Does Your Content Have Heart? 💗

Brian shares some special birthday art he received from his 5-year old daughter Allie. 👧


Does your content have heart?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m a Business Investor, I help people buy, sell, invest in and build their businesses, really transform their businesses is my favorite thing to do, regardless of what they end up doing with their business, I also help people start their own businesses.

As a business investor, I get involved with a lot of concepts of growth, both where companies have not gone yet, and where companies could go into the future, what has worked, and whether they can keep doing that, or what has stopped them from doing what’s always worked.

I’ve always been interested in these types of things, I just the last handful of years, gotten really good at these particular areas. One of the things that’s really interested me, and you’ll find, if you watch any of my videos, or listening in my podcast, is the concept of content marketing.

Content marketing is when you’re putting out content in with the intent of marketing with the intent of bringing people in to your business to your cause whatever it is that you’re trying to get attention for.

Now, this was this is not content marketing, but it proves a point.

This is an actual drawing from my five year old daughter, okay, she said, this is her, this is me, and she’s given me this big heart, okay. This was when I was out of town, which, you know, kills you, you know, your kids are drawn your pictures like you like you don’t exist anymore.

But I want to prove a point. This in her own way, this was content marketing, this is her attempt to to get attention, attempting to get a certain feeling elicit a certain feeling from me. Just being genuine. Her name is Allie. Short for Alexandria.

And that’s all a kid really wants. But if you look at it from from our perspective, in the end, all we’re trying to do is get a little bit of attention so that eventually someone’s there’s going to be a transaction that takes place that’s business, right to one extent or another, there’s going to be some type of transaction.

There’s nothing wrong with that. But in the same end if you can add heart, if you can have put into your content, reality, who you are, what you’re about what you’re after, what the type of people you’re looking to connect with the type of people you’re looking to have as customers as patients, whatever it is.

This is what’s important.

This is the most important thing of all, and it gives you I mean, just on a pure practical level, it gives you reach that you can’t have otherwise.

In a short period of time, if you can put a message out there that has heart that’s genuine, that’s not just not just for the sake of making money. But that’s a genuine, you know, example, a genuine display of humanity, I guess you could say, if you’re able to do that, then you touch something deeper that a person doesn’t even know that you’re touching it subconsciously, they may not even notice.

But they’ll get a little warm feeling when they think of you or think of your product or think of whatever is tied to your brand. And so you got to remember to insert that humanity don’t keep things cold and calculated and, and just very business.

I think that kills everything.

In the end, you got to keep things living, you got to keep it alive.

I don’t know why this picture made me think of that but it did. And so there you are.

That’s my message for today.

I have a book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It has just a handful of concepts, nine to be exact, nine concepts and there’s miniature concepts in between.

There’s places you can go beyond this book for more information about each of these ideas. But these are ways for you to become for you to grow your business to stand out to be completely different and thereby eliminate all the competition, even if that competition is

So if you want to get you can go and buy a copy my book, it’s a hard bound book, or you can get a free digital copy at my website.

Go to

That’s all I have for today. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime get out there and let the magic happen