The Main Thing You Need

The main thing you need.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’ve got a quick one for you tonight and if I can take my entire philosophy on why I do what I do and why I help business owners in the space that I do. It comes down to one main thing.

If you look at the whole spectrum of what I ended up doing in the process of working with business owners is I help them to one kind of designate what they’re looking to get, what they’re hoping ideally their business is going to provide for them and secondly, mapping out a plan. Thirdly, helping them go through the process for that plan point by point by point and making sure that it works.

Then next setting up systems to help make sure that that plan is going forever, that it has an ongoing life to it.

Then it doesn’t require them constantly that they have the ability, if they desire to be able to step away or at least not be as important to their business as they are in the very beginning.

But if you boil it down to its most basic form, what I’m really hoping people to do is number one, trust themselves.

Having confidence that what you’re doing and that you know what the right thing to do is you just gotta step forward and do it. And to realizing your limitations.

We all have limitations.

There’s just always so much that each of us get.

There’s only so much that we all have that is possible to do unto ourselves that no matter what, if you’re really gonna make a dent in life, if you’re really gonna make a big difference, you’re going to have to trust in other people.

So you’re gonna have to know what you’re good at and be confident in that, but also know what your weaknesses are and where you need other people to fill in.

If I can help you discover those things and help you fill in those things and back you up where you need to be backed up, then my job’s done. That’s what my business life is all about.

And the people that I work with are people that are looking for them and their lives and hopefully I can help.

Well then find a way to find it.

So hopefully that’s helpful for you. If you’d like to be able to talk with me about your business and how it relates back to your life and how we can fill in the gaps. Go to go check that out.

I know this was all just a big, long commercial. Me, me, me, me, me, but hopefully the concept of the pattern helps you, even if you work with me or not.

If you’re able to take some of these concepts and include them into what you’re doing into your life so that you have a clear understanding of where you’re going. Think about your business and what you are able to provide for other people through your products and services.

How can you distill that down into a very straightforward philosophy?

Can you pull it down to the brass tacks and say the main, what is the main thing that you’re providing for people on an ongoing basis? I’d love to hear your answers. Leave me a comment. Otherwise go to the link is in the description, especially if you’re in this business.

Go and check it out.

Hey, you have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.