Business & Rebirth

Following your passion and not being obsessive about consequences.


Business and Rebirth.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today is off tonight, we’re recording this is Easter Sunday, which has all of these religious overtones and so forth, I’m not gonna get deep into that, because you either are into that, or you’re not into that. And if you’re into it, you already get it. An if you’re not into it, yet, I’m not going to try and convince you.

So that’s not where I’m going with this at all. But I would like to take the concept of rebirth of having something new of having a second chance, and multiple endless, not endless, but nearly endless, until the end comes for you know, you’ve got a life right now in business is what I talk about.

Within business, that’s kind of your piece of your calling, I would say there’s something that you’re meant to do in life. A big piece of that might be the business that you do.

If you’re a business owner, if you’re an executive, that’s what it’s all about.

If it’s really what your feel like you’re meant to do, or you’re at least going in that direction, you’re following your passion, as we talked about before, if you’re going in in the direction you think you should be going, then you got it, you have to have a certain amount of fearlessness, you have to have the ability to risk to a point that you don’t care about the consequences.

It’s not that you shouldn’t be careful, it’s not that you should be reckless, but you should not care too much about the consequences, because none of us get out of alive completely, not in a bodily sense, you know, most of us are not, that don’t, you know, assume fully in our human form into the heavens.

Most of us are, it’s just, we got this little tiny piece of time here, right, we got a tiny piece of time to do what we need to do.

But you got to realize you got chance after chance after chance. If you’re living in a semi free country, you have the ability to be able to go out and risk and risk and lose and risk.

You can even owe money to a ton of people and a lot of times bankruptcy is available, these all these things are there to allow you to risk and put yourself out there and try everything you can and just get out there and experience life and do what you think that that you’re meant to do, or do what you think that that is possible.

You got to kind of move forward with that. I know I got to move forward with that. There’s a lot of things I held back on within the last handful of years. And I’m gonna I’m gonna take more risks.

That’s what rebirth is all about. It’s all about understanding that no matter what, you got another chance to keep coming back and keep coming back. I won’t get too deep into that. But hopefully that makes sense to you.

I’ve got a book out there it’s called, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. The whole idea is to give you a kind of a starting ground for how to grow things long term and your business to make it completely competition proof.

It’s really about the mindset behind the whole thing and the strategies behind the whole thing. You get your own free copy at

We’re going to be back here tomorrow night with another idea. We’re here in my this is this is my Toyota four runner, and I’m going to be coming back to you probably tomorrow from Grants Pass, Oregon hopefully.

So we’ll be back back in the bunker in the underground layer. And we’re at the headquarters for Brian j pombo comm you take care of yourself. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.