Self-Evident Business 🇺🇸 (Happy Independence Day)

The power of self-evident truths that you can see for yourself and how it can change you life and business. Happy 4th everyone!


Self-evident business.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Happy Independence Day.

If you’re seeing that right when it came out, it came out while I’m filming it on July 3, but it’ll be out on July 4th, 2021. But the message is the same no matter what. It comes from that first line in the Declaration of Independence, which says, We hold these truths to be self-evident.

What does that mean?

I think it’s key, not only to the entire philosophy behind America, but it’s key to a point that I like to bring up a lot, which is being reality grounded.

There’s three pillars of One is being System-Based. We talked about that two nights ago. Two is being Relationship Reliant, which we talked about last night. And the third is being Reality-Based.

It’s the most important of all three because if your Reality-Based, you’ll figure out the rest, depending on what level of reality that you’re based in, but raw, excuse me, Reality- Grounded, if your Reality-Grounded, that’s what it’s all about.

So how do you know what reality is?

And you get back to a whole day I took a class in high school, and it was an extra class, you had to come in early to do it. It had college credit associated with it.

It was called the theory of knowledge, and the basic idea, the main question of the class that you explore throughout the class, and throughout philosophy and everything else was, how do you know what you know and how do we know what we know?

How do we know what we know is real or not?

What was a question that haunted me for a long time. I don’t think I ever finished that class. But it was one of those things where I thought, Well, it’s interesting to think about.

I kind of let it sit in the background for a long time. And then and then I heard a couple of people say through time, that the secret is that it’s self-evident.

Alright, and you’re saying, well, what’s this have to do with business, and I’ll get into that in a second. This has to do with business because business requires you, if you’re the business owner, if you’re the executive, if you have a really key job in the company that you work with, then it requires you to be very aware of the scenario that’s happening at the moment because things are always changing.

You’re always going to have to make a decision that just out of nowhere, you’re going to have to make a decision. So that’s based on everything that you know, at that time, and also based on your gut. And that’s really what self-evidence is all about.

Either something is true, deep down, or it’s not. If it’s not true, deep down, then it’s not really one of those hardcore truths, one of those principles, like I’ve talked about before.

But if it is, then it’s undeniable. It’s a self-evident truth. It’s planted in there.

There’s something deep down in each of us that tells us what’s true and what’s untrue. What’s reality, what’s not reality, and if your reality grounded, then you’ve got at least have a feel for that self-evidence.

Self-evidence is what it’s all about the entire country is based on it, you can’t have a system of laws without self-evidence. You can’t have a system, you certainly can’t have a constitutional republic without self-evidence.

You can’t really run things long-term without tyranny. Because tyranny, the basic idea behind old tyranny, right, is the idea that somebody knows something better than you do.

And what the Declaration of Independence said is that there’s, you know, there are differences between everybody but what we’re talking about the most basic rights of humans is a self-evident thing.

The fact that we we have rights at all, the fact that we shouldn’t be subject to murder, that we sue shouldn’t be subject to all these horrible things, it’s self-evident.

Either you get it or you don’t get it and if you don’t get it, you’re living in a whole different reality.

But the fact that the idea that there are truths, and that everyone has access to acknowledge them, is the basis for everything. It’s the basis for running a good business.

If you understand that, I think we’ll be able to have a longer conversation about this as time goes on just about any of my videos or podcasts out there about being reality-based comes back to this over and over and over again.

So being that it is Independence Day, and I don’t like focusing on 4th of July the date, because it’s it’s an arbitrary date, if you know anything about history, there was nothing specifically special that happened on 4th of July.

In fact, the founders disagreed that that should even be celebrated as the day. You know, some thought it should be the second or the 3rd, because there was a different day that the resolution was passed by everybody to accept the declaration, there were different days beyond that in which each person signed because it had to go all over the country to get signed by these specific individuals.

July 4th really doesn’t have a very specific significance other than they stamped it as, okay, this is the date. This is the day that they ended up agreeing on as saying, Okay, this will be the birthday that is close enough.

The Declaration of Independence is a fabulous read, read it again sometime this year if you get a chance, because there’s so much good stuff in there.

Any one of those lines especially in the preamble, there’s so much in there that you can go on for days and days and days on because it’s all based on self-evident truths. And either you acknowledge them or you don’t, but everyone has the ability to see them as being true. You may disagree, but you’re wrong.

Hopefully, that makes sense.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on self-evidence in business leave me a comment wherever you’re watching or listening to this. You check it out over at, if you don’t have the ability to comment where you’re at, and we’re going to be back here tomorrow night.

Be sure to stay Reality-Grounded and do everything in your power to get there. It’s there’s nothing better.

You have a great night, go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. Get a free copy at

You have a good one. Get out there and let the magic happen.