Phil Campbell, HIIT & Sprint 8 🏃‍♂️ (Interval Training)

Brian talks about trying out interval training as he looks to increase his workouts.

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Phil Campbell, HIIT and Sprint 8.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is a very interesting episode. And I’m sure I’ll have people watching that wouldn’t normally watch.

So I want to introduce myself, I’m a business investor and what we normally talk about here are things surrounding the world of owning a business running a business, how to make it more profitable, how to take it to the next level, how to eventually sell it if you want to, but getting the best out of your business for yourself, and your family and so forth.

What today is about specifically though, I wanted to talk about something I’m getting a lot of questions back on, which is an exercise that I discovered years ago, have not been consistent with, but I can honestly say, is the very best exercise I’ve ever used personally.

I want to give you a little bit of background here and I can’t go into all the details. But I can’t stand exercising, I am not a person that enjoys. I honestly, I’m not a person that enjoys physical movement in general. If I could sit still and hang out with people, I’m okay.

The closest thing to the movement that I enjoy is I, I do enjoy hiking, I enjoy going for a nice brisk walk. But besides that, it’s just not it’s never been a thing I was into I did sports as a kid, I did baseball I did. I did basketball, I did football.

But I was never good at them naturally and I did not enjoy them. The physical moving part of it. I certainly didn’t enjoy practices and things of that sort when you just work yourself to death, it was never my thing.

I know that I’m not typical for that. I know there are a lot of people that do enjoy that type of thing and do enjoy pushing themselves to the absolute limit.

I loved being thinner when I was working out I really liked that, as I started getting older, even into just my early 20s, I noticed that it didn’t matter what I did to work out I would hit a wall with cardio and everything which I’ve studied this stuff for years.

The general consensus is if you’re going to burn fat, you got to you got to do cardio, you got to get your heart rate up and do all this stuff.

So for a number of years, I’d go to the gym, I’d get on the treadmill, and just work out workout and workout to try and lose that extra weight and I would be able to lose quite a bit. And then I’d hit a wall.

No matter how faster I went on that treadmill, no matter how much longer I spent on that treadmill, no matter how much of an incline I put up on it. Nothing would take me to that next level, I just felt more and more tired, more and more worthless when I was done. never achieved any sense of runner’s high or anything of that sort.

Why am I talking about all this, I’m talking about all this because how you take care of your mind and your body has a huge effect on your business.

If you can’t handle this part, you’re not going to be able to handle the rest somewhere along the line, you’re going to hit a wall, and you’re not going to be able to get any further because your health is declined.

So that’s why this is why I’m going into his and I have earlier videos where we discussed this. So I just want to tell you about the thing that I found. So a number of years ago, I started hearing people talk about high-intensity interval training HIIT.

I liked the idea mainly because they said you can get a lot of a workout done in a very short period of time and I liked that idea. Because I didn’t like spending all that time in the gym. I mean I was spending you know, close to an hour doing cardio and then and then doing you know, muscle training and lifted weights and everything else.

I never felt like I was getting anywhere with it. I get a little bit here and there but it almost felt like it was maintenance after a while and I could never to lose that final amount of weight. So with each I T, the idea, the main idea of it, I went and started watching videos. And early on I caught on to this guy named Phil Campbell.

Phil Campbell is the guy that wrote a number of books regarding this but he he came up with a technique called Sprint aid. And the main idea behind sprint aid is that you have a warm up to start.

Very easygoing, warm up to start out on whatever cardio piece of equipment you’re using, I use a recumbent bicycle, it’s one of the stationary bikes that you’re sitting down in, and kind of in-kind of pedaling in front of you in a very simple manner. And I use a recumbent bicycle.

The idea is that you start out slow and then after a few minutes, you go really fast, as fast as you can you push yourself to absolute exhaustion, to as close to 30 seconds as possible.

Now, I’ve never been I’ve never taken it to the point to where I’ve been, I’ve taken that 30 seconds.

The idea is to go 30 seconds, stop. And slow down for like 90 seconds. Just keep going, you’re recovering, you’re in recovery mode. So you’re going but you’re just going fast enough to be active, but not going fast that you’re allowing your heart rate and your muscles to recover.

Then you go at it again for another 30 seconds. So each 32nd Sprint interval that you’re taking it is you do that for about eight weeks where he comes up with that idea of Sprint eight, and then you cool down to towards the end. So it’s an interesting concept and I started trying this out.

I really liked it, I got this huge runner’s high off of it, that would last about a day and a half. And the more I did it, the more I liked it, it felt like I was losing weight, it did make me a little more it felt like it was making me more hungry.

After a while, you know, within the first handful of hours, you don’t, don’t feel it. But overall, I felt like my hunger was being increased. But it’s actually doing something positive for me. I didn’t mind that. And so it was one of those things that if you can keep going with it and keep increasing to the point to where you get that full weight that I’ve started out, doing fewer than eight, and not even doing the full 30 seconds.

But working my way up towards it. And I think I think that’s helpful. And I think it could take you somewhere. The idea of what it does is that it helps you break down muscle faster in order to rebuild it faster.

It does does great work with your heart did you’re using that anaerobic conditioning. And one of the huge benefits is the human growth hormone that you’re naturally having being produced by your body and being inserted back into it.

That is a major major deal that people get injections for it but this is a natural way to be able to produce that human growth hormone which adds to so much in terms of antiaging and ability to be able to grow muscle and so forth. I don’t know understand all the signs I’ve got a link.

I’m going to put in the description from interview with Phil Campbell that I enjoyed and you can find out more stuff about him out there and you could find out more about HIIT what he’s calling HIIT now sprint interval training, which is really more of his style sprint eight. So really interesting stuff. If you want to find out more if you ever want to ask me details on it.

Be sure and leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this. Thanks for coming. We’ll see you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.