issues are that your product or service solves.

This creates trust because they don’t feel like you’re just selling them blankly. Something that you think they should want based on their demographic, based on their position, based on their career, your solving a problem that they came to you with this.

This is very helpful. If you’ve got a website, for example, let’s say you have a website that has many different products. Let’s say you had a whole bunch of nutritional products, the best thing you can do is take a person through some type of survey.

If nothing else, if it’s even if it’s automated, having some form of survey where you can find out what they need and then prescribe them what you have going. People trust that more. The prescription is trusted so much more than a blanket sale. The blanket sale always comes off. One sided comes off, selfish comes off as you’re selling me something like a person going door to door that you just feel like I’m just the next door in line.

You don’t really care about me. You don’t really care about what my issues are, your just going the next person in line.

The more you can make it about the person that’s true customer service, the more you can make it about their problem, their specific problem.

Even if you have something that everyone has a problem for, even if you have something that literally everyone should own, you still need to bring the person in on the decision process. They’ll trust you more.

They’ll feel like it’s less of a sale. They’ll believe in your product and or service and use it more regularly based on that concept. This is if you’re really looking for a longterm customer, if you’re looking for a onetime customer, these concepts don’t matter as much.

But if you’re looking for someone that wants to come back again and again and again to either get your service or sign up for a subscription and stay on this subscription to purchase other products over and over and over again, that trust is built from the prescriptive sale.

If you’d like to find out more ideas about this, if you’re in the self-reliance field, which is an area that I play to quite a bit and I’m finding out more and more people in the self-reliance field, you can find out more about that. Go to my podcast you could hear some examples of self-reliance companies and people that I’ve worked with and have talked to and finding out more about self-reliance.

You could also go to if you’re an owner, a business owner, or executive, and you have products or services that help people become more self reliant, go to

There’s also a link in the description, and if you want, if you’re not in that field, but you like to find out some more about me, maybe watch some more videos, maybe learn some more of these concepts or find out how this could apply directly to your business.

Go to and you’re always welcome to come back tomorrow because we do these day after day after day after day, every day here on Brian J. Pombo Live. Tomorrow we’ll be back here in the same spot, bringing you another concept, and I’d love to hear some back and forth.

So leave a comment down below you. Have a great night and get out there and let the magic happen.

How Important is Customer Service?

How important is customer service to Your Business? Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon.

With me today for the first time on these videos is Tyler Pombo, my oldest son, he’s five years old and he is just going to be helping me out a little bit as we talk today about the interview that I had with Chris White.

This fellow right here, he’s from Drip Works. You can find them at and they deal in drip irrigation and he gave a talk over at the Mother Earth News Fair in Albany, Oregon.

I didn’t even get to see his talk, but supposedly it was really good. I talked to him afterwards. He felt good about it and it was an interesting thing because he comes at it from a different angle.

He’s a sales representative for Drip Works and is one of the first people of his position that I’ve actually had on the show.

That was very interesting to come at it from that end and come up with some different questions and everything. I had talked to them about how this worked in the marketing plan for Drip Works.

The one thing he pointed to is that Drip Works has that really makes them stand out in the marketplace is customer service. And so they make sure they have customer service lines. Even though a lot of their stuff is online base, so you go on their site and purchase some of their items.

Everything is made to include people that are brand new to drip irrigation. So they have kits and so forth that you can buy and all these other things.

They have trained people in their customer service so you can call them and ask them if you have an specific issue, what you should be doing, especially if you’re new to the whole thing.

That’s what Chris’s job is. And if you look at it, really everything that he does has to do with customer service. So the whole him being at this show, him giving a speech on why it’s important to have drip irrigation and if you’re interested in having drip irrigation, why you should look into it and ask the pros that know how to do it. All those things, it’s all part of customer service.

It’s all part of being out there and being a real person in this digital world. Oftentimes we want everything to be automated and we forget that you gotta be real. You have to have….everything is one-on-one, everything is relationship reliant.

That’s what I say over and over again when I’m working with my clients and customers and helping them to able to really connect with their customer base and make it completely competition free. Is to really have that one-on-one relationship. So customer service, it’s not only necessary in your businesses necessary in every business to really make you stand out, go and listen to that episode.

I’ve got a link in the description below. Also in the link in the description below or above, depending on where you’re watching this is a a a special link that I talk about every time and all of my videos and it’s specifically for those of you who are owners and executives in the self-reliance field.

If you own a company that helps people in some way or fashion to be more self-reliant, like Drip Works, how they show people how to be more self-reliant, how to do gardening and so on and so forth. If you’re that person, go and go to show them real quick. So what’s that website, Tyler?

Go to like we said, the link is also in the description. I normally have my little card that I use, but I didn’t have it with me. Yeah, this time it’s a big card. Yeah, big card, that we’re using.

So, go there, check it out. There’s an eight and a half minute video. It’ll explain itself and you can apply and you qualify for the dream business transformation. Go and fill out the application. It’s perfectly free and I love to talk with you.

On the next episode we’re going to be discussing an interview that I had with a very smart individual, somebody who has a long range vision in the field of agriculture and where things are going in terms of homesteading and everything else. How does that apply back to your business?

You’ll find out on the next episode, so we’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there, get out there and let the magic happen.

How to Streamline Customer Service
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Do you think your company is providing good customer service?

  • Brian shares some thoughts from his conversation with Brad James from Beepods and how they’ve had success with helping customers with this area of their company.

Listen to Brian & Brad James of Beepods discuss the systems behind a growing business: