Combine Interests For Extra Attention 😃 (Nintendo Lego Super Mario Magic)

Brian’s son Tyler jumps in on tonight’s episode to share his love for Nintendo Lego Super Mario in our talk about the power of combining interests.

Brian also shares how combining interest of gardening and chickens has worked for a recent company he interviewed named, Roost and Root.


Brian: Combine interests for extra attention.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. And with me is…

Tyler: Hello my name is Tyler. I’m his son, Brian J. Pombo.

Brian: This is Tyler Pombo here.

And he is How old are you?

Tyler: I’m 7 years old, and I have a Mario I’m going to show, it’s actually Lego Mario.

Brian: Lego Mario, okay.

What about it do you like?

Tyler: Yeah, like, if you put them on green Legos. It shows like, green, and it’s electronic.

Brian: And so you could play games with them?

Tyler: Yeah, like there’s a little pipe that you put them in, and that’s just like the Mario, you have a time and you have to go really fast. You only have one minute to delay.

Brian: So it acts like the Super Mario games.

Tyler: Yeah.

Brian: So what what do you like, Do you like Legos, or do you like Mario?

Tyler: Both.

Brain: Okay, so both Legos and Mario.

So they took Mario which which came first, Legos or Mario?

Tyler: Legos.

Brian: Legos came first. You’re right. And then Mario came out.

Tyler: So how you turn them on is, this a little button that’s down here. Then there’s a little app, and that’s one of my favorite parts.

Brian: An app for a phone?

Tyler: Yeah.

And then you push this one that’s up above it, then it actually connects to it.

Brian: It’ll connect to the app?

Tyler: Yeah, yeah.

Brian: Was that Bluetooth or something?

Tyler: Yeah. It’s Bluetooth. It’s awesome!

Brian: So do you think do you like that better than a lot of your other Legos?

Tyler: I used to build a lot of Legos that I changed to a bunch of stuff with Lego Mario.

Brian: Yeah, and you but that’s your favorite Lego piece is the Lego Mario ones.

Tyler: Yeah.

Brian: Do you think it’s because they that combines two things that you really like?

Tyler: Yeah, it’s like super super cool. You guys can like get it. I bought this at like, Fred Meyer I think.

Brian: We’re not doing a commercial just for Mario.

We have we have stores in this area called, Fred Meyer. That’s what he’s talking about.

Tyler: Yeah.

Brian: But, I think they got the point that you like Super Mario and you like Super Mario Legos. But the idea is, is that if you can combine…if you can combine two different interests, two different areas, two different things that people love.

For example, on my podcast, the Off The Grid Biz Podcast, we had Roost and Root and that website, it actually combines the idea of raising chickens with gardening.

Who someone that you know, that raises chickens and has a garden?

Tyler: Mama.

Brian: Mom does that. So it’s common to have two things that go good together.

You know, the old Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup concept to two things that are good alone, but also are good together.

So think about how you combine products, combine interests of your marketplace, and you’ll be able to get a lot more attention.

So don’t forget about my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can get a free copy at and you can find out more ways to be able to make a huge difference in your business in the long run.

It’s a quick book, it’s tiny. It’s real thin. You get a hard copy or you get a free one and we’ll be back tomorrow. Thanks for being on Tyler.

Tyler: Yes. So there’s like, so like you can also buy expensive and expand on Lego Mario.

Brain: Oh yeah it goes on and on with all the Lego Mario stuff that you can.

Tyler: Also you can take off his pants.

Brian: Oh, yeah, which is always a good feature.

So thanks for being with us.

Tyler: He does not look like this in the package but he looks just like Mario when you buy him.

Brian: Yeah, he added some added some Legos on him.

Tyler: Yeah, yeah.

Brian: So that’s all we got for today. You have a great night. Get out there…

Tyler: And do the magic!

Brian: Let the magic happen.


Feeling Unmotivated?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live, please excuse the echo. We’re sitting in a closet right now. Empty closet, but it’s a closet just to say we’re moving. This is Tyler Pombo, “I’m from that video in the office.”

And this is Alexandra Pombo, we call Allie.

And today we just want to give you a simple message. It’s very simple.

I see Joe’s watching. We’re here live on Facebook Live, but we’re also going to be broadcasting….and Joe says, hi everybody. We also broadcast over on LinkedIn, Instagram. Currently audio gets put out through via podcast.

So you may be listening to this on the podcast, but Tyler, how old are you?


And Allie how old are you? I’m Two.

Tyler: I have a stamp on my hand.

Allie: I have a stamp on my hand.

Brian: You have a stamp too?

You got stamps on your hand?

And so we’ve also have our youngest. Your youngest brother, what’s his name?

Tyler: Lucas.

Brian: And how old is Lucas?

Tyler: He’s zero, but he’s my brother.

Brian: He’s zero, but he’s about 7 months old.

You guys hold on.

I got a special message for them.

If you’re feeling unmotivated, you got to remember what your WHY is.

You don’t necessarily have cute kids like me, but you got to have a reason why you’re doing what you do.

Go read the book, Start With Why, by Simon Sinek.

Yeah, that’s a good start.

You’ve got to always remember your why.

If you don’t have a why, why are you getting up in the morning?

Why are you putting in all the hard work?

Tyler: Why? Why? You need to wake up later.

Brian: Like I’m saying, they have to have a reason why they’re doing what they’re doing. And if you do have a good reason why that you’re going through all that hard work, then don’t forget it. Put it out in front of you. Y’all have a good night. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Tyler: Bye!