You Have to Constantly Improve Your USP

Thoughts on having a USP in your business.


You have to constantly improve your USP.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I had a phone call conversation with a gentleman in the UK. His name’s Charles. And Charles works with business investors trying to link up business investors with business investments.

We were talking back and forth in terms of the type of investments that I look for and the partners I like to get involved with.

As I was talking with them, I realized I did not have an extremely clear-cut way to be able to describe what it was I was looking for. This was a new thing for me because I’m usually a little clearer on that. A little quicker to get to the point, it’s just I’m not always talking to an intermediary, I’m normally talking to the business owners themselves.

And so that it added a new twist to it.

It reminded me that everything comes down to a USP, a unique selling proposition a unique sales position, that is a whole bunch of different ways of saying the same thing.

But USP is a common abbreviation that gets thrown out there a lot.

The main idea about it is what makes you unique, as opposed to anybody else, that the person you’re talking to my work with and how can you get to that quickly and clearly and concisely?

That’s the whole point, it’s all about having that it’s a job that’s never done. Because just when you think you’ve got it all figured out, someone comes at it from a different angle, or you’re talking to somebody that’s looking for something completely different, but would also apply to what you’re doing.

You have to switch it depending on the person you’re talking to, whether you’re talking to them one on one or talking to them via marketing.

The USP is always changing and it all depends on the receiver on what that really needs to be. And so you always have to finagle it and change it through time.

Even the most famous USPS that had been thrown out there, you know, like Domino’s Pizza, you know, it’s 10 minutes or less, or the pizzas free, something like that was the original USP that really gains them a whole lot of momentum. While they’re not using the same one anymore. They, they changed it over time, USPS will always change. Because what people are searching for always changes, you always have copycats or people that appear to be trying to provide the same benefit.

It has to really benefit centric, it has to benefit the person you’re talking to. And so you’re going to need multiple USP’s, depending on what it is that you’re providing, whether it be services, products, something that’s, that’s somewhere in between, like what I do, you know, it’s not exactly a service or a product.

These are all conversations that we need to continue having and we need to talk about it, best thing to do is to work with somebody that has at least a business mind that can help you kind of parse this out.

If you know someone like that if you’re involved in a mastermind, if you’re involved with some type of business advisor or coach, get with them and go over your USPS, because you probably have multiple ones.

And you don’t need to design these things. You need to have these ready to go at a moment’s notice, in the sense, kind of an elevator pitch, if you will, because you’re going to run into somebody that needs to know right away whether they’re a good fit for you or not.

Not that you need everybody, but you got to make sure you grab the ones that are a good fit. So sharpen up your USP and get out there and try it out and finagle it as you go along because it’s necessary, adds I’m reminded on a regular basis.

So hopefully that’s helpful to you. If you’d like some more strategies on how to overcome competition or competitive forces in your marketplace.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Amazon proofing does not have to do with building anything on it has to do with beating out competition even if they’re as big as

So you get a free copy. It’s all I got for tonight. You have a great one. We’ll be back here tomorrow in the week. Time to get out there and let the magic happen.