Are You Losing Your Customers?

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Are you losing your customers?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I wanted to talk about that idea is, if you have ongoing customers, if you have a business that provides services, or products or an ongoing basis, there does tend to be a time at which you see audience, customer participation waning, where it seems like they don’t get it and they start skipping off, they start falling away.

And if you’re losing customers in that sense, let’s talk about that a little bit.

Now, if you don’t have an ongoing business going right now, go and grab a copy of my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, I go through that in chapter six, on how to offer ongoing services, if you don’t already offer ongoing services, go check that out, you get a free copy over at

Or you could buy it anywhere you buy books, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

Now, let’s talk about you have ongoing services, and you’re starting to see things fall back. And this could be customers, this could be members of a online website, this it could be any number of things, it could be parishioners that are at your church, whatever it is, when we’re talking about people that are falling away, it’s one main thing that they tend to be missing.

Oh, there goes the book, it tends to be it has to do with your basics. You aren’t getting the basics to the new crowd, you aren’t. As Frank Kern calls that indoctrinating them properly, you are bringing them into your philosophy and having them really buy in to your thought patterns.

And this doesn’t matter.

I don’t care if you’re selling dog food, it’s the same thing. There’s still a connection that your customers have to have with you. And if they don’t have that connection, you’re not getting those basics out there on regular basis.

I was having this conversation with a group of business owners earlier today. I said what what if we go over because we’re dealing with some of them that were new, and some of them that were old.

But I said what if we just connect with the basics on a weekly basis?

What if I just come up with a new topic? When it comes to basics, and we cover it every week?

Would you guys be up for that and there was there was a people were pretty interested in that. So as I remember it myself, I’m going we don’t go through the basics often enough. And we need to cover these basic ideas over and over and over again.

Because like a mentor of mine says there’s always a….it’s a traveling parade, the parade is always going by, and it’s always in front of new eyeballs.

And you got to remember that when it comes to your business, it’s not just the same people there all the time. There’s always movement going through it. And so you have to reinforce the basics, you may find them boring, but it’s important for you to reinforce them for example, in my own business, when I’m dealing as a business strategist for people, I’ve got three main areas that I tend to cover and everything that you hear me talk about on here pretty much come back to my three main pillars.

One is basically being reality grounded that’s that’s the big one really being routed grounded that’s all about being non emotional. And just as as based in reality as you possibly can be.

The second one is actually called system based system based you have a system based business.

Do you have a business that can run on its own, like Robert Kiyosaki cold we discussing the cashflow quadrant, which is an awesome book, it’s worth worth taking a look at.

He talks about a true business owner has what has a business that’s system based, it runs off of a system so that it’s not dependent on him or her.

You can walk in and out of the business and the business continues to function like a machine or an organism. Okay. That’s a great idea. And it’s something that most people don’t think of when they’re thinking of business.

It’s usually all personal. It’s all ego. It’s all thinking about me and how it affects me. When really you have to think of it as being its own entity. Your business really is its own entity and it has to have system behind it.

The third thing is being relationship reliant. And that’s the plain understanding that all business organism organizations, all everything on planet earth, deals with us working together.

No persons an island, all of us are working together. And it’s all about relationships. It’s all about how well people know you, and how well you know them. And this is basic, but it’s a simple concept that most people don’t think about when they get caught up in business, especially if you get the other two, right.

If you’re very logical, and you’re non emotional, and you’re system based, sometimes you can look at everybody as a as a cog in a machine, where you have to realize that human being there, and there’s got to be a relationship taking place, there’s a relationship between you and your employees, relationship between you and your customers, relationship between you and your investors, anybody else, your vendors, whoever, everything is a relationship.

And it’s all comes back to being relationship based. And all of the principles that tie into that, including one of the major ones, which is trust, trust is what determines how long someone is going to purchase from you, how long they’re going to be around, or whether they purchase from you at all, to begin with.

Those are my three pillars. Those are the basics of what I do over and over and over again, it all comes back to those to one of those sets of principles.

And you got to think about what are your pillars?

What are the basics in your business?

What are the things that make you different from everybody else?

What are your main principles, simplify, it doesn’t have to be big and complicated, doesn’t have to be a huge mission statement just has to be something clear cut that you can say over and over again.

That your people and the people who are in communication with your customers, your customer service, whoever, something they can go back to over and over and over again, to reinstill those ideas in your customer base.

You’re going to have a much more loyal customer base, and you’re going to have a healthier…..I won’t say healthier life, I would say you’re going to have a more fulfilling business life, because you’ll be surrounded with people that buy in to who you are and what you’re about and what your business is about.

Hopefully that makes sense to you. Hey, we’ll be back here tomorrow. Come on back again. I we do this on a nightly basis where we sit down and we go over principles, strategies, and tactics that can help explode your business. We’ll talk to you tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and just let the magic happen.