Content Marketing Strategy

Day two of a series of shows all on Content Marketing.


Content Marketing Strategy.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Let’s talk about content marketing strategy yesterday, I kind of gave you a preview of what we were going to be going over. Today I want to get dig right into the steps.

Let’s say you have a business, you’re the business owner, you’re the executive, you’re the person in charge and you’re trying to figure out where to go with this content marketing thing.

We talked about the different types of content marketing, that’s something you definitely want to have your head wrapped around to some extent.

But the next big thing is to really go over the top three, first steps.

And we’ve talked about this a lot here. I know, I discuss it with nearly every one of my clients, we end up having to go through these steps at some point, the first step is to determine your market.

First step, determine your market.

So you got to determine who you are trying to reach with your content. Who are you looking for people that already know who you are?

Are you looking for people that don’t know who are you looking for?

Are you looking for your ideal clients?

Are you looking to just kind of spread yourself out there for everybody?

Who are you going after?

That’s the main question, you got to determine right off the bat, who are you going after? And that should be pretty clear. If you don’t have that cleared up, you’ve got to figure that out before you even start recording or sitting down and writing or what have you.

So find out who you’re trying to reach with your content first, that’s the first major part of content marketing. second major part of content marketing is the message. You got to know what you’re telling them.

So you find out who you’re talking to and then what are you telling them?

What are you wanting them to do after watching you listening to you reading your words?

Where What do you want them to do next, what’s the purpose?

What’s the main purpose, you’ve got to have that in mind, right?

You must know what you want them to do. If you don’t have that fully defined. First, figure out who you’re talking to, and then figure out what you’re wanting him to do. And that’s going to put a certain color on how you do your content, whether it’s going to be mostly about that.

Or whether it’s going to be mostly biographical or what have you. You got to figure out that first. So first is the who second is the what. And the third step is what we call media. In other words, where are you going to put it out?

See if you know who you’re talking to, you know what you want them to do, Then where should be easy at that point.

You may have already had an idea of where before, but you got to make sure it matches up with those first two. Oftentimes, we jump the gun and we say I want to make YouTube videos, or I want to be on Facebook, it’s like, okay, that’s fine, but who are we talking to?

And what are we telling them to do, if you don’t have those worked out first, a lot of times you you just want to be out there. And it’s not, it’s not the best solution, you’re always going to be disappointed because you have an expectation in the back of your mind.

But it’s not out in the front, where you and your team can can really sink their teeth into it. So you’ve got those worked out those top three things that should determine where you’re going from there, you shouldn’t have also within media.

You’re going to go back to the question we had last night, which is what type of things do you want to do in content marketing or whoever you’re putting in charge of it?

Are they going to be making videos, are you going to be writing blogs, are you going to be doing a podcast, which is mostly audio? You know, what are you doing?

Are you going to do all of them, are you going to put out a video with talking in it that gets converted into a podcast and gets transcribed into a blog post?

That’s something we do here at Brian J. Pombo Live, you could go check it out at

Go to the media section, you could check out our 700 plus videos, audios and blog posts all along the way. There might be a few that weren’t transcribed in there. But for the most part, I think we got transcribed. So go check that out one way or the other.

These are the steps, okay, there’s more to it, there’s more to the execution of it. We’re gonna get more into that tomorrow night. So come on back then.

In the meantime, go grab a copy of my book, nine ways to Amazon proof your business. It’s it’s cheap. You can get one Yeah, and it’s short. It’s simple, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Or how to stand out in your industry and make every competitor irrelevant. That’s a subtitle. I always forget the subtitle.

And I always forget to tell you guys that subtitle it actually makes more sense than the title itself. Right. So I wanted to remind you about that. Get a free copy at We’ll be back Your tomorrow night. Meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.