The Power of Earning 🤑

Earning your way instead of it being handed to you.


The power of earning.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo Welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I have this little card set of icebreakers, which I did a episode on earlier this week. And it on it has little questions that you could ask other people, but I like to use it.

I’m going to start using it once in a while to bring up ideas to be able to talk with you about this was one of them.

The question was, what was the first thing you remember buying with your own money?

And that’s an Okay, question. But I think what a better question that I’d like to answer is, what is the first thing I remember buying with the money I earned, because that was more important than anything else, all the other money, you know, you get money for your birthday, or for Christmas and stuff, and it builds up you find change under the couch and different things as a kid.

But it wasn’t until I started earning money, that it really mattered to me. And then it meant something to me. And it was truly mine. Right?

It wasn’t just handed off. And there’s, there’s magic there. And I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you that story. The story was my dad got me mowing lawns.

That was actually mowing, mostly, I think, for the most part just by grandmother’s lawn who didn’t live far away from us. And, and he actually did, did a lot, a lot of the work also, but I mowed the lawn and we were doing it in California when that’s when it was hot and back then you can actually like water, your grass and so forth.

So it needed it often, we were there every weekend to mow the lawn during the height of the summer. And in doing that I earn money and earn money I just slowly built up and built up and built up. And then you saw eventually you got to the point to where you can buy something.

But from the very beginning, he had me pick what I was planning to buy and it was a bike. I wanted a new bike. So I had had one bike, since I just I had started riding a bike. That was a gift. And that was great. But I wanted a more advanced bike, something that I could use and ride around with friends and so forth.

And that’s what it took, what it took was I knew about how much it was going to be we went looked at bike so we knew how about how much it was going to cost.

And so calculated it, I knew that, you know, in a very short period of time, I could save enough money to get that bike.

That was the first big purchase I had that made the biggest difference to me just right off the bat. But it’s just because I earned it. It was because I put in the time, it’s because I sweat a little bit and get out there and got it done.

So what’s this have to do with business at all, you have to remember that if you’re especially if you’re a business owner, and if you’re earning your money, if you’re doing a lot of work, and you’re you’ve worked your way up, that as you’re trying to help people try not to make it a gift, try to give them a chance to earn it means more to everyone if they earn their money. It doesn’t have to be anything outrageous.

My friend, Tyler Libby, he paid his for them to earn their way through college.

He he paid them to read certain books and give a report back to him on them the books that he had already read and they knew they will be good for his his children to read. So he had them read them. And it was still an earning as a different type of earning. It’s a different way of looking at things. But that’s still a way to earn money. You can give people a chance to earn the money that they make. It will mea to them. It will build their their self esteem and their their their quality of life. Because they’ll see that they’re capable of more than they thought they were and they won’t feel the need to pay you back. And you won’t have to hound them to pay you back because they’ve earned it. Find a way to help people earn what they want, earn what they need out of life. If you do that, I think you’ll be happy whether you’re dealing with your children, whether you’re dealing with employees, whether you’re dealing with somebody on the street, that just need some help. There’s always a time to loan someone money, there’s always a time to gift someone money.

But if you can find a way to have them earn it, it will mean so much more to that person instead of tearing them down and making them feel as if it’s just a charity case. You can actually help lazy a hand up versus a handout type of thing.

It’s cliche but it makes sense here earning is really the key to a huge key to life is doing something in exchange for value. If you can do that, you can make a big difference in this world, I think more of us need to need to think more that direction.

We think because things have been good for us that we need to give it all away. And it’s great to give away. But it’s better to have people earn it. So just something to keep in mind. That’s all I’ve got for today.

Go check out my book, 9 ways to Amazon proof your business. If you own a business, that you’re looking to demolish the competition. We’ll show you how to do it without even having to touch them.

All you do is you you build yourself up, you earn a new reputation with your business and you can make a big difference. There’s nine separate ways on how to do that in my book. You get a free copy at

That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.