Zoom H1n for Podcasting? 👀

Brian talks about his cool new purchase for recording live podcasts called the, Zoom H1n.


Zoom H1n for podcasting.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we are reviewing the H1n, the Zoom H1n, and this is i don’t know if you can tell it’s a small little thing very simple digital recorder not simple it does a whole heck of a lot but it is deceptively simple in presentation.

There’s not a whole lot to it it takes two double a batteries in the back it’s got a little spot that you can screw in a tripod so you can have it i actually have a small small little tripod bought separately that i could just screw this right in is the first time i’m doing this so i’m assuming i could screw it right in, I can there it is.

So I could set it down I bought this for podcasting and it’s one of those situations where it doesn’t take a whole lot to do podcasts especially live podcasts.

If you’re doing them at a distance zoom works perfectly well for an audio podcast or a video podcast but especially for audio. If you’ve got a strong enough connection it doesn’t take much i have also done interviews over the phone where there’s apps that allow you to record basically it’s a third party that’s recording the conversation that you you kind of have a three way call that’s the best ones i’ve been able to use so far at least on an iphone.

But when it comes to live conversations i was looking for something that i can record a conversation with multiple people in the room. Because i have these little lav mics like the one I’m using right now and i’ll have two of them on a splitter connected to my iphone.

And I’ve gotten really good at podcast quality off of those when you start splitting it more than two ways it can get a little iffy and it’s one of those things where I just didn’t want to go through the hassle of that in person.

I just wanted to be able to have something that I could sit down and record and this thing’s got microphones going in two different directions you can see that there and so it really gets ambient sound. It also allows you to adjust between zero and 10, they missed 11 for some reason but zero and 10 you can adjust the sensitivity of the mics to where you can really pick up a lot.

I mean I’ve got it somewhere between five and six and it does perfectly well you do it any more than that and you can hear yourself breathing and everything else.

It’s like I don’t need it that direct but if I have a further away from me I’d probably turn it up a little bit if i had a couple people in the room I might turn up a little bit and just send it away from us and make sure that it’s picking us up.

It’s got a place that you can listen in on it’s got a place that you can plug in another microphone and so you can get a whole lot out of this and just doing some minor recording off but i can’t believe how wonderful it sounds really really good.

There’s a whole lot of technical stuff about i don’t even understand but if you’re looking for something if you don’t need something that’s super techie but just has a very simple idea behind it.

You’ll want to get an sd card i bought this in a pack somebody had a little kit that included a 32 g i believe is sd card and that’s how you keep memory on it so you want an sd card. Was a bunch of memory on it so you can record as much as you want and stuff like 32 g’s quite a bit when it comes to just recording mp3 which is what i’m doing with this so so far so good.

If I end up having bad news about this thing later on I’ll let you know but you can see online reviews are very high for this thing it’s an amazing little piece of technology.

And if you’re looking to do podcasts and you’re looking to do them in person and you want something even more simple than your iphone in terms of having a whole lot of capability but also being able to do a lot this is a great little great little buy so I got a kit with this on its own it’s under 100 bucks currently if you buy it in the kit it has a whole lot more stuff I’m going to post this review on Amazon.com if they’ll accept it.

I’m Brian Pombo on the writer of, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook.com or buy it on Amazon.com. Or anywhere else so i’ll be back here tomorrow in the meantime you get out there and let the magic happen.

My Podcast Update: March 2021

The value of podcasting and Brian’s journey that led him to hosting the 3 podcast he currently has today.


My podcast update, March 2021.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Let’s talk podcasts, shall we?

Currently, I have three different podcasts that I’m hosting. Probably some others that I’ll be taking part in as time goes on. But right now I’m hosting three different ones.

I’ll go through them and kind of how we came about developing each one, and where they’re at now, where am I going next.

Now, why would you watch this?

You want to watch this because I want you to think about where you’re at?

Do you have a podcast?

If not, should you have a podcast. And we’ve talked a lot on this show about podcasting about the abilities, developments in podcasting, how anybody can really start one, it takes very little.

You can watch some my other videos concerning that. But I’m going to tell you a little bit about the history.

Maybe you can see where this can fit in with your life, either. Even if you don’t host one where you can get one to one. And now I’ll show you some opportunities that I have that you may be able to come on one of my shows.

So originally, the whole podcast idea came out from a lack of public free content that I had available out there, I wanted to be able to set myself up properly in the eyes of prospective clients in the future.

What I was coming across over and over again, was a lack of initial trust, just because there was so little out there about me, purposefully, I was trying to keep it as closed in as possible to try and control the content.

In doing that, I unintentionally gave out the idea that I did not have anything going on. You see if you’re not public, if it’s not out there in the public eye, if somebody types your name into Google, and they’re not able to find very much that that gives off the wrong the wrong perspective.

What both me and one of my main business associates, Sean Douglas, who helps produce all the podcasts and everything you see here, the descriptions, everything, so much of it is done by Sean. He has been kind of my right hand man behind the scenes making things happen.

And we came to the conclusion, also with help of my wife, Kate, she was kind of the one that urged it on early on, was the idea of having an ongoing podcast.

So we started The Off The Grid Biz Podcast, because at the time, one of the main focuses that I was going after were self reliance based businesses, I wanted to kind of jump in and dig in and find out more about them, and to see if there was any need for the services I provide and there has been quite a great response.

But the market has changed extremely through the last couple years.

So we started off this podcast and just started interviewing people. And as we got going, we thought we saw that there was a really have a am, I’m looking for the right word, there was a whole lot of gathering of self reliance based businesses with Mother Earth News. So they were advertising in Mother Earth News Magazines. And they were also going to these Mother Earth News Fairs, okay, which were spread out across the United States.

I wanted to dig into some of this stuff. So we found one that was happening very nearby up in Albany, North of here, about four and a half hours, something like that. And so we set up to go and we just said, hey, we’ve got a list of all the different speakers that are going to be their businesses that are going to be vendors there, let’s set them all up to be interviewed, leading up to it and then we’ll have a podcast about the event itself.

We’ll interview some people there and we’ll line up new people to interview afterwards.

And so it was it was just an amazing experience. All right, this was 2019.

We had all these podcasts, you can go back and listen all this stuff. It’s great stuff. still so much of it applies because we’re talking business principles. And so, The Off The Grid Biz Podcast, has been a lot of fun, continues to be a lot of fun.

I continue to meet a whole lot of great people who continue to introduce me to more people, and we get more and more and more into that realm.

In fact, probably, it might be my next book that I put out is going to be based, Off The Grid Biz Podcast the conversations we’ve had, and the ideas that we’ve explored on that show.

So that’s been a whole lot of fun.

So after that, we started saying, well, what we really need to do is have more of me as a personality out there. And so we test it out the idea of having podcasts, that was this the one that you’re listening to, or watching right now, which is Brian J. Pombo Live.

Just me just kind of talking about and given a quick ideal on something. And some of them can sometimes be longer, like this one probably is gonna end up as and some will be shorter, but we want to keep them all under 10 minutes, because we get to hit all the major platforms in that situation, and it makes it just easy to handle.

So we did that we started started out with live video, on Facebook Live trying to take advantage of some of the algorithms there.

Then we found it more easier just to just record it and spread it out. Every once a while, we’ll do something live on one of the platforms. But mainly, we’ve just tried to do it regularly.

So on a daily basis, I am putting these things out every once a while I’ll skip a day. But for the most part, it’s day after day after day, regardless of where I am on the globe.

I’ll put out a podcast, and we’ll talk about something hopefully meaningful, either principle based strategy base or tactic base, this has been a whole lot of fun.

It’s been mainly just me talking to the camera.

Every once a while my one of my kids will come on, or I’ll have Sean Douglas on.

And we’ll have something but as the future goes on, I’ve talked about this a little bit with you. The the interviews that I’ve had for my other shows, and I’ll tell you about my third show in a second.

But the interviews by other shows have been so interesting, but they’re limited.

So, Off The Grid Biz Podcast, has been all self reliance based businesses which is great. That’s a whole lot of people I can talk to, and we’re very loose on how we define an off the grid biz. Business, you know, but that’s been great.

But there’s a whole lot of people that I haven’t been able to talk to that aren’t anywhere near that realm. And we haven’t found a way to completely tie it in.

So there’s another podcast I have, and so local based. I’ve said that’s within this county, this county is called Josephine County, in Oregon. We’re in Southern Oregon, we’re right up smack up next to the California border.

So we’re a good sized county, but we only have one major city called Grants Pass.

There’s a lot of minor cities Cave Junction, a couple others around here. But a lot of places that aren’t officially cities, but areas, people are spread out all over the county.

So we called it Grants Pass VIP, because as most of the people are going to have something to do with Grants Pass, but we’re going to include all of Josephine County.

So that’s what we’ve done, we interview anybody that has anything to do, even people that don’t live here, but people who have who have work here or have some type of interaction with Josephine county that’s meaningful.

We’ve had a whole lot of great interviews for that show. Lots of fun. It’s been, as I mentioned yesterday, it’s given me a chance to get out there and meet people and stuff like that, which is great. But we were limited, we’re still limited.

What I’m going to start doing is interviewing anybody that I find interesting that I can find a way to tie back into our conversation, especially in terms of business, but principles, anything at all, I’m going to start interviewing them via zoom or in person. And we’re going to start bringing those interviews to you why video interviews all the other podcasts have been audio.

This one has a video element to it. It also has an audio element you might be listening to this via the audio podcast, but just so you know, you can watch the video over at BrianJPombo.com.

We have we have the entire blog up there now going all the way back to when we first started and which was just after starting the off the grid biz podcast, we started this one and you could check out all those other podcasts. So we’ve got the Brian J. Pombo Podcast at BrianJPombo.com.

We’ve got the author of Off The Grid Biz Podcast, at offthegridbiz.com.

We’ve got the Grants Pass VIP at GrantsPassVIP.com.

So check out all those podcasts to get a feel for it. We try and keep it very formula. Very simple, very straightforward.

It’s just a process for meeting new people for getting to know them, giving other people a chance to know them getting a chance to get some exposure via the internet above on social media, the search engines everything else, it’s also given us a chance to put out ads and so forth. So hopefully that makes sense. We’re run out of time. I’ll check y’all tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Are You Willing To Do Whatever It Takes?

Brian talks about hear an inspiring message that a local business owner told him.

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