Finding Good People In A Hiring Desert 🏝️

What to do in a time when hiring good people seems harder than ever before.


Finding good people in a hiring desert.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

It’s true right now we are in a hiring desert, it is very difficult to find good people to work, especially the right people for the right jobs. So tough.

I’m bringing this up because a client of mine just lost a key person, a person who I was I’m really good friends with. And she ended up taking another position with another company, and but it was a key position in this organization.

And without her there, it’s going to throw things quite in disarray. It’s not her problem, the problem of the organization though and if you’re running any type of company, organization, anything else. And you’re dealing with a team of people, imagine what it would be if you had one of your key people now doesn’t mean they’re the most important person, it means they’re key, they’re integral to everything running smoothly.

Imagine if they were just gone one day, and you didn’t have them there, what do you do about it?

These are just some off-the-cuff ideas that I have in terms of how to handle this number one you got to make sure you don’t freak out, you got to stay calm. And you got to sit back and let it sink in that this is really happening.

You’ve got to figure out what to do next, but you don’t have to come up with the perfect solution. Right off the top of your head, what you have to do is keep your head remain calm, you know, the second thing, you’re going to want to kind of strategizing.

And if you’ve got other people in your group that can do that. Then get them all together and start brainstorming ideas of where to go next. If you’re going to be replacing that person, who do you need?

What type of people are you looking for?

Where are the places you might find them?

What are the best things that that person had and the things that you want at one for a new person?

What are the things you have to watch out for all these things have to be brainstormed?

It’s not going to happen overnight. But you’ve got to you have to sit down and figure all these things out. And then you’ve got to just execute, execute as soon as possible to start the process.

Because there’s the one thing that’ll hold you back is overthinking it, you got to start moving and start going and just get the ball rolling. You don’t need an answer right away, you don’t need to find that person right away, it may take a while, you may have to put a bandaid over the situation and find ways to work around not having that person in place.

It’s just the reality of a situation where you have a marketplace, where there just is not enough good help. In most cases, this is across the board. And just because it’s difficult to find people, it doesn’t make it impossible.

But you’ve got to know what you’re willing to pay at most, and what it’s going to take to get somebody in there and what all the options are.

You got to lay them all out on the table. And you have to keep everybody updated if you especially if you have a team of people, keep them updated as to where you’re at. Because that will keep everybody focused and happy and going in the right direction and keep asking for input.

Has anyone come up with any other ideas?

Are there any other places we can search for people?

Are there is there anyone else we can ask who might know somebody and just keep that ball rolling, keep everyone thinking about it and moving forward. In that situation?

I think that this is really the best-case scenario. Because everyone’s deal is different.

I can try and craft something from a distance for you but really, it’s going to matter. The people who are on the ground handling it.

And sometimes you need a mediator, sometimes you need someone to come in there and kind of organize that and help strategize that there’s one thing that I’m pretty good at.

But if you don’t have someone like that on your team, you need to find someone like that. So hopefully this is all helpful.

The main thing is to keep your head don’t fall into despair. Don’t fall into worry. Just sit back and wait for it to happen and not wait for it to happen, start the process of letting it happen and then watch as it happens because it’ll happen for you.

If you move ahead in a positive direction, and you don’t get mired in the negative dross of Your mind because that’ll, that’ll screw everything up.

You know that we know that. So if you’d like more ideas on how to strategize long-term for your business keeping things in a positive direction, also keeping everyone’s focus directed in a future state, which is important when it comes to business. Go check out my book. 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof your business. You can get a free copy at

We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.