Uninspired Content 😞

Thoughts on creating content outreach for your business when you’re uninspired.


Uninspired content.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo. Live.

There comes a time, when you have to make content on a regular basis, you have to do it every month or every night, or every other night or something like that, you’re going to be putting content out.

That’s what content marketing is all about. It’s about consistency.

If you’re going to do that, you’re going to reach points where you’re just uninspired, the muse is not going to come to you, you just don’t have what it takes to be able to go the next step. And in those situations, I’m going to highly encourage you, if you do video, or audio, press record and start talking, just start the process, if anything, talk about the fact that you’re uninspired, but start the process and put it out there.

If you’re writing, you need to grab a pen, you need to grab a paper or you need to get your typing pad in front of you and you’ve got to type out words. Doesn’t need to be words, and anybody will see but you got to start going, start moving, and something will come to you.

Something’s coming to me now, as we’re talking about this. This is an ongoing issue that happens and when it happens you’ll start to see trends as to when it happens.

So for example, I took a few nights off of doing a video. Wasn’t because I was messing around it was because I had other business I was taking care of. And at the end just did not have it in me to take the next step to do recordings.

But by the time I got back and started moving and start doing more on a nightly basis, slowly but surely I get into the swing of things.

Every time it happens, though, every time I take a break, I have a little bit of stumbling to get started again, just being honest, just how it works. And since I’m a business investor, with really an emphasis right now on content marketing and how companies use content marketing to their benefit, because there’s such a huge opportunity I see available for most companies in order to spread their outreach.

If you’re looking to spread your outreach, you need to be in this game.

If you are in this game and you get to the point where you’re uninspired, realize it’s normal, it’s no big deal. You got to keep on going and go the next step as best you can do your best at not skipping, stick to a schedule, keep going press through it, they’re not all going to be the greatest thing you’ve ever presented.

You just got to put it out there, you got to start the process and keep it going day after day after day. This is how it’s built.

It’s not built with pure gold. It’s built with all the different coins of the realm.

And so hopefully that’s helpful to you.

I have a book if you haven’t heard if you’re new, it’s called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It will give you more broad ideas. These are more thought-out concepts, principles that aren’t going to go away. How I describe them, how I talk about them are a little different all the time.

But these 9 ways are ways that you can keep from your comp from your company being overcome by competition by the threat of competition or really even the idea of competition.

So go get a copy of this book. You don’t have to buy it, get a free one. Go try it out. You can get a digital copy on my website, AmazonProofBook.com. AmazonProofBook.com.

That’s all I got for tonight. I’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Qualities Business Investors Look For: No. 1 🕵️ (Singular Vision)

The first in a series of videos as Brian breaks down the various things he looks for in a company before he invests working with them.


Qualities business investors look for number one.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We’re going to talk about the qualities that business investors look for when they’re looking to invest in a business and in this situation I’m speaking for myself, I’m a business investor.

There are certain things that I look for in businesses when I look to track them down, and to either purchase or to partner up with, find something that I can do with the business and be able to get value on my end, but also be able to produce value for whoever’s the current owner.

This is the first thing I look for is number one, this is going to be a list of videos that you be able to watch once I’m done doing them all. But this is the first one.

That one thing is a singular vision. I’m looking for a singular vision from whoever’s in charge. So in most cases, that’s going to be the business owner. In some cases, it may be an executive, whoever cares the most about the business and is making it function from day to day, the person in charge, the person calling the shots, they have to have a singular vision regarding that business.

And what that means is, where do they see it going in the next five years, in the next 10 years?

Are they consistent in where they want it to be?

Extra points are absolutely awarded if you can find other people in that business, that know what those goals are, and can tell you what they are and they’re on board with them. Okay, this is unusual.

This is unusual for small businesses or big businesses.

When you have a singular vision, though, you have something really magical that cannot be replaced. Where it needs to be added.

I found that in every business, you have to have some form of singular vision. And it’s ideal that the entire team is on board with that vision.

So that’s the one thing, the first thing I look for in a business.

As I said, they don’t all have them, but if you’re looking to have somebody come in and help you out on your business, or looking to sell your business eventually or looking to partner up, then that is the type of thing that you should honestly be thinking of having even if you don’t plan on bringing anybody in, you really should focus on.

What is our long-term goal?

What are we trying to accomplish here?

Can we get everyone on the team on board with that?

Hopefully, that makes sense to you. Tomorrow, I’m going to be going through the second thing that I look for in businesses, and in the meantime, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com.

We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Be Consistent

The power of habits and consistency.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️ https://brianjpombo.com/amazonbook/


Be Consistent.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I wanted to talk with you about the second way to Amazon proof your business, which is what I call being consistent. It comes from developing really a focus, developing a plan and then just sticking with it long enough to see it come to fruition. And I give a great example in the book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get that by going to AmazonProofBook.com.

I am going to tell you right now, being consistent is on all different levels. And it’s not the easiest thing to do. Sometimes there’s such a thing as being consistent within your business, your whatever systems you’ve set up, doesn’t mean you have to be consistent, but the pieces that are dependent on you. Those pieces have to be consistent as well.

So you have to look at how do I make that a lot of the book plays off of how you make your business consistent. But if you’re talking about you, I’d suggest really developing good habits.

A lot of people talk about this discipline, you know, and that word always bothered me, because it always sounded like so much work and willpower and all that.

And I only have…I’ve only had so much of that my whole life. I could do it for a little while, but I could just never quite go all the way and you always feel lesser than if you can’t just keep driving away at something.

The way you do it though, the way to overcome that to get around willpower and discipline is habits. If you can learn how to develop habits, not in a in a real really rigid way, but in a very easy going, straightforward way, then you can really develop consistency in your life.

There’s three books. I just mentioned this to a group of friends recently. And I’m going to mention it to you. There’s three books I recommend on the development of habits. And I’ve read quite a few.

Actually I have…do I have the other one? Oh, yeah, Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg is a good one.

But that’s not one of the three I’m going to recommend. That’s a good for understanding the chemistry behind it and the background of habits. And, but it’s, it’s very theoretical, these other books are more directly to how you can develop habits.

So one is The Slight Edge, by Jeff Olson. That’s a great one. I really like that one. That’s the one that really introduced me to how to develop habits without making it be a hard thing. Just changing little things over long periods of time.

And you could create consistency that way.

Another one, The Compound Effect, by Darren Hardy. That’s another really good one, very similar The Slight Edge, just a different tone to it and everything and he covers a couple different areas in that one. That’s a great one.

And the third one is mini habits mini as in like miniature M I N I, Mini Habits, by I believe it’s Stephen Guise is the author on that one. Mini Habits, a little book, but really, really powerful.

I really like this book because he takes the ideas of those other books and says, Okay, now how do you go about actually putting them into play today? How do you do that?

And he gives a couple great examples just in that book. That’ll be with you forever. I mean, you go through those three things. If you have a issue with personal discipline, those three books are going to be really helpful and help you to create consistency in your business.

If you’d like to be able to create it on the systems into things to make sure that your business is consistent even when you’re not around, go check out 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, my new book. Like I said AmazonProofBook.com. AmazonProofBook.com. You get a free copy.

Okay if you go through and get a three FREE copy also gives you the option to get a a hardback version and audio version on the on the next deal which you got to get the free copy for so check that out. And then there’s also I’ve got I’ve got another one another place you can get it is over at Amazon.com.

You could you literally buy it at Amazon. com if you want to get it you’ll probably get it quicker, because the other way you’re going to have to get it from me, but either way, go check out AmazonProofBook.com and I’ll be back tomorrow with another quick tip and You have a great night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.