Content Marketing Plan 🧑‍💻

Thoughts on when is the right time to implement your content marketing in your business and the importance of consistency.


Content Marketing Plan.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

This is a series on content marketing that we’re doing. First we were talking about what content marketing is, if you don’t know, and you need to start from the beginning, go watch that one, that was two days ago.

Yesterday, we did content marketing strategy, where we kind of looked at the overall marketing strategy. And that’s really the first major steps you got to know you got to know kind of what content marketing is why you would want to even do it.

And then you’ll want to sit down and really define your marketing overall, and see where the content marketing is going to go and what it’s going to do and what the function is and who it’s going to reach, okay. We talked about that yesterday.

Now let’s talk about how we actually plan out the attack, how do we actually do that?

How do we know what the right answers are to all those questions and whether it makes sense or not?

There’s two different ways you can handle this.

One, if you are really a mover, if you’re a person that likes to implement things right away and just get things moving and make mistakes as quickly as possible, then do that, just do it, just jump in there and start implementing just start moving and seeing where things go.

Be okay with it flopping. be okay with it not doing what you expect it to do or wanted to do or what have you.

Number two, there’s another way of handling that and that is if you’re the type of person that wants to do this right?

As soon as possible. And don’t want anything, any loose ends hanging out there on the internet, which is okay, I mean either way is fine.

It all depends on your comfort level. Now, if you’re that type of person, that you want a little bit more assurance that you’re going to do this in the right way you don’t want your brand name or anything else getting out there that isn’t fully thought out completely, then I’m going to suggest that you talk to somebody, find somebody that has done the type of content marketing that you’re doing.

Or you could talk to a content marketing expert, someone that has some background that has worked with other people in doing content marketing, I can’t give you someone right off the top my head that would be able to do that oh, other than me, okay.

You could talk to me and you’re welcome to get ahold of me go to and click on I want to grow my business. Let me know that that’s specifically what we’re talking about and we’ll set up a time to be able to talk with each other now.

And there’s also other contact forms on that site that you can, you could find to get a hold of me. So find a way to get in touch with me.

I’d love to be able to talk with you about your company’s content marketing.

Now beyond that, that is the next step.

The next step is planning out implementation.

It’s going through those first steps we talked about, and then setting up okay, how soon are we going to do this and how long are we doing it for?

There’s a couple tips I want to throw out there right away.

One is that you’re going to want to know that you’re doing it long enough that you can actually get what you want out of it.

I mean, are you going to be able to tell I mean, if you’re only planning to do it for a couple of weeks, are you gonna be able to tell when a couple weeks whether you’ve achieved what you wanted to achieve.

So that’s something you really got to think about. Beyond that, the sooner you can get started, the better.

But you are going to want to spend some time getting where you want to get at the same time. You can track a whole lot of this, it all depends on your expectations are your expectations realistic or not?

Once again, you got to talk to somebody that has some experience, or somebody that just has the knowledge and the experience like myself.

So get out there and start digging in and start doing it. I know this wasn’t a super detailed explanation. But this is kind of the next major step and everyone’s going to handle their implementation a little bit differently.

Now, if you’re starting from scratch, especially if you’re a solopreneur. if maybe you don’t have funding and everything to be able to really do this big, but you want to be consistent.

Consistency is huge.

Then I’m going to talk about that tomorrow, we’re going to talk about the implementation process and how to stick with it. How are you going to put something move in movement that will keep going because the consistency is so huge.

I talk a lot about consistency.

I’ve got a whole chapter on it in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

This would also be helpful to you for content marketing, talk about it throughout and The principles in it have everything to do with content marketing, because it’s all about standing out.

How do you stand out and as your company stand out as all your brands stand out. That’s, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You go buy a copy wherever books are sold, but you can also go to to get your very own free copy right now. Okay. That’s all I got for today. You have a great night.

We’ll be back here tomorrow with more content marketing strategy. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.