What Is the 1st Key to Growth?


What is the first key to growth in your business?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we are going to be discussing the first key to growth. Tomorrow we’re going to be talking about the second key.

The first key to growth in your business is something, and these are very simple steps, but you’ll be surprised how many businesses, even if they start them, they never finish them, they never stick to them.

And the first key to growth I’m going to talk about in just a minute, but first but I’ll tell you about DreamBizChat.com go to DreamBizChat.com if you’re a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field and I will actually walk you through these steps of business growth.

It’s a little process I call the Worthington Method.

And this first key is one of the main ones that is can change everything for our business.

So simple, so easy to miss.

Go DreamBizChat.com and go check out that video. It kind of goes through some of the real basics behind the process. And see if you qualify for a free run through, so the link is in the description.

The first key to growth is something very simple and I’m going to break it up into some pieces, but it’s about defining your destination.

Defining your destination needs to start out very broad.

It needs to start out very broad. This has something to do with what we were talking about yesterday in terms of legacy.

I’m going to bring this back to a conversation that I was having with a couple that owns a business and a very successful website where they were needing to define it themselves and when I’m even going to help them in the future to take it and get it a little bit even more defined.

But the question I always have for people is ideally in the long run, the end game for your business….What do you want it to be?

Where do you want it to end?

What’s the absolute pie in the sky dream come true for your business?

What is it?

What’s that definition?

Obviously it’s not the type of thing that you’re expecting to happen tomorrow or in a year from now. This is probably years and years and years and years down the line.

Where do you see your business?

Do you see it just lasting for a handful of years and then fizzling out?

Do you see it transferring and becoming something way beyond what it is right now, but what is that?

Where do you see it going?

Do you see passing it onto your kids?

That all comes back to the question, of building a legacy that we were talking about yesterday.

But if you can have your idea for that and then say, okay, well let’s talk about the initial steps to getting there and how do we bring that back down to reality. And let’s say in the next year…..and a year is a great point to focus on if you don’t already have yearly goals year or something that’s not so far out that it’s unimaginable, but it’s just far enough that it gives you time to get there.

In most cases, I’ll say 12 months from now. Talk about in a year where we going in a year and we want to get specific.

So if you’re looking to grow your business, a certain percentage, if you’re looking to grow it to a certain level in terms of the amount of money, bringing in maybe a certain amount of customers on a regular basis or a certain amount of customers doing a specific thing, perhaps you own a membership or some type of subscription based business, you may want a certain number of subscribers.

You know that there’s very clear goals that you want to hit and you want to have that very clearly defined if you don’t already. I mean if you’ve really got a fast growing business, perhaps you already have this stuff worked out and you’re ahead of the game by having this first step.

The first step is to really clearly define your destination on the long run.

You know in the end game, in the shorter run about a year and then shorter than that, where are we going to be at at the end of every month?

In order to get us to where we want to be in a year, what’s it going to take?

Where are we at?

And that is the initial thing that most businesses completely fail at. They completely let these things go.

They think that, you know what, we’ll get there, we’ll get there eventually.

We’re just going to take it day by day and that’s all fine and good, but you can’t expect to really get somewhere unless you’re put it up there with a date.

It’s fundamentals of goal setting, right?

Put it up there with a date and a specific end. Not just, I’d like to be bigger. We’d like to be bigger.

We’d like to have a larger business. We’d like to be a lot bigger than what we are.

It can’t be fuzzy. It’s got to be something specific.

When you’re bringing it down to a date specific date, you also need a specific goal.

Something that’s measurable, it has to be measurable. Otherwise there’s no way to know whether you’re there or not.

You’ll say, well, I’ll know when I get there.

That’s easy to say, but in reality, you’re not going to know when you get there because nothing depends when you get there.

Because after you’re there, then you gotta decide where you’re going to go for the next year or the next six months or what have you.

Something worth thinking about. Very simple step.

And that’s just the first step in business growth.

We’re going to talk more about some of the other steps as we go forward, including tomorrow.

We’re going to talk about the second step.

So come back tomorrow. We’re here every day here on Brian J. Pombo Live.

You can watch the videos on your favorite social media or you can listen to the audio via podcast. Just type in Brian J. Pombo Live into your favorite podcast aggregator, whether that be iTunes or Google Play or what have you.

And you’ll be able to find us. Obviously they used to call it iTunes, now they call that Apple Podcasts when it comes to podcast, if you weren’t aware.

So go and check that out. You’re welcome to listen to it. And we’re always back here going through some of these processes. I’d love to hear your questions.

Leave a comment down below. If you’re in a place that doesn’t have the ability to leave a comment, go to BrianJPombo.com and click on any given video.

Leave a comment there.

Love to hear from you. I’ll do a little bit of back and forth right here on the show, so have a great night.

We’ll see you tomorrow. Get out there and let the magic happen.

Top 11 Signs of A Winner: #11 Willing to Commit to Your Dream

More Daily Vids➡️ – shorturl.at/ctAB4

Do you have a strong enough personal desire to overcome the (currently invisible) obstacles and enemies along your path?

Brian’s final sign of a winner – You have to have a strong enough desire to fight for your dreams

Past Vids On This Topic

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2 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-2-willing-to-stand-out/
3 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-number-3-willing-to-interact-with-customer-base/
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5 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-5-willing-to-commit-to-a-long-term-strategy/
6 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-6-willing-to-go-beyond-chasing-customers/
7 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-7-find-the-who-not-learn-every-how/
8 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-8-under-promise-and-over-deliver/
9 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-9-willing-to-define-stick-to-your-principles/
10 – https://brianjpombo.com/top-11-signs-of-a-winner-10-willing-to-take-responsibility/