How To Switch Course 🗺️

Habit changes and Brian’s coffee update.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


How to switch course.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

One of the things that I’ve learned how to do through the years is how to be flexible, and how to switch course without feeling defeated. And that’s a really important thing to learn how to do, especially if you’re a business owner, if you’re an executive, you’re someone who’s in charge of getting things done and moving things and kind of charting course, on where you go next out.

I’ll give you an example, you know, in previous videos, we’ve discussed my experimentation’s with caffeine. So I grew up very young age, drinking coffee, and through the years became more and more of a coffee of a daily coffee drinker.

And that lasted all the way until, well, this would have been, would this have been earlier this year, well, this was early, earlier last year, in 2020, when out of nowhere, it just kind of it just kind of caught me that I’ve have never gone a long period of time without having coffee.

So I went through this whole experiment where I stopped drinking coffee altogether for a while. And besides the handful of days, that you got to deal with the, the all the withdrawals, all the headaches and everything else. And then you know, getting back, kind of get your energy balanced again. Once that was over, I felt a lot more mellow, in general, and very calm and I really liked it.

What I do is I started bringing coffee back on for like one day a week and like that one day having that be like the power data to get the last bit of done for the week and so forth and it worked out really well.

I’m not completely against caffeine, I’m not completely against coffee at all, what ended up happening is I have a business that I I work with that produced a healthy type of coffee, and it was meant to be a weight loss thing. And one of the things that I noticed as soon as I got off coffee is I gained about 10 pounds, just a change in metabolism, just a slight change.

It didn’t change anything else about my lifestyle, just stopped drinking coffee, and I gained weight. So I said, Well, I wonder if I can if I can lose some weight by drinking some healthy coffee.

So I went back and started drinking coffee on a daily basis again, and I handle it better than I used to. I think it’s probably the type of coffee that I’m drinking about more healthier style coffee that promotes weight loss and everything else. And I’ve been happy with it.

Well, I may go back one day to just drink in a couple week type of thing and see and see where that goes.

But right now I’m back back on the coffee wagon, I guess you could say more off the wagon, I don’t know which one it is. I say all that it is kind of wrap up that storyline for those of you who have been around a while. And to discuss that. You have to allow yourself the flexibility to move to go where you need to go and try things out and not necessarily commit to any one thing.

And this brings me to another story along the same lines and with the same thing of coffee. One of the things that I’ve done through the years is I’ve collected coffee cups, not that I have this intense collection.

But it’s one of those things that nowadays you can find a coffee cup about just about anything. And when when I traveled a lot, especially on business, I’d like to get a coffee cup that kind of represented that trip.

So I went on a trip that took me through the area with of Nevada where you got area 51 and everything. And there was a gift shop off to the side that had area 51 mugs. And so I grabbed one of those and that type of thing.

When I’m in Disneyland I like grabbing a grabbing a mug. And this was one that I saw there. That was just this giant Mickey head. It’s the old classic Mickey Mouse head and I said that’s a cool looking mug, I really liked the idea of that mug.

And I like having good size mugs because I like having a big cup of coffee in the morning. So I got this. And I brought it home and I was so excited to try it out and tried it out the first time and I’m like something’s off. It’s difficult to drink out of. I couldn’t quite figure it out. I’m like wow, what’s the deal here?

And the size is probably just me. So I tried it a couple more times. I’m like what is going on here but my wife tried it and everything else.

The problem is it this is a different style mug, it’s rounded on the sides. I don’t know if you could tell from here. It’s rounded like Mickey’s head and it has the general opening but the problem is is that the inside of the mug goes all the way around so the lip kind of curves here.

So when you’re drinking In it, it doesn’t flow like a regular mug, it’s difficult to kind of wrap your lips around to be able to keep the liquid going in the right direction when you’re dealing with something hot.

That makes it really difficult that being that it’s just an awkward thing to drink from. And I did my best to try and learn how to drink from this stupid thing. It would not but it still doesn’t work. In fact, I had, we had kind of had it put to the side and have a drink from it for a long time. I’m like, I really would like another good sized mug. And we were we were low, they needed to be washed.

And so I grabbed this one out, try it again, I’m sorry, it doesn’t work. I like the idea behind it. I bought it with the intention of using on a regular basis. But what it has now become is something that I’m going to put on the shelf to look at. I love to keep it, I want it for the utilitarian reason of drinking coffee from it. But hey, if I just have it is something to look at as a cool little memento. That’s fine, too.

It got to be flexible, this that this represents flexibility, things don’t always work out the way you want them to. And so Mickey is going to be with us and you’ll probably see him in the background once in a while.

And you’ll know that’s why I keep them he’s reminder that you got to be willing to move with the punches. Things are never going to work out exactly the way you want them to. But hopefully they end up working out even better than that. This was just a light idea tonight.

We go through some sometimes more heavier ideas, sometimes more detailed ideas. We deal with strategies, tactics and principles to help you with your business. Come on back again. And we’ll talk again We do this every night. And in between now and then, if you want some more, go check out my book nine ways to Amazon proof your business. It’s short, you get a free copy over at We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.