Manage Expectations in Content Marketing ๐Ÿ“‹

Thoughts on setting proper expectations to your consumers on when to expect your content to go live.


Manage expectations in content marketing.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

We talk a lot about content marketing here.

Content marketing is that type of marketing where you’re looking to get attention by providing some form of content.

It’s very broad idea, right?

But it could be everything from social media, to newsletters to books to, you know, just just about anything, both online and offline.

If you’re providing content, whether it be entertainment, or whether it be educational, you’re providing content, and getting a marketing result back, right.

The reason why I wanted to talk about this expectations and content marketing is because the people that are watching, listening, reading your content, they are going to have expectations, and you’re going to want to manage that.

You’re going to want to give them an idea of what to expect of how often to expect it.

That’s why every night, I’ll say, you know, we’ll see you tomorrow, because in general, I post these and I put out new episodes on a daily basis.

Now this mixes up once in a while and you can see going back that sometimes to get posted in one day, or we go a few days without posting. In general, it’s every day, so I give them that expectation.

People know when to expect, but they also know what to expect because I give an idea of the type of things we talk about here, even if it’s your first time.

By the way, if it is your first time. This is kind of a business conversation that we’re having right now. It’s kind of one way because just me here, sometimes we do an interview, sometimes we have a conversation with somebody else.

In the end, it’s all about business. Business ownership, business management, if you are a either a business owner or an executive, you know, how do you go about handling those things?

And specifically, we’re talking about content marketing today.

So how do you go about using this stuff for your business, and managing the expectation of your audience, like I just did with you is how it’s done.

You have to know what you’re doing, where you’re going, how you’re going to get there.

I don’t talk about this thing directly in my book, but my books another form of content marketing, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It gives you very, very broad-based, but some very specific areas to on how to learn more about these broad-based strategies that you can use in your business.

So short book, it’s really easy to read, you go go check it out at You can even download a copy, if you want download a free copy, you can go to

That’s our sponsor just in case you’re wondering, but if you’re really talking about managing that the reason why this came up, I think I started talking about that and then I got distracted.

The reason why this came up is a friend of mine does vlogging on a regular basis.

Now his form of vlogging is not really content marketing. He’s not specifically marketing anything he does this mainly on YouTube, where he does these kind of day in the life of vlogs that he puts out there.

He’s been very, very successful. Makes a decent amount from YouTube, and also has side things like t-shirts and other things that he sold over the years, that he’s able to make money there also. But in terms of what he does, it isn’t really direct content marketing. But I was very interested because he discussed how he’s going to be retiring in the next few years. And that he plans to buy his 50th birthday. Stop doing his show.

Now some of you already know who I’m talking about just because of that. And it’s somebody I’ve discussed before, but I don’t want to get too far into it.

I do want to discuss though, what that did is because I started watching, and this is if you really want to get a good idea of how to study marketing, study it in your head in your own head, study how you react to other things.

So I saw how I reacted to it. And I said, Well, if it’s just going to end it doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere.

If it did and didn’t feel like it was going anywhere. I wasn’t encouraged to watch more so funny psychology thing with expectations, but it’s something you got to you have to pay attention to.

It’s more prevalent in entertainment forms, but all content marketing is has to have some level of entertainment.

So you have to realize what people are going through when you tell them certain things, when you let them in behind the scenes, what they’re going to get.

Now my friend, he doesn’t care, because he’s not looking to get more views or anything else he’s happy where he’s at. And he really has an issue with bending to the will of the public. So that’s not his game.

But if your idea is to get people to do what you want them to do, which is kind of the idea of marketing, you’re trying to persuade people to purchase something, or get involved in something or donate to something.

If you’re in that frame of mind, you have to realize what you’re putting out there. You have to realize that if you aren’t purposefully giving a proper expectation, the wrong expectation will drift in from time to time, based on you just being honest or what have you.

Sometimes I can totally turn people off.

Once again, no offense to my friend, but at the same time it reminded me that this is an issue with all forms of content marketing. If you’re doing it regularly, which I talk about in my book, how to do it consistently. Because that’s really where the magic is like we do hear, we’re going on, you know, what are we on three years or something?

Over 1,000 episodes here at at Brian J. Pombo Live.

I appreciate you hanging in there and joining me from time to time.

Go check out my book, and we’ll be back tomorrow.

In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.