Musk Invades Twitter πŸ•ŠοΈ

Brian talks about Elon Musk’s involvement in Twitter.


Musk invades Twitter.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Elon Musk has moved forward in his pursuit of acquiring Twitter, looking at kind of a hostile takeover of the company, especially since he first purchased made a large purchase of 9% of the company’s stocks, and then was looking to get on the board and then wasn’t going to be joining the board.

Then the head of this poison pill option that was put up by the current board of Twitter, and Musk now assembling a team supposedly to fully take over the company.

It’s pretty crazy, but I’m not going to talk about the ins and outs of the politics, I’m not gonna take a side one way or the other one I do want to do is focus on whether this helps Elon Musk’s brand?

Does he have anything to lose from this?

And I am going to venture to say that he doesn’t while Twitter may have something to lose, because they are in a sense, doing a lot of things that can be harmful to their company.

If that, you know the poison pill basically sets the company up for a new suicide if Musk were to take over but so so you could definitely say that there are issues there with Twitter.

That’s not what I’m concerned about. I’m concerned about Elon Musk, as the head of some major brands, you know, SpaceX, and Tesla and everything else that he’s working on.

He has made a habit of doing this year after year after year is putting himself out there in public and making a making noise about something saying something controversial about something.

In the same way that Donald Trump would use it. For really his entire career, be able to use the ability for the free press, it appears that Elon Musk can do the same thing.

So even if Elon Musk didn’t do anything with Twitter, other than just play with it a little bit here and there. Even if he did nothing of any significance with that company. The fact that he’s out there doing this and making noise and attempting it appearing like he’s attempted to do it puts him out there as a person to either love or hate as a person to take sides on.

As we’ve discussed before, if you do that, if you put yourself out there in a way that is can be controversial, where you’re doing things that are remarkable meaning people are remarking one way or the other people are talking about you, then there’s really no way to lose as long as you continue on with it, as long as you do not back off from it.

As long as you continue to have something that the public get an offering that the public can partake in, you will get more and more attention.

And that attention, even though it’s negative to a certain part of the population to the other part of the population, it’s positive, and becomes more positive, the more negative it is to one side.

Regardless of politics, when a person goes about doing this, in a sense, oftentimes called trolling, you know when it comes to getting the other person’s goat to getting attention to making a lot of noise.

Almost to the point of being a provocateur provoking a reaction from the other side, when a person does this, regardless of their political band, regardless of their nationality, regardless of anything that gender or anything else. It when a person does this, they get attention, and they move forward.

They have the ability to do more with that attention. Because if you can gain attention if you can, if you can be out there and stand out.

There’s really no way to lose in the business world or in the current world of getting being able to do what you want to do.

I mean, I don’t care if you’re even in business, if you have a nonprofit, if you have if you’re running for political office, I mean it doesn’t matter if you’re wanting to make a change in the world, it requires people to know who you are.

For people to know who you are, sometimes you got to do things that are a little outrageous, a little crazy.

Once again, I’m not defending Elon Musk, or his position on Twitter, all I’m doing is pointing out the glaringly obvious something that you should be able to take from that, and be able to use it in your own way.

Now, this doesn’t mean that you need to go out publicly, or on a national international basis, and make a lot of noise.

Sometimes you can do the same thing on a very local level, especially if that’s where you’re looking to get attention at wherever you’re looking to or miss.

Sometimes it’s in a specific industry. So everyone else may not hear the noise, but people within your industry hear the noise.

So it’s dependent on the audience you’re going after. But the same things are true no matter what, if you can do something outrageous. If you can do something provoking, thought-provoking or just provoking in general, you are going to do what you need to do to, you’re going to succeed, you’re going to succeed.

Let me just say it that way.

I talk quite a bit about this in my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. One of the ways to be somebody, and you want to go check out that book, and this is what I’ve been talking about here.

But I go through some details here. I use some examples. I didn’t use Elon Musk, but he’s a great example of somebody who is out there being somebody whether it’s purposeful or not. It’s certainly to his overall long-term benefit to be out there doing this. So interesting times we live in. Hopefully, that’s helpful.

Go get a free copy of my book at and I’ll be back here tomorrow night with some more conversation. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.