Intuition & Business πŸ’‘πŸ’

Some thoughts on seeking for deeper information before making a big purchase decision.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➑️


Intuition and Business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We talk about a lot of things on this show and it tends to, all of them tend to lay in three areas. It’s either a principle, a strategy, or a tactic. And today, I want to really talk about a fundamental principle and it’s the idea of intuition.

When I say intuition, I’m not meaning anything all that new-agey or anything like that.

What I’m saying is when you’re talking about common sense, when you’re talking about, you know, self evident when something is self evident, like the Declaration of Independence talks about, you know, We hold these truths to be self evident.

It’s just the, the fundamental sense that you have that something is right or wrong, or that this is a good direction, or a bad direction to go in, or whether they go left or right or what have you. Just having that that’s, that’s intuition and all business. And all life is dependent on how sharp your intuition is. I got an example, an example of that and it comes from my whole life, I’ve had a clicking not my whole life, later in life I’ve had this clicking jaw. So it’s not there most of the time, but if I’m chewing something that’s a little tough to chew or whatever, it gets really loud, I hardly even notice it, my wife points it out.

If I’m around strangers or whatever, they’ll kind of look at me funny for eating. And while I’m sorry it’s this clicking jaw thing, you know, people call a TMJ or what have you.

And I’ve had it looked into for a long time, but I always had a feeling that it had something to do with the orthodontic work that I had done as a kid. So I had a long period of time where I had either either a retainer or braces, or retainer braces, and then retainer again, I had to wear in my mouth to get everything just right.

And so the years and years and years went through this process, and a lot of work back and forth, to make my jaw line up properly with my top teeth. And at the same time, get my teeth lined up just right, so that I have this beautiful smile that I have now.

And I’m happy for it, I’m happy that I have a great smile, I’m happy that my parents, you know, just went crazy making payments for my stupid teeth and jaw. At the same end, there’s always a feeling like they that something wasn’t quite right about the way that it was performed.

I’ve tried to do research through the years and especially now that I have children. And we’re getting to the point to where we’re looking at possibly getting some dental work done with them. I’ve looked, I’ve really tried to research it and had a very difficult time finding anything that really rang true, that really fit yet a lot of people that were, you know, guessing at it, but I didn’t find out anything that was really all that scientific.

It was funny, because a long string of events led us to a an orthodontist in the area that my wife went in and talked to and he does things very differently.

They still go through the process of realigning everything, but they, according to him and according to the people that he’s interested in, they believe that orthodoxe up until this point hasn’t been done as properly as it can and that they have a different method of going about doing it that’s a little more I don’t know, if you call it more natural or what have you.

In fact, they they had read that they had recommended this book and sent us home with a copy. So I’m going through this and it’s it’s very interesting, because it’s like a lot of these ideas that I already had that I already kind of just instinctually knew that this could be the case that they’re starting to confirm it now and they’re starting to find out about and they’re starting to find other ways to go about trying to fix the same problem without causing the issues with the jaws.

And that’s which is something that I’ve had to deal with. So it’s just really cool when you can see when just a little bit of an idea telling you go this way, go that way do this.

Don’t do that you know, just something in the back of your head that prompts you to move forward in life. And no doubt that same subtle push sent you in the direction of starting your business or sent you in the direction of going a certain way or having a certain philosophy about something.

I think it’s really important for us to step back and acknowledge it. And be thankful that we have that because without that, nothing else is possible.

Does one plus one equal two?

Well, sure it does.

But how do you know that?

The only reason why you know is because deep down inside the idea, and I’m not just talking about the words, one plus one equal to I’m saying, the concept of it, the only reason why you believe the concept is because something on the inside tells you that it’s true.

And that’s how it is with everything that has a real solid truth to it. The reason why we can, for the most part agree on that is because we have intuition. We have something pushing us forward. I think it’s good to acknowledge that hopefully you find that’s true in your in your life, too. I’d love to hear some stories.

Leave a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this. Also, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s a quick book, you can even get a free copy at it’s got nine specific strategies to help you build your business taking any one of those can dramatically.

Just dramatically change your business and make it competition proof. So that’s, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.