Fake It Till You Make It: Yea or Nay?


Hey, fake it till you make it, yea or nay? Coming to you today from the inside of my car. This is Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Today we’re going to deal with the issue of fake it till you make it.

Is that a good thing? Is that a bad thing?

Well, did you fake it till you made it? Have you made it yet?

If you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field and you feel like you’ve made it to a certain extent, but you’re still have a ways to go to get to where your business is really what you want it to be, then I’m going to suggest that you go to dream Biz chat.com the link is in the description. There’s an eight and a half minute video there. Go Watch it. Let me know what you think.

Fake it until you make it has gotten a really bad rap over the years. Okay, and I’m just gonna point out the elephant in the room here. There are U-Haul boxes in the back of my car.

My family is going to be moving here by the end of the month. Brand new place. Why am I not in the Orange Office right now? I’m too tired to go into the Orange Office right now. I was here, I was thinking about jumping in there, but normally I’ve got a set up lights and do all this other stuff. I’m saying, “you know what? I’m going to come right here. We’re going to talk about fake it till you make it.” I’m going to be real with you while talking about fake it till you make it tell you the truth. So I think there’s two ways of looking at fake it till you make it.

One is the way, the negative way that a lot of people see it, and I think this really comes from people that take the expression, fake it till you make it and they take it to mean you’ve got to fake out other people. So you’ve got to pretend to be something you’re not for the sake of other people until you get your foot in the door until you get, you know, seen or noticed or whatever.

Basically lying. Lying to other people. Lie to other people till you can get what you want. I’ve heard some famous people online talk about how they lied to get where they want and I understand a little white lie here or there that isn’t going to hurt anybody on the same end. I would not encourage it. I would not encourage faking it till you make it in that way.

On the other hand, the expression has, I have usually never heard anybody tell me to fake it till I made it in discussing faking it to other people.

Really faking it until you make it the way I see it has to do with faking yourself out in a sense.

In other words, if you need to be able to rise to an occasion, oftentimes in our mind we’ve got something telling us, well, yeah, but that’s not who you are. You don’t really have money. You aren’t really that type of person. You’re not the type of person that can wear a suit or do anything like that and sometimes you’ve got to fake it. Tying into the dress for success thing, sometimes you have to fake yourself out. You have to act like what you think a person needs to be to be in the position where you’re wanting to go.

Sometimes you have to pretend in order to get there, you have to put in order to get your mind in the right place, you’ve got to fake it till you make it. You may have to wear nicer clothes, you may have to comb your hair. You may have to step up a little bit and talk the way that you think a successful person needs to talk or a business person needs to talk or a salesperson needs to talk. Whatever it is. Sometimes you have to try it until you’re good at it and a lot of times we see that as faking it, but I don’t see anything wrong with faking yourself out in order to get where you want to go.

I think that’s an important thing to remember when it comes to faking it until you make it. Don’t fake it with other people. Don’t pretend to be something you’re not. Be as real as possible.

People appreciate that you’re going to get more respect over the long run, but in terms of trying to get past your own excuses, sometimes it’s going to take faking it. Sometimes it’s going to say, hey, let’s, let’s pretend that it is possible. Let’s pretend that we actually can go the next mile and do what we need to do. Sorry for the shaky camera work, folks. I’m holding it with my right hand right now. Once again, I’m not going to fake it with you, but I’m always going to try and fake myself out. Now that brings us to another saying that I’ve heard and that’s the 11th commandment.

That, thou shalt not fake thyself out. We’ll talk about that one tomorrow though. If you happen to be a business owner and the self-reliance field, don’t forget to go to DreamBizChat.com otherwise, the rest of you, I will see you tomorrow. Have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.