You Need To Connect Locally

Value of connecting with people in your local community. Brian also talks about his new local podcast, the Grants Pass VIP Podcast.


You need to connect locally.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Let’s talk about connecting locally, shall we? I’ve been discussing this a lot lately, especially we’re recording this in late 2019, excuse me, late of March in 2021.

Right now, we’re in the process of reopening up after the COVID-19 crisis, pandemic, whatever you want to call it. And so as things are opening up, people are feeling the need to connect.

It’s tough to connect to reconnect after so long, especially if you were used to having connections all over the world trying to go back out and reconnect with people, I mean, physically, in person, reconnect, it’s tough.

For one thing, you could start electronically, you can go out and meet people electronically, a lot of meetings are happening. Still happening locally, I’m plugged in with Chamber of Commerce, I just visited in on a BNI meeting the other day, which was great.

There’s a lots of groups meeting online, if not, in person, where you’re at, start there. And then find people who don’t mind meeting one on one. And if they do mind, you can always get together via a video chat like you, you would with some of these larger meetings that are meeting online still, but connect, don’t stop. Don’t stop connecting the more people you know, the one thing that any crisis cannot take away from you isyour capital, relationship capital.

I guess you would call it…it’s the relationship, the connection you have with people. And the more people that you have solid relationships with. The more people you have loose relationships with, if you know them and they know you, that’s a good thing, especially at a local level, especially in times of crisis.

When you’re needing some extra toilet paper or something of that sort and everybody’s out. Knowing people is a capital, knowing people has value. It’s a wealth that can’t be taken away right now.

They are printing up money more than ever right now. I’ve got…let me see here, you see what I have, I’ve got a little band of money here you can hear the rubber band andleafing through it, I’m looking for a particular bill, I want to show you $100 bill, right $100 bill.

This thing is, since the moment I pulled it up, and showed it to you is becoming worth less and less and less, you can buy less and less with this prices are going up. They’re not going to stop right now at least, prices are going to continue going up because the world governments are spending money, like it’s going out of style, not spending money.

They’re printing money, I should say, printing money like it’s going out of stock, what happens when there’s more of it. It doesn’t go as far because it’s spread out more, it’s out there more and more people are using it.

There’s checks being written to everybody, still for COVID-19 situations not to say whether that’s good or bad. I’m telling you what’s going to happen because of it, what’s going to happen is money.

Even if you have it physically in hand, it’s not going to be worth as much it’s someone has control over that value, not direct control, but they do have more control than you do over the value of that paper and doesn’t matter what you have.

There are always other people that have a certain amount of control over the value of what you own. Except one of the great things that they don’t have value over is relationship capital.

As long as you have a memory and people are still alive, then you have you have a connection with people and they have a connection back with you.

That’s powerful, especially if you can be in physical contact with them if you can be in person with them. If you can deliver some food over to their house or vice versa. That’s valuable, even in times of absolute chaos, war famine, disease, any of the possible things that, you know, a couple years ago, we would have said, Oh, well, that’s kind of silly. That’s kind of passe.

But after going through the COVID-19 crisis, I think you’d agree there is a lot of things we did not think was possible is now more and more possible, even in the United States of America. But no matter where you are in the world, connect, get out there and connect with other people. Business is a great way of doing it.

Because everybody has something they want, or, or something they want to get out there, which is why I started a local podcasts, you can go and check out mine.

If you’re interested to doing the same thing, you ought to look into what I’ve done with Grants Pass VIP, it’s a local podcast. I live in Grants Pass Oregon, Grants

It gives me the ability to go out and touch base with anybody, anyone that has something that they want to get out to the public, they can come on for an interview a conversation on my show.

It’s a great way to be able to reach out and to break the ice and get to get in touch with with the movers and the shakers, as I call it in this area, you can do the same thing where you’re at, there’s no reason why you can’t.

In the future, I may have some tutorials on how to go about doing that we may put out a course. But right now I’m having a lot of fun with it.

On top of that, this show itself, I am going to be doing interviews, which I’ve talked about for a while. And we’ve been looking at different ways of going about doing it, we might use a zoom format or something and cut them up into pieces and put them out for you to be able to see some really good interviews one on one with people.

And that opens things wide open. That’s not just local, that’s all over the world, we could do that. So that’s going to be exciting as we move ahead. I’m going to talk more about that tomorrow.

So in the meantime, don’t forget about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. If you’re looking to just stand out, overcome any competitive forces whatsoever, regardless of what you’re doing. Go get a free copy of my book, Go to Leave me your email address.

I’ll give you a free copy of the book. It’s just that easy. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.