Number One Secret, To Never Missing An Opportunity👈

Opportunities can come at anytime.


Number one secret to never missing an opportunity.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I had an experience where I got to sit down with a friend who doesn’t live that far from here. And he got to show me his business and his business model showed me the ups, the downs, the goods, the bads, and is basically looking for a partner.

I was very impressed and very happy that he came and talked to me. It brings up this idea, which is what I call the third pillar of

That is the importance of being reality grounded and there’s some distinction here too. To be able to point to one thing about being reality grounded is being very aware of the known facts, the known knowns.

You sit back and you look at everything that you do know about a situation about that situation about my own situation.

Being able to really look at those cleanly without any, you know, you got to be able to strip away all the emotion or anything that could possibly be getting in the way and just look at it for what it is the numbers, the pluses and the minuses.

Being able to see things clearly that way first, that’s very important. The most important thing, is that part of you that allows you to see what’s real and what isn’t real.

That’s also the party, I’d like to call it the intuition, you know, you’ve got an intuition.

You have to be plugged into it to the point where you can sit back and really listen.

Not to anybody, not to anything around you not to read not anything else, you just sit back and pay attention.

The easiest way I could describe my intuition is it isn’t a voice. But it’s more like a stoplight.

So you get red, this is don’t go no matter what you don’t go this direction.

You’ve got a green, it’s like hit it floor it right here, go right now.

Or there’s a yellow.

A yellow is what’s normally at you know, it just proceeds with caution.

Proceed with caution, slow down, be careful. Red is coming.

And that is innocence how my intuition relates with me. Maybe people who are more advanced with that side of themselves.

They don’t have that issue and they’ve got something a little bit more clear. But for me, that’s what it comes down to. It’s not it’s not visual. It’s that gut feeling.

You know, there was a movie called Double Indemnity. And one of the detective played by Edward G. Robinson.

He said, says I got a little man on the inside a little man that gives me gives me indigestion when something’s not right, you know, hey, so he’s discussing, he’s discussing the intuition. Or if you haven’t seen that fabulous movie, it’s for its time, it’s even a little bit graphic for kids that in your window and everything else in it.

But in terms of just in general, great movie, just fabulous movie, Double Indemnity.

It’s from the 40s I believe. And so it’s all about that, that little man, we’ve all got that, that Jiminy Cricket on the inside that kind of gives us direction. And you got to follow that.

Because it’s gonna see the unknown unknowns, the things that you don’t know, that you don’t even know about.

The best thing you can do is listen to that. I’m going to with this project, so so far, I’m not going to tell you which way it’s sent me, but it’s there.

I’m going to keep paying attention and see if it changes because it will change. It’ll change.

Just because it’s red today, doesn’t mean it won’t be green tomorrow, or green a couple minutes from now, you have to pay attention because circumstances change.

I don’t think your intuition really changes. I think it changes only based on circumstances and that’s the world we live in.

So hopefully that makes sense to you.

It’s all about being reality grounded, that is reality. Intuition for me, is an absolute reality.

It has steered me clear of situations that no facts on the ground could have told me existed I could have never known to turn left versus right in certain circumstances and to avoid something that I didn’t know existed, but something inside knew and you know, you got that too. So pay attention to it.

Listen to it daily and implemented in your business and I think you’ll get more and more success as time goes on. That’s all I got for today go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, is all about being competition-proof.

It’s not just for businesses but this is these are principles applied to business. Maybe if you don’t have a business you’d find it useful. I don’t know I haven’t.

I haven’t talked to anyone that’s read it that isn’t in the business world but go check it out 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you want, you can even pick up a free copy at

That’s all I got for tonight, you have a good one.

Get out there and let the magic happen.