How to Build Your Info Business

Hey, do you know what time it is?

100th episode time. Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to the Brian J. Pombo Live. Brought to you by

I’m going to take off these outrageous things. This is just to get an attention to get you to stop, to watch the video.

I will be talking about how you can build your info business. If you were looking to put together an information based business similar to my own.

I’m going to give you some tips and it all has to do with the fact that this is the 100th episode today. 100 consecutive episodes!

Every day I come to you live! For those of you on the east coast. Every once in a while I might be right on the cusp of earlier the next day, but in terms of my time, I’m on Pacific time here. In terms of my time, I hit every single day within midnight-to-midnight 100 times in a row.

I didn’t do this because I was looking to do a hundred episodes in a row. I was doing this for a whole lot of reasons and we’re going to get into some of them here today and this all stems from a conversation that I was having with a friend today, his name’s Patrick and I’m going to tell you about that in a minute.

But first I’m going to tell you about our sponsor for these last hundred episodes, whether I mentioned them or not, is which is a special website set up by

Why would you go to well, I’d recommend you go there. If you’re a business owner or an executive of a self-reliance based business, meaning that you provide services or products that help people to become more self-reliant, or you have a storyline that encourages people to become more self reliant, or you’re doing anything in that realm, go to

If you’re a decision maker at your company, organization or otherwise, go to Watch the video there. It’s eight and a half minutes long. Give you an idea of what is all about.

Now onto the talk about the 100th episode, it’s nothing but a marker. It doesn’t mean anything. It means I’ve been doing it a little bit over three months now, and we’ve got Brian J. Pombo Live.

It didn’t start out as that. It just started out as some live videos on Facebook and we started spreading them out throughout, other social media, Linkedin, Youtube, pretty quick.

We started putting them out there and then we finally got on to Instagram. Back logged all the old ones on to Instagram, including these new ones and started doing them daily.

Every day we’re going out there and now we have a podcast called Brian J. Pombo Live, which you may be listening to this on. It’s audio only. So it’s the audio from all these video broadcast that we do.

It’s simple, simple process.

I needed a way to be able to get myself out there, be able to talk about all the random things in life that tie back into business and to try and reach people that I think I would be able to connect with.

And more importantly, that if you feel like you’d connect with me, this is your chance to get to know me without me knowing that you’re getting to know me.

So you have a chance to go and watch all these 100 videos, you’ll get a chance to watch and listen to all the other videos and audios that I’m going to be putting together from here on out. It’s a chance to get out there to show your work.

The term, “show your work” is from a book by Austin Kleon. Go and check that book out. It’s an awesome book. Show Your Work, that really changed my mind in terms of how to think about content marketing and how to think about providing daily content.

It’s all about talking about where you’re at right now, talking about what you’re thinking about, what you’re doing, where you’re going, regardless of whether that’s perfect or not.

And my discussion with Patrick, we were talking about this because he was in a similar place than I’ve been in in the past, which is, you know, “I’m not quite where I want to be.” I’m not quite product ready yet.

I’m not really ready to put myself out there yet because I don’t feel I’m, I’ve got the end product yet. I’m not exactly who I want to be and I don’t know everything and that I want to know in order to go forward.

And if you’re coming from the same place, I recommend start and you don’t need to make a daily video, but try doing something daily if you can. Try doing a daily blog, you could do writing.

If that comes easy and natural to you. You could do a video, you could do audio, you could just do an audio podcast.

Just put it out there. Just start the process.

We’ve talked about a lot of these things before. If you go to my website and type in daily content, you’ll be able to watch or listen to all of the videos and audios where I discuss all the benefits of daily content and there’s a lot of benefits that come from sitting around and doing a hundred of these things over and over and over again.

But in the end it comes back to KNOW, LIKE and TRUST.

So if you want people to get to know you, like you and trust you, then they’re going to be more likely to do business with you or do anything with you or pay attention to what you want them to pay attention to. I mean, you may be running a nonprofit, you may be trying to get….I don’t know…information out there about your view on vaccines.

I don’t know. You’ve got something that you’re trying to promote. You should be doing daily content because people connect with people. You could just put the info out there, but the more you can be a person out there for people that they can get to know, like, and trust you, the more you’ll have the ability to get your message to them.

If you think you have the ability to change their life with your message, it’s up to you to get out there. You got to put the stuff out there. It doesn’t have to be your best foot forward. You can hold stuff back and say, hey, if you want to know more, go to my website.

Go to or go to wherever you’re wanting them to go to. But give them a taste. Give them a feel for who you are.

Let them know what you’re all about and just move, just move. Just get it out there. Don’t hold it to yourself. If you hold to yourself, nothing’s ever gonna happen.

Yesterday we were talking about learn, do, teach. It’s the teaching element that will change you as a person and change your business. I can’t believe how far I’ve come with a hundred episodes of this and how far I can only imagine where it’s going to take us because I’ve had people come into my life that were all on the outskirts, but because I had this content out there, it just gave them a little bit more of a nudge to get in contact with me, to connect with me and to start whole new adventures.

Like my adventures in the future with Patrick. I’ve had there’s a number of other people, Denise, I’m not going to name them all.

All you have out there who reached out to me because I was doing a little bit more to reach out to you. And so if you’re one of those people, definitely reach out to me. Go and even if you don’t think you qualify for the Dream Biz Chat, go to go connect with me.

I love to meet up with you. Come back 100! My 100 went away. I want it on the screen. There it is.

We just have a good time. It’s all about having a good time, getting out there, letting people know who you are, and hopefully in watching these videos, you get to know me a little bit. It’s not all about me. It’s about relationships.

So go out there, put yourself out there and find the people that want to meet you. Get them coming towards you versus you having to fish for them. All right. I hope that made sense to you. I hope that means something to you.

Tomorrow I’m going to talk a little bit more about the elements that you could have when talking about daily content. If you’re going to do it from scratch, what are the things that I need to have in place?

Well, you get a little bit of a clue by watching these. You watch a few of these. You’ll see all the similar elements over and over again. I’m going to talk about them directly.

Talk about how you can have the same thing and hopefully they’ll be a little bit of help for you and we’ll catch you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.