Announcing Formulas For Writing Headlines

From chapter 5 from John Caples classic book, Tested Advertising Methods.

The value of using the word “Announcing” at the beginning of your headline.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Announcing formulas for writing headlines.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to go through the second of John Caples fabulous 35 proven formulas for writing headlines, it can be found in this book tested advertising methods which can go

Go get yourself a copy of anywhere their books are sold. It’s a classic by John Caples.

And this is from chapter five, we’re going through each point one by one in excruciating detail. First, I wanted to remind you that I also have my own book out nine ways to Amazon proof your business. So if you’re looking to completely work around competition, and be able to make it to where come You know, you just don’t have any competition. When it comes to you and your business.

Check out my book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. So you can get that a free copy at Now, let’s talk about that headline tip for the day.

This is like I said, the second one in this book, and it says begin your headline with the word announcing. That’s it.

I mean, this is what he’s talking about is giving your headlines, a news quality, like they’re a news headline. So whether this is an ad in a paper or a magazine or something of physical value, whether it’s an email that you’re sending out and the headline is basically the subject line of the email.

Whether you’re putting out any type of content on social media, or you’re putting out a YouTube video and you need a title for it. That’s also headlines. So if you use the word announcing, it gives a very much a newslite quality, especially if you if you are talking about something that’s timely, it makes a big difference.

So it gives a couple couple examples here, you know, announcing a great new car, announcing a new dictionary announcing a new selection of brand name video cameras, announcing new Firestone tires.

And then you could use different forms of announcing he talks about you know, golf announces a new and different gasoline. An important announcement of homeowners or excuse me an important announcement to homeowners.

That’s the whole idea just using that word that is used in headline. It’s used every once a while in advertising, but it’s oftentimes used in news. So announcing this it kind of draws a person in there’s a there’s a subconscious psychology behind it. That pulls you in. It’s like okay, well what’s been enough, what’s going on? What’s happening?

Simple, it’s a simple thing that you can plug and play and make any headline a little bit more alluring to who’s interested in checking it out. Now if you want to check out all 35 of these headline tips, watch the rest of these videos we have a series as I go along if you’re watching this brand new, then you’re you’re gonna have to hang in there for the rest of them. But this is we’ve gone through the first two the 35 and we’re going to hit all the rest of them will have a playlist up later that you can go check out or be check it out now depending on when you’re watching this.

Other than that we do things every night here at Brian J. Pombo Live brought to you by and my new book, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. You have a great night we’ll be back here tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Introducing 35 Proven Formulas for Writing Headlines by John Caples

Brian begins his series on John Caples Headline formulas from his classic book, Tested Advertising Methods.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Introducing 35 Proven Formulas for Writing Headlines by John Caples. Okay.

John Caples wrote this book, Tested Advertising Methods. This is this is the fifth edition, it has other things added into it, it’s an older, the original book is quite a bit older. But they’ve been coming out with new versions over and over again, let me see when was the original book I’m trying to see if it says here, I don’t see it right off the top.

I’m sure you could find out if you did your homework, but great stuff in here.

I wanted to talk about the first of the 35 proven formulas for writing headlines. And we’re going to break these up probably into 35 different videos. But if possible, I may link a few together.

These are real simple concepts each one’s incredibly simple, but you can use it for your videos, you can use it for email, subject lines, anything where a headline would be useful in any form of advertising that you’re doing.

So this first one is simply beginning your headline with the word introducing, which is what I did here. So the title of our video, it begins with that. And it’s a news headline. So he talks about really his first of his first handful of recommendations.

Let’s see, his first eight proven formulas all have to do with being news type of headlines.

If you say introducing, it automatically kind of draws people in. It’s you’re telling them that it’s new, you’re telling them that something is happening. That’s newsworthy.

So it he gives a couple of examples here he says introducing brand name a new generation of affordable art materials for student artists. It’s just an example of a headline, you know, introducing a special gift for a special time of year introducing the all new Ford Taurus introducing a new way to help bridge the gap between what you’ve saved and what you’ll need during retirement.

See, it doesn’t matter what it is, if it’s something that people are after, if you put introducing in front of it.

It draws people in simple, simple, simple technique and if you understand the principle behind it, the principle of what you’re trying to accomplish, you can use other words, and he’s going to give us other examples of other words, and we’re going to use that on the next episode.

You can always go out and get a get a copy of this book is aren’t my ideas is john caples tested advertising methods. But also check out a copy of my book.

Here’s some ideas that’ll that’ll take everything in your business to the next level.

It’s, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business, you get a free copy at That’s

And we do this on a nightly basis. So gentlemen, come on back. I’d love to hear your experiences with using some of these methods, some of these formulas and I’d also like to find out what you think about them. Send me a little comment.

We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Why Should You Use Headlines? 🧐

The Power of Headlines in your Copy and why they’re effective.

Amazon-Proof Your Business➡️


Why should you use headlines?

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I’m going to talk to you about an essential idea within the world of direct marketing. It’s the concept of headlines. So if you’re doing any type of marketing whatsoever, I don’t care if you’re just putting out videos for people to find and watch, even if it’s people who are already your customers, you really ought to understand the psychology and importance of headlines.

What are headlines?

Headlines are like the title of an advertisement is the title of a video you’re putting out it’s a title of a post on Facebook, it doesn’t matter where it is, everything needs a headline, to some extent, it needs something that draws people in, so that they can participate in the rest of it.

So it’s the same thing, a title of a book is the headline for the book, you’re not going to buy the book, or even look a little bit deeper into the book, or into the idea of buying it if the headline doesn’t capture you.

So just as an example, I just had my new book come out a couple months ago, 9 Ways To Amazon-Proof Your Business. And the subtitle is how to stand out in your industry and make every competitor irrelevant.

Okay, that whole thing is a headline.

If you’re not in business, if you don’t have a business, that’s not going to be it’s not going to interest you it’s it’s specifically drawing out people that have an interest, people who are looking to make themselves Amazon proofed or to fight all come competition, you know.

And so people if, for example, if you are interested in that you want to go to

See, there’s a little advertisement that I just did.

But for the rest of it understanding headlines is really important. And it all came back from original advertisements that were put out there. This is a fabulous book. And what I’m going to do is I’m going to I’m going to put out a handful series of videos, I don’t know if I’ll do them all in a row.

But if you’re watching this, this might be part of a playlist on YouTube or somewhere else that you can go in, you can watch the rest. And it’s all from this book Tested Advertising Methods, by John Caples.

Okay, this is a later edition. So it has a lot of other things added into it. But the original book was written by john caples. He was an amazing advertising writer, and copywriter specifically.

And this was this was an an ad that he came out with and said, “They laughed when I sat down at the piano, until I started to play. “

And that draws you in. And why is it draw you and it’s a little bit it’s worded a little bit differently, because it’s the old school older advertisement, let me say, that says where when it was from, I believe it’s from the 20s.

But I’m not sure off the top of my head. it’s worded a little bit differently. But the concept is that you have a person that would not be expected to play the piano well. But but can pull it out at any time and show off this amazing gift that he has. It pulls you in, because you want to say, well, what’s the story behind this?

How do they learn how to play?

What’s going on here, the curiosity everything else, we can spend a lot of time just on that one headline on why it works. But headlines work and there are certain formulas you can use to to find perfect headlines and I’m going to go through some of those.

I am going to go through in video form 35 proven formulas for writing headlines, this is right out of chapter five. I’m not going to do anything I’m going to tell you my piece of it of why I think it works.

But these are headlines that I will use to title these videos. And I’m going to do one at a time and see what you think about them.

Next time I’m going to go through number one. And you can use these whether you’re titling videos, whether you’re titling blog articles, whether you’re putting out an ad in the newspaper, it doesn’t matter what form of advertising you’re doing.

If you can use these little tricks, or at least understand the psychology behind them, you could start coming up with your own. A whole lot of my videos do better than others. Sometimes it’s the it’s the picture on the front, the thumbnail, what we call the thumbnail that’s on the front of the thing.

But quite often with my videos, it’s the title. And I’ve learned little tricks of things, titles that work better. Oftentimes, it’s news stories, it’s things that are in the news or things that people are searching for at that moment.

That tends to grab them, but that those tend to come and go because once the news is gone, people don’t search for them anymore.

I tend to look for more evergreen things to discuss to pull in the right people. So hopefully that makes sense. We’re going to talk more about headlines as we go ahead.

So watch for the future videos, and go grab a cop free copy of my book. We’ll be back here tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

4 Ways To Appeal To Your Customers

4 ways to appeal to your customer base.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I just had a quick thought for you tonight. I want to get it out quick because we’re almost at the end of the night and we’re almost into tomorrow. I got to make sure I hit that window.

This is from the book Tested Advertising Methods.

This is from chapter six, by John Caples, a famous advertiser, and he said, there’s basically four main things that people are appealed to have in some way or form.

And you could look at the bad side of these and you could look at the good side of these.

They each have their good’s and bad’s of it, depending on your perspective.

The first one is sex appeal or sex, and it’s not just, or even primarily the physical act, but also love, affection, friendship, all of those things is something that appeals to people as humans.

These things that appeal to people on a deeper level.

It’s something that kind of appeals to all people in some way, shape, or form. Things you’ve got to take into account when you’re doing any form of advertising, marketing or talking to your customer or prospective customers.

Here’s the second one.

Greed, all things physical and emotional that money can buy.

So that’s greed.

Number three, Fear.

Fear of losing what you have of not gaining what you hope to achieve or both.

Then there’s four Duty, Honor, Professionalism.

Not what’s in it for me, but what’s what is best for those I serve.

The right medicine, the longest lasting sewer pipes, the most effective fire engine.

Those are the four things that John Caples talks about.

Sex appeal, Greed, Fear, Duty, Honor and Professionalism.

He says this comes directly from another person that he discusses in his talks of a person named Han. The person who originally came out with the three appeals and then he added the duty, honor and professionalism to it.

So it’s just a side thought, something we go a whole lot more deeper on.

What makes it right or wrong to appeal to people and to appeal these instincts that they may not even be aware that they have, but how do your products do that?

How do your services do that?

It’s something to keep in mind.

Also, another thing to keep in mind, if you’re in the self-reliance space, you’re a business owner or executive, go to go check out the video there.

That’s all I have for tonight. Get out there, let the magic happen.