Frank Kern’s 3-Part Pitch ⚾⚾⚾

Who the heck is Frank Kern and why should his pitch matter to you anyway.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Frank Kearn’s 3-part pitch.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I wanted to pass along an idea that I just recently heard and I know he’s mentioned it in previous times, but he had put out some videos. And just in case you hadn’t seen them or in case you had, and just need a refresher, want to go over Frank currents three part pitch.

Now why would you need a three part pitch for any reason that it really comes down to if you’re looking to put out any type of advertising whatsoever, you’re going to have some type of a pitch in there, if it’s decent advertising, you’re going to be offering something to the public to whoever’s watching it, listening to it, reading it, whether it be physical, whether it be a video online, it doesn’t matter.

It’s all the same thing, it all comes back to the offer.

And I’ve heard other people bring this up recently, Russell Brunson and a number of other people say that the really the most important skill that you could have is the ability to craft a good offer.

So to really realize to show the public to show your potential customer, what they could possibly have. And this is a nice simple way of thinking about it. That’s why I like it so much.

It’s why I like so much of what Frank Kern does, I know I’ve talked a lot about him in the past, because I pay very close attention to what he discusses because he oftentimes has the ability to crystallize something and break it down to a very simple way of understanding it.

And this is one of those things, it’s the three part pitch.

Okay, here’s the different parts. Number one, the first step that you need to do is talk about what it is that they want. What do they want?

What does your customer base want, what are they after?

That’s the first step you got to talk about that.

The second step is, you got to talk about how do they get it?

How do they go about getting it?

How do they get what you’re offering?

So you’re talking about what it is, and why they want it, how they should, how they can get it.

And then the third part, which is probably the most important part, and really the part that most people leave out of their advertising, is what? How is their life going to be different?

After getting this thing, this service this product, it doesn’t matter what it is? How is it going to affect their life?

In other words, what is the end, long-term benefit from using said product or service?

Okay, I’m gonna use an example.

Earlier today, we were recording a podcast for Grants Pass VIP, which you can go and listen to these podcasts over at It’s a very specific show that has to do with a locality. But the the ideas that we talked about there are universal.

So it’s worth listening to and this episode will be out in the in the coming weeks, but spoke with, Dr. Cory Fawcett.

And he talked that he actually helps train doctors and professionals, high end professionals, how to fix their finances, how to fix their finances and go beyond to make their finances really ideal.

And how do you go about doing that?

And he’s had experience doing it for himself because he’s a doctor. And so he’s did it for himself. And then now he’s trying to know the people how to do it.

So really cool deal.

How would he go about explaining something like this?

Well, it’s real simple. What am I offering, I’m offering you for example, is one of his books is all about how to get out of debt. So how to become debt free.

So I’m offering you a way to be able to get debt free.

Secondly, the way that you do it is you buy this book and follow the steps that I have in it. And the third thing is imagine what life would be like, if you were debt free, if you just had all that debt swept aside, and he discussed having having half a million dollars in debt and being able to break himself out of that.

So he knows that other people can do it. So larger or smaller the amount of money doesn’t matter if you follow the principle, you can get yourself out of debt.

And so he discusses how that’s that the magic that happens.

When you’re done with your debt and when it’s gone. When everything that you make from that point forward. You’re actually making that money you get to keep that money.

You get to invest that money, do whatever you want with it, instead of continuing to pour it back into the debt, imagine what your life would be like, you see, and that’s a simple way to cover those three points.

I’m just doing that off the top of my head.

But you could do it for anything. I don’t care what you’re selling. I don’t care what you’re talking about to people. You can break anything down to those three parts. And that’s why I love it so much.

That’s why Frank Kern such a cool guy.

By the way, you can find stuff out about Frank Kern, just go and do a Google search and or go check out any social media. He’s out there. He’s got his videos and everything else.

He’s always promoting something new. I think the latest I heard was, so you’re welcome to check that out.

If you’d like to find out more simple ways to be able to really expand your horizons and be able to grow your business really quickly. Go check out, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

That’s my book, 9 Ways Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at That’s

We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and let the magic happen.

3 Action Steps For Daily Video Results

A few tips to consider for daily content and content marketing success. 📺

Here’s the Cheat Code ⤵️ for you naughty skimmers that won’t watch the full video 🙃

▪️ Create a clear-cut offer
▪️ Deadlines and Limited Supply of your offer
▪️ Social Media Ads to grow your audience 💸

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