One Is The Deadliest Number
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If you get all your business from one media source, one is the deadliest number.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office. I’m with and this is Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to be talking about the concept of one being the deadliest number out there. I think that actual quote comes from Dan Kennedy. Don’t quote me on that, but I think it does. Dan Kennedy a marketing genius and the concept is simple.

If you are dependent on any one media source for advertising for a publication, then you’re in big trouble.

It’s only a matter of time before that comes to haunt you. Okay. When we’re talking business, that’s what we’re talking about. I’m going to get into all that.

I’ve got some quick housekeeping to go through. On yesterday’s episode we discussed Frank Hyman and his book Hentopia. This is an awesome book. If you want to find out more, go back to that episode or go to

I’ve got an interview that just popped up today with Frank Hyman. He talks all about his book Hentopia and even if you aren’t interested in chickens, okay. If you’re interested in building a business and learning how you can use the writing of books, the speaking at events and so on, so on and so on, to be able to help you build your business. This is a great episode to listen to. These books are fabulous.

This is put out by Storey Publishing. Look at the quality, I don’t know if you could see that well from here, but it’s really high end stuff.

This is not just some self-published thing. Not that there’s anything wrong with self-publishing, but a story publishing does a great job. This whole book is about how to build habitat from top to bottom, including feeders and everything else for chickens. Even if you’re on…especially if you’re on a budget.

So Hentopia, check that out. Frank Hyman, I told you I was going to show you the book. I’ve showed it to you.

Also, if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, meaning you have products, services, a storyline that encourages people to become more self reliant. You’re somebody I’d like to talk to. Go to Go and check out the video there. It’s self-explanatory. It’ll give you an idea of what I’m offering and it’s free. It’s completely free. go check it out.

Third thing I want to talk about before we talk about this handsome gentleman, we are talking about David and Beth Pruitt who are with A fabulous emergency prep website.

We’re going to be talking more about them later. I spoke with them this morning. Got to hang out with them on their, Mountain View Ranch out in Sam’s Valley. Fabulous time. Salt of the earth people, like my friend Richard used to say, and I look very much forward for you to hear our conversations that we’re having together.

I wasn’t even going to be talking with them about the Mother Earth News Fair, but it came up and they got to tell me what they thought about the Mother Earth News Fair and their experiences with it and why they think it’s so cool.

So, we’ll be talking to them later. That podcast will be coming out after this mini series that we’re putting out right now on the mother Earth News Fair.

Now, the first episode that we have out, I’m getting back to the subject, getting back to the subject. First episode that we’d put out was yesterday. The mini series on the Mother Earth News Fair.

Once again, go to to hear The Off The Grid Biz Podcast. You’re going to want to go to episode eight with this gentleman. His name is Andrew Perkins. Andrew Perkins is the events and business development director, I believe for Ogden Publications.

Ogden Publications are the folks that put out Mother Earth News and they put on the Mother Earth News Fair.

Why do they put on the Mother Earth News Fair? Mother Earth News has been around since the late sixties or seventies, I don’t have the date right in front of me.

They’ve been around for awhile.

They used to have, a whole set up that people can come and see. It was static. It was in one spot and is this horrible? I’m forgetting the name (The Eco-Village). Y

ou’re going to have to go listen to the podcast to find out the name, the name of their setup that you can go and see a physical representation of what their magazine was about. Well, that had gone away years ago. When Ogden took over the publication.

They said, hey, what if we could have something similar? And they said, “why don’t we do an event?” And we could have an event, people can all come and see it. We can have people put on….it’s basically an expo for a homesteading and everything that goes along with Mother Earth News that we’ve talked about on previous episodes.

I got a great interview here with Andrew Perkins, go and listen to it.

One thing he pointed out that I think is so important is how they were able to survive as a magazine.

I mean how many magazines are left anymore? Right? Print is really having a tough time, but look at how they’ve been able to survive. They’ve created a physical environment for people to interact in.

They’ve created community by doing that. I think it’s a point, we don’t even make that much on that episode, but they’ve built up a community. And I found this out and there goes Andrew….my screens gone.

But they up this community and in talking to all the people that are going to be presenting and speaking there, there’s this really tight knit community, really cool people and because of that they’ve been able to survive in an area that most people would say, “well, print dead, it’s done for now.” It’s not done for, it’s just got competition now from online content and so forth.

So it’s not on its own anymore because of the competition. People have to be more creative.

You have-to-have more than one media set.

You can’t just be coming from one spot. You’ll last for awhile, you won’t last forever. This is included in advertising. If you’re advertising and you get most of your people from one area, that’s fine, but you have to diversify. You have to have media diversity.

Media diversification is what is the name of the game.

You got to get out of your comfort zone and grow how many places you are reaching your crowd, your market, whether it be current customers, whether it’s potential customers or whether it’s past customers. You need to be meeting them in every chance that you can. Every format of media possible is the way you got to think about these things.

Otherwise you get bogged down with one thing. All of a sudden that media is gone or that media gets competition that wasn’t there before and your whole business is over. You don’t want that. I don’t want that. So diversify your media goal. Listen to that podcast.

Tomorrow we are going to be talking about expertise in an interview that I had with Deborah Niemann, who is the Thrifty Homesteader. She’s got a secret to how to become a very well known expert and she did it all. It all happened over many years and, but it happened magically and it’s something that you can copy.

We’re going to talk about that tomorrow. We’ll see you back here. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

How To Get Found & Remembered
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What’s in the bag, what’s in the bag? For those of you if you can’t see this, if you’re listening to our podcast, I’m holding a paper bag right now.

We’re going to see in the moment what’s in the bag and it has to do with today’s topic and that is how to be found and remembered.

I’ll tell you why because I’m going to talk about two people that found me and got me to remember them and I think I will for quite awhile. I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office and I’m with and today we’re going to be talking about how to be found and remembered, and this all ties back into my other podcasts.

So this is one podcast, whether you’re viewing it or listening to it. This is Brian J Pombo Live. I also have another podcast called Off The Grid Biz Podcast and you can find at we’ve got some new episodes coming out all week, every day.

We’re pounding out two episodes, going to have two episodes going out tonight. Really great episodes tonight. We’ve got Andrew Perkins and Deborah Niemann.

You’re gonna want to listen to those, both of those episodes that are really hot.

I’ll be talking about those later, but you’re also going to want to realize how you can use podcasts. Even if you don’t have a podcast, I recommend you find podcasts that your customers are listening to.

Find ones that your customer base or your potential customer base is already listening to and find a way to get on there. All you gotta do is offer it, offer it, get ahold of the person that puts on the podcast, get ahold of the host, get ahold of the producers and just offer your services to be on their podcast.

Most of the time they’re looking for people to be on their podcasts.

They’re looking for conversations to have. I would love to have more conversations. I’ve got to have a conversation with somebody this morning and she’s one of the people I’m going to be talking about. I got to talk, I believe it was last week with another gentleman. He’s someone I’m going to be talking about because not only should you be getting onto podcasts, that’s how to be found.

Get yourself out there and take advantage of free media that’s already available to you. Okay, just get out there and do it. You don’t have to be fancy. Everyone’s got a way of doing it.

Some people have a really fancy email that they send out or a Linkedin message or a Facebook message. Find a way to get ahold of these people. I don’t care if you call them, find a way. You don’t have to be fancy about it.

Just be direct and say, Hey, I’m so and so, I’ve got this book, I’ve got this business, I’ve got this product. Love to be able to talk about it. I think that your audience would find it interesting. That’s all you gotta do.

Just give them a reason why and give them a way to get back in touch with you. It doesn’t hurt to try. Get out there and get seen. Get heard on podcasts. It’d be helpful.

Now I’m going to give you an extra ninja tip and this is only for people that are really paying attention, people that really are thinking about this beyond the next step because I’ve got guests on my show all the time, Off The Grid Biz is a podcast that is mostly interviews at this time, we don’t have a single episode that isn’t an interview, isn’t some form of conversation.

So it just goes without saying that most of the people that are on there, we have an interview, we have a great time and that’s it.

We go back our separate ways and continue on with our lives. I’ve had two people the entire time do something a little bit extra and this isn’t to put down anybody else. That’s definitely not something I’m asking for extra from, but I’ll tell you what, I pay attention to people who do something a little bit extra because it tells me that they do it with other people and that’s going to get them a little extra attention whether they want to or not.

First person I’m going to talk about, it’s a gentleman named Frank Hyman.

I’ve got his name down in the description. Go and check that out. You can also check out his website he came out with a book called Hentopia and wouldn’t you know it, I wanted to talk about it here tonight. I wanted to show you my copy. He had his publisher send me a copy of his book and it’s not a small book, it’s a big book. It’s a big fancy book and I’m going to show it to you in another time because I don’t have it with me.

The name of that publisher is Story Publishing. They’ve got some amazing, they also sent me a catalog. They’ve got some amazing books out there, so go and check out Storey Publishing. You can find them online at

And that Storey Publishing, they’ve got some great stuff out there. A lot of good people publish books with them. Frank is one of them. Frank came out with this book called Hentopia, like a chicken hen, Hentopia.

It’s all about how to build houses from scratch for your hands. Okay. How to build coops, how to build any form of habitat for your chickens and all, everything that goes along with it. So how to feed them, how to water them and how to make these things last so that you’re not completely a slave to your chickens if you’re interested in getting chickens or what have you. Go and check this out. It’s a great book.

Frank sent me a copy of it. They sent me a catalog along with it, like I mentioned. That’s cool. That really blew me away because I hadn’t had copy of a book sent to me.

I mean I’ve only been doing this podcast since April. Okay. We haven’t had a huge amount of authors on to begin with, but he was the first author that actually sent me a forward and copy of his book for this Dinky Little podcast

So here’s the second one today I met Janice Cox. You could find her at We’ve got her website is in the description too. And she came to meet me.

We actually met in my office here in the Orange Office, one of the few people that have come to the Orange Office.

And she brought me this giant bag. Says you’re beautiful. It says natural beauty from the Garden,

Janice brought all this stuff. The one thing that isn’t in here is, was a little bag of cookies that she had made lavender cookies. Those got taken home and nearly fully consumed by my family already.

They were really good. She brought me a whole bunch of stuff because we’re going to The Mother Earth News Fair. Like I talked about before. We’re going this coming up weekend.

So by this time next week we’re going to be there. I’ll be broadcasting from there. I’ll get to show you some of that stuff. It’s got some Epson salt here. She’s into real natural beauty and skincare and how to do things for yourself. Real simple things. And she’s got these great little recipe cards. There’s a loofah soap bar with a little recipe on one end.

Here’s one summer roll-on perfume, Rosemary Mint hairspray. Like I said, you can find out more about Janice at her website, There’s a lavender time foot soak, the little recipe on there.

And she went and printed out the program for the Mother Earth News Fair because she knows that this is my first time going.

So she’s printed out the entire program so that I can plan my trip before I get there. And then on top of everything else. So they got those cookies, right. And then here’s her business card, which is really fancy, nice little business card there. And she gave me two of her books. Look at the size of these things.

These are two books. They’re both published by Ogden Publications. Who are the same folks that publish the Mother Earth News. Who are the ones that are putting on the Mother Earth News Fair and these are great books because they’ve got….let’s see if you could see it here.

They’ve got basically all her little recipes they’re like cookbooks and they’re not just stuff that you eat. It’s cookbooks for everything you could possibly think of. This is a natural beauty for all seasons.

This is brand new. This is a second edition. This is coming out. I’m not sure if this is out yet, but this is coming out real soon. She says 250 simple recipes and gift giving ideas for year round beauty. Really fancy book.

I love the drawings in here. The illustrator is a, let me see what’s her name is…….Dorothy Rinehart is the illustrator I’m going to attract down Dorothy.

She just has these awesome little drawings in here. I’d like her to do a project for me. And also this one natural beauty from the garden. This is a more than 200 do it yourself and beauty recipes and garden ideas from a Janice Cox. Very similar layout in this one. Great books.

Can’t wait to dig into those. That’s how you make an impact. You don’t need to have a book.

You don’t need to have anything special. Just have, if you’ve got products, give a sample if you can. If you have a business card, if you have any type of business materials, send it to the person that’s doing the podcast if you can, if you can afford it.

If you can work that into your budget, it’s worth it because it lets you stand out a little bit further. You’re already taken advantage of this great free media and podcasting and the ability for it to spread out far and wide. This is the new television. This is the new radio.

This is how people are communicating now. Take advantage of it while it’s all still relatively inexpensive, add a little bit extra.

You’re not only going to be found, you’re going to be remembered. Don’t forget speaking of remembering, I gotta remember my sponsor for these, his if you’re a business owner or an executive at a company that helps people to become more self-reliant like Janice, like Frank Hyman, then you’re the type of person I like to find out more about.

I’d like to have a little talk with you over a what are we going to talk about? Talk about taking your business from where it’s at to being the absolute dream business.

What are the things that would make it absolutely perfect. Go to watch that video.

In the meantime, when we get back tomorrow, we’re going to talk more about podcasting in general, but specifically we’re going to be talking about media diversity. How diverse is your current media?

How many places are you meeting up with people, with your customer base, with your potential customer base, with your current customer base, and with your past customer base?

How many places are you touching them, both the free media, through through your paid advertising? How many different places are you reaching them? I’m going to give you an example of someone that’s doing an amazing job and being able to survive in what many would call a dying industry.

We’re going to talk about that tomorrow. You have a great night.