Using Reference Books In Your Business 📚 (Reference Material)

Value of having reference books around to help support content creation.


Using reference books in your business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Kind of an unusual setting here tonight. We’re in Southern Oregon and during this time of year, over the past handful of years, we’ve dealt with a really interesting phenomenon. And that is the forests burning to the ground and just covering us with smoke this year has not been horrible. But it still has been existent.

And you can even see now it’s still a little bit hazy back over here. But it can get to the point where you just don’t want to be outside at all. And so right now, it’s a little bit different, the winds had changed a little bit. So I figured a little bit of change in atmosphere for us, as I meet with you tonight, I want to talk about reference books.

Oftentimes, when you start getting into reading, you may lean toward just books that have a beginning, middle, and end. And you know, very specific things that you read them, you’re done, you put them away, if you really like them, you may keep them around.

Or you’ll sell them or or or toss them to Goodwill or whatever I would highly recommend look for another type of book on top of those books, I highly recommend looking for books that you could use as reference.

Reference material is extremely useful, especially if you’re in the area of content marketing. Because in content marketing, you will always be searching for a new way to talk about the exact same thing you’ve talked about a million times before.

And so I got random books that I go to, for ideas, and random books that I go to for, for different uses.

For example, here’s one that I found, I don’t even know how I ended up with this book, I didn’t buy it. I think my wife may have bought it years ago, it’s still in pretty decent shape. It’s called, Blueprints for Success Networking, 150 Ways to Promote Yourself.

Now I’m not necessarily, you know, over the top one-on-one network or anything. But this is one of those that every single page has a separate way to be able to promote yourself, which is another way you can do with any type of marketing.

Yeah, let me see here.

I’m just opening it up to random pages here. Number 62, benefits to the audience. What benefit do you provide the audience, people should listen to you because you have an important message that will help them improve their business or personal lives, they are for no other. They are there for no other reason. Yes, they will attend out of sheer interest but these people also have….

So this is dealing with when you’re speaking and so forth, and keep in mind specific things. So there’s, you know, that says 150 different ways of promoting yourself, and some of them are within other ways of promoting yourself.

But it’s one of those that you could go to any page and come up with a completely different idea that you can either talk about, have an opinion on, be able to reference back to what you’re doing, or actually put into use.

I love books like this very simple, very straightforward, not the type of thing you read, read front to back, one of those things that you pick up from time to time and read a little more and get maybe something else.

This is another one. And I know I’ve talked about this here before words that sell an excellent book, especially if you are writing any type of advertisement, any other type of copy and you need to be able to come up with a phrase with a word with whatever and you can, you can just flip to any page and come up with great lines.

Here are different words for unusual, okay, everything from scarce rare, extraordinary, Renegade Maverick.

Yeah, so you got kind of action words and you also have like phrases, you know, a different kind of blank, our exclusive blank, a rare find customized, custom made limited edition limited to blank copies.

It’s not that you would use this word for word, it’s that it helps spark the imagination helps get you moving to the next thing. So these are two different books for completely different reasons, right?

Two completely different reasons, but they’re volt reference books.

So when you’re looking for things that you can hold on to reference books are extremely useful. The internet has not been able to create every type of reference you could possibly ever imagine. Internet is great for definitions.

It’s great for the source-type things if you’re just looking for similar words you go, I like go into You know, there are great websites for this, and that quotes are fun. ability to find quotes all over the place.

But some of the strangest quotes, if you like quotes within particular genres or from a particular person, sometimes you just kind of go grab a book on it, and have that around so that you can use it over and over and over again.

Hopefully, this has been helpful to you, especially if you’re in the area of building content marketing, which we talk about a lot here. I have a book out there. It’s called ama. It’s called the, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. It’s all about how to become a competition-proof. If you’re watching this, you’ll see the address down below you can go there and get a free copy.

You can also buy it wherever you want. It’s a hardback book, you buy it over at or Barnes and Noble or what have you.

I’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.