Promotional Gifts For Business 🎁 (Great Clips Promo)

Brian goes over a Great Clips Promo he got and talks about the value of connection with customers.


Promotional gifts for business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I want to talk about promotional gifts and how they can be useful in your business. And they can be useful year round.

This particular thing was, it ended up in my kids his bags for Halloween this past year.

They’re not too fond of the little candies that came with. So I snatched this from them, and set it aside to be able to talk with you about it.

It’s got the quintessential little peppermint candies in it, which I don’t know, most kids don’t really like this, but maybe that’s on purpose because this is definitely a gift more for parents as opposed to for kids.

Because very few kids are going to be interested in hair cutting information about haircuts, you know, get most kids that couldn’t care less, it came in a little baggie with a little promotional.

This is from Great Clips, you got the Great Clips to comb here, you got save time, every time online, check-in for Great Clips hear nothing about where they’re at.

They’ve got the website, and that’s about it.

This looks like a one of the ones that they use across their company. This is if you’re not aware of great clips, I believe they’re a franchise or if not a chain, but I’m pretty sure they’re a franchise. It very interesting company, how they run things.

Of course, a coupon. Okay, any haircut $2 off. Great, Great Clips.

Couple things they could have done better. I could have had a more of a, a real stand out coupon and maybe made that put that out in front so that you could see it.

But without having open the bag, so that you’re really drawn into it.

Having a comb is pretty cliche, although it did it does get you know, pay attention more than more than you would typically see in a Halloween gift.

But at the same time, if you had a really big outrageous thing that grabbed attention, even if this coupon was based toward the outside $2.

What is this and if you look a little closer at it, they could have they could have, you got to make things dead simple for people. So for this, getting a haircut is a physical thing to do, and to pull people in for the first time.

That is one of the things that they found, if you’ve ever looked in the haircut business model. If they can get you to show up once or twice, they got your basically for life type of thing.

They know that they can keep bringing you in over and over and over again. Because your car will find its where they are automatically. Because people habit just for the sake of habit just for the sake of not having to try out a new place.

Even if you don’t, aren’t that crazy about what you’re getting, or the price you’re getting it for you will keep going back to the same place over and over and over again.

Just because a habit just because you’re used to it.

The whole thing is to get people in there.

What I would say is a free haircut, anything to pull people in to get great clubs does a relatively decent job of pulling information from customers, which most businesses don’t do. Which we’ll talk a little bit about tomorrow is the importance of having leads.

But actually using it great hopes never goes much further than that, at least the ones in my area that I’ve experienced.

When I used to go in quite often try and find the cheapest place in town and Great Clips oftentimes would have good deals. The problem with that is when you’re as cheap as I am, eventually, you’ll learn how to cut your own hair.

So I’ve been cutting my own hair for a number of years but when I would go in there, I’d watch how they do this and that they’ll take down information, they’ll take down your phone number, and that’s about the end of the relationship.

Instead they should be asking for I don’t know, maybe they were doing this now or maybe certain locations are doing this.

They shouldn’t be asking for email addresses. They should be asking for birthdays to be able to send a birthday gift they should be able to they should be asking for addresses to be able to send you a free pre-pump promo package of their shampoos and hair supplies.

You know, there’s so many things that can be done and that initial touch to get people in to get people used to coming in to make it as comfortable as possible. Most companies especially in hair, but it’s not just about just about the businesses that cut your hair.

Most companies don’t go far enough to stand out to be different, to get attention and keep attention.

That’s a huge part of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you should go purchase a copy of this book, it’s well worth the money.

If you read the whole book and you decide you don’t like it, email me, I’ll give you your money back. Regardless of where you send spent it, as long as you didn’t pay 50 bucks for it, because it should be on sale for 50 bucks.

If you’re paying typical value for it, I will pay you back for the book.

Even if you paid 50 bucks, if you could prove that you paid 50 bucks, I’ll pay that too. But I have done had anybody come back to me and tell me that it was a waste of their time. So go check out this book. You can even get a free copy.

If you’re really scared about to get a free copy at

You can get a digital copy, just download and read off your phone or what have you. That’s all I got for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

Tomorrow we’ll talk about leads lead generation why it’s important.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.