Grow Your Business With Cold Emails, by Jeremy Chatelaine

Review of Jeremy Chatelaine’s book on cold emails to help you build your business.


Business book, grow your business with cold emails.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I want to talk about this book by Jeremy Chatelaine, an awesome book.

It’s been out there for a while I’ve had it for a few years. But it’s one that I keep going back to, and it’s not just for cold emails.

So cold emails is a thing that you’ll see a lot in, especially B to B spaces. So if you’re working business to business versus business to consumer, if you understand that, then you understand that people publish their email addresses and publish ways of getting hold of them.

Not only emails, but contact forms on websites, and so forth. And what he discusses here is the dos and don’ts of how you go about doing this and how to actually get in touch with people, a whole lot of my business has been built the cold connections initially.

But then if you can jump into warm connections, that always you always have a better chance if you can link from one person to the other, that makes a big difference. But initially, you may have to talk to people that are cold, but not only for that.

So here’s another thing that a book like this will come in handy with. If you’re emailing people, and you’re getting any type of response like I didn’t get your email when they don’t realize that it’s gone into a spam folder, which nowadays more than ever before.

In fact, when I first started sending out emails, we did not have as much of an issue with spam filters.

Now they will send anything that is an unrecognized domain name. So if you go and you start a new domain, a new website, and you’ve got a new domain name, and then you put out a new email address, nowadays, it’s almost guaranteed that you’re going to be slipped into the spam folder of many, many email addresses out there.

You just can’t get around it, it’s almost impossible. And so you got to find clever ways to be able to open yourself up, you got to make sure everything’s as clean as possible, you’ve got to do a little bit of tracking a little bit of testing.

But even beyond that, so I’ll give you an example.

We have a handful of podcasts and my producer has an email address for each podcast when he is trying to get in touch with somebody. And we found that so many of them, we can’t get that initial touch unless we reach them with a Gmail-based email address.

One thing we found is that Gmail-based email addresses tend to get through for some reason, which is funny because it’s a free email address.

It’s more difficult, it’s easier to get anybody can get one. But for some reason, the spam bots out there will allow a Gmail address to go straight through and not get tossed into spam.

Most of the time at least I’ve seen across the board

with the situations, we’ve been dealing with. So if you’re going to hit that initial time, you may not want to use that or if you are using that, you’ll want to follow up, you’ll want to track and see if anyone’s actually open.

There are these trackers out there that allow you to do these things. And he talks about all these things. It’s a thin book, it’s a little book, but he covers all the main things, there are links in here, and some of them are going to work like because, you know, after you as soon as you publish a book, a lot of the links are going to start going dead. But this is a few years old.

Jeremy is the one that is the founder of

So he has his own service. And this is kind of a way of being able to promote that. So it’s a great book, if you want to learn how to build a book around your service, he did a great job with this one and can’t recommend it enough. In terms of understanding email.

Even today, the same principles are true and you have to take all these things you have in fact, he even has a couple of email templates, he’s got five separate email processes, not just one email, but if you’re going to send multiple emails the same person because this is really one of the main points of his book, and I highlighted this he said the money is almost never in the first email.

So you have to think about relationship building instead. And if you’re going to do that, you got to have multiple emails, you got to send one after another in order to get attention, you know, just like anything, repetition and consistency are going to put you over the top. That’s it’s great email a great tactic, but there’s a strategy behind it.

You really got to look at the big picture when you’re looking to introduce a tactic like that into your arsenal, but something to keep in mind these They’re all great things to keep in mind and that’s a great book on the topic. If you want another book that’s broad-based on your entire business on how to go about attacking things, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Amazon-proof is all about being competition-proof, Okay?

Meaning even the big guy like can’t stop you. If you go at it with the right attitude and hit it at the right areas. I’m going to show you those areas that Amazon can’t stop you on. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business FREE copy available for anybody that wants at least for now, over at

We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.