Your Customers Best Kept Secret 🤫

Feeling good always seems to be a goal worth having. But do you know what your customers are after for a happy life?

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Your customers best kept secret.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

All customers have this secret about them and every once in a while, you’ll get somebody to spill the beans. It has nothing to do with being a customer.

It’s about being a human and that’s why a lot of times I’ve been able to get this secret out of them just in conversation and almost always, it’s just an everyday conversation.

So tonight as an example, I was having a conversation with one of my business partners Jason, and we were sitting and talking on the phone and going over, you know, kind of where he’s at, and where, where he’s looking to take things from here.

He said it very clearly, and I wish I had it recorded, because I wish I had it word for word. But it was it was this general idea, and that is that I just want to feel good about where I’m going, and what I’m doing in life, he said.

So far, what we’re putting together here is allowing me to feel better and better and better about myself, and what I’m doing and where I’m going in life. And he went into more depth on what that meant to him and he’s a very expressive person, so he put a lot of very clear points on it.

But you usually won’t hear that from your customers. But in reality, it’s what they’re all looking for. Now there’s different flavors to that a person may want to feel more powerful, a person may want to feel more secure.

A person may want to feel more free. There’s different ways to say the same thing. But a person really just wants to feel good. In general, people just want to feel good, and that’s good people. That’s bad people, it doesn’t matter.

Different things feel good to different people. But in general, they’re all after that jet, that overall feeling of feeling good. And that’s a lot of times it’s it’s get been given different words throughout time. You know, I think in the last 20 years, I’ve heard it, mainly referred to as happiness.

Well, what’s happiness, happiness is that general feeling of contentment, that you’re content with where you’re at, you feel good about the overall scenario of your life. And that’s what everyone’s after one way or the other. I don’t care if you’re selling dog food.

Or if you’re selling an alarm system. It’s the same thing. People want what you have, so that they feel good. Now, it they may not automatically, most of the time, it’s not a conscious feeling.

But everything that you do in life is to feel good in some way. In some ways, it’s more deeper. in other ways. It’s more surface and very carnal, I guess you could say. But either way, it’s all after the overall concept of feeling good about where they’re going.

There’s been different workers and gurus and so forth that have talked about this through time. I’m trying to think of who it was, that was discussing status, that everything is status based.

That’s true to an extent, if you were to describe why people do what they do, but the reason why they’re after that status is to feel good. It all comes back to a general feeling that and this is as opposed to thought. We all think that people are after a certain outcome. You got to realize that every single outcome is based in the outcome of feeling good.

You see, it doesn’t matter. Either way. They want to feel good about the outcome. So yes, you need to have a logical discussion in there to back up the emotional one, but emotionally, everyone’s after the same thing.

Don’t ever forget that and then the quicker you can get to making that connection between how buying your widget, your service will get them to feeling good. The quicker you can make that connection, the quicker you’re going to be able to sell more and more to people That’s good.

And that’s bad depending on what you’re selling, right?

That could be taken the wrong way I completely understand. But that is the nature of things. I’m not here to, to judge you or what you’re doing. only here to kind of illuminate the rules of the game. I didn’t make them up. This is just how people work.

Hopefully that makes sense to you. If you’d like more details as to how to go about doing that I go through nine different ways to be able to really take over your marketplace, or what I call Amazon proof the, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can get my book, anywhere that books are sold or you get your own free copy at We’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, you get out there and just let the magic happen.