Expert or Aggregator? >My Dark Secret…👀

What is an expert, really?


Expert or aggregator? My dark secret.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

It’s been an ongoing debate that I hear coming up over and over again, especially from people who are professionals out there that have made a living in a particular area.

And then they go on to, you know, teach about that particular area, and carry themselves as experts as they should.

They have background in it, they have success in it, and then they go about teaching it.

This has always held up very highly and more higher above somebody that does not necessarily have the same experience.

This is a really common thing that goes back and forth and I can never quite pin down because I could always tell you that me personaly. There’s a whole lot that I talk about that I do not necessarily have direct experience with.

But the real thing that’s a problem is when people pretend to be something they’re not, when they pretend to have a whole lot of success and a whole lot of things going for them that they don’t or tend to have experiences that they’ve never had.

That’s a real problem.

That’s fraud on a certain level. You’ve got to be really, really careful those types of people, especially those that really prop themselves up, right?

Expertise, the nature of expertise is an interesting thing. Because what is an expert, who defines an expert, who qualifies an expert, doesn’t mean you have to have a degree doesn’t mean you have to have a specific experience, How much experience do you need to have?

And all those things are extremely subjective.

These ideas, they’re very subjective.

So but it’s always been something that’s kind of I’ve pondered about and never been able to quite pin down. But I’m going to give you two historical figures here from I would say the success slash self help industry, if you will.

These two examples are two people that are relatively well known by people who know their history, or are somewhat well read when it comes to success.

The first one would be Napoleon Hill, and the second one would be Earl Nightingale.

These two guys had, well, let’s talk about Napoleon Hill. First. He went and wrote, thinking grow rich and a whole lot of other books. But that was his, his magnum opus, that was the one that got him.

Absolutely famous.

To this day continues to sell millions and millions of copies of this book. And it’s one of those things.

We’ll get back to that in a second, but let’s talk about Earl Nightingale.

Earl Nightingale has a whole lot of material out there starting an entire company that not just promotes his material, but other people’s material. Nightingale Conant.

He actually passed away in 1989. His company lives on his name lives on the legends of these people live on.

What were these people actually experts in?

This is this is kind of interesting, because I’ve heard recordings from other people that discuss this in and I just recently heard an older recording from Dan Kennedy, the martyr who’s absolutely marketing expert has great background in this.

There was a time when he wasn’t, but held himself as an expert. But that’s another story.

He amazing, amazing person.

I love Dan Kennedy, we promote him a lot here. But he mentioned something about Earl Nightingale that I never really considered before.

Because I didn’t know that much about his background. Earl had a very interesting life. And he ended up in radio acting because he had a really good voice.

He ended up as a as the main character on Sky King, which was an old radio show. I’ve got my old old time radio back the replica. And I’ve talked about old time radio. In fact, I got one of the books back here and stuff like that.

One of the things I like bringing up because it’s odd and it’s unusual for people my age to talk about these things, but there was a show called Sky King, and this was a an ongoing radio show where the guy would fly around in a plane and have adventures.

Earl Nightengale played this character.

It’s a popular show for a time. It ended up becoming a TV show. And he wasn’t involved with that. But they did the radio show.

He also did a lot of other radio announcing, ended up doing in audio, for condensation of Think and Grow Rich. Which I’ll talk about in a moment but had very little involvement to my understanding in success or business-oriented things at all. Up until the point when he put out the strangest secret audio out back then in a record form. And it became this massive hit.

He ended up putting out more and more he became a sso-calledexpert with really no claim to fame, for expertise. Take that back a little bit.

A lot of his material was based off of Napoleon Hill, like I said, he read thinking Grow Rich, or read it out loud.

Think and Grow Rich, also written by a gentleman who had very little background in success whatsoever, except that he was a newspaper writer and magazine writer, and was a somewhat of a journalist and had spoken to some very famous figures in history, Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnegie.

He had this story of how Andrew Carnegie set him off on this mission, to speak to all these famous and not so famous people that had made a lot of money to find all the great secrets of success and put them out there in a book form someday.

He went out and did this.

What is it, it’s an app, he aggregated all this material and put it out not from him. Really having an experience that that’s not what he talks about much in the book.

If you’ve ever read Think and Grow Rich, he talks about everyone else’s experiences.

He was an aggregator, an aggregator versus an expert, although he ended up being seen as an expert in the long run. But that’s all he really did.

That’s what he’s famous for is aggregating a whole lot of information, condensing it and putting it out in a specific form. Earl Nightingale did the same thing.

All he did was take this information that he had found, wrote it he was he was he was a writer, he became a writer and rewrote this stuff, put it back out there in audio format. These guys were aggregators.

There’s lots of people that have done this through the years, right, lots of people. In fact, a whole lot of people that we would consider experts, so called experts didn’t really have much experience, but took the experiences of others, and just repurpose them, put them back out and made them digestible.

There’s a whole lot of reasons why this is useful. It’s not these guys aren’t pretenders.

They are people who were able to make it available in a way that wasn’t available for all this information has been available before. It will be available a million other ways for the rest of time.

But these people got famous for communicating in a certain way. And in building a bond with their readers, their listeners, their viewers, that’s really closer to what I have more than anything else.

A lot of people may may may think, or accuse me of being an expert or a pretend expert, but I think I’m much more of an aggregator more than anything else, is what I’ve done is I’ve found a whole lot of these things that work.

Not that I haven’t worked in these fields.

I’ve done a handful of these things myself, especially in terms of we’re talking about podcasting, a whole lot of content marketing, I have direct experience with and then there’s a whole lot of areas I don’t have any experience with.

But because I understand and understand the principles, I can relate it back, and I can tie all these things together to make them digestible for people.

So that’s just my my story. It’s a little bit of a dark secret, but it is it is what it is and maybe it makes sense to you or maybe it doesn’t go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Perfect, perfect concept of aggregation. This is what this book is about.

In fact, I talk about all these different sources that you can go look this stuff up and get a free copy

That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.