Accurate Thinking 💡 (Self Development)

Some thoughts on self development and mindset.


Accurate thinking.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J Pombo. Live. Napoleon Hill is a very famous writer from way, way back in the day, wrote, Think and Grow Rich and a whole lot of other classic early books in the field of self-development.

One of the principles he talks about that a lot of people don’t give much attention to is the concept of accurate thinking. And the reason why I’m bringing this up is that I was having a great conversation with some folks tonight that we’re all here in Oregon, we are in the midst of the election season.

So they have the primary election, which is the early election, part of the here when candidates are running against each other in their own party.

When you have nonpartisan races, they may have large amounts of groups of people running at the same time, for example, the governor field is just covered.

I mean, I think there are 25 candidates out of the two major parties, that Republicans alone have 20 Different people running for governor that are on the ballot, okay, let alone those who didn’t make the ballot and are trying to get written in and all that stuff.

It’s pretty amazing to see all this crazy stuff happening when you look at it from a certain perspective. But one of the things that I’ve found with grassroots, I’ve worked a lot with grassroots political organizers through the years.

And one thing I’ve found is that it’s really easy to miss the forest for the trees. And here’s what I mean, it’s really easy to get caught up in the motion and the movement, and the feeling like you’re doing something or the desire to get something done to do something.

It’s not very often that people sit back and say, Okay, well, what are we actually doing?

You know, what have we actually accomplished?

What we set out to accomplish?

Do we actually are we all actually on the same team in terms of what we’re looking to accomplish and all these people I’m working with?

When you’re when you do that, it’s not just something that you do once you have to do it all the time, you have to step back and say, are we accomplishing what we want to now this is just isn’t a political thing.

This just happens to be the situation tonight but I see it all the time at business also.

This is even worse because you’re dealing with the same people who actually should know better. But when you’re in the midst of that, you know, daily hurricane, of just all the stuff you normally have to deal with, and then all the stuff that is coming up recently, and then all the stuff that’s gotten left behind, and you get mixed up and all that garbage of the day to day, when it comes to goals and priorities, and really sitting down most of us do not take the time to sit down and say okay, what did we want to do at the beginning of the month?

Where are we now and how can we change that?

So we don’t have the same thing happening next month. This is rare to happen. It’s rare that someone will take the time to do that. If they do, it’s usually mixed in with a whole bunch of emotion and a whole bunch of other garbage that doesn’t clear things up.

It just makes more tension between personalities and sexes and everything else, you know, it gets crazy. And I understand if you’re in that mess, I understand.

You got to realize that everyone’s in that mess to one extent or another. What you need is somebody on your team, or you need to be that person, you need to be able to step back and say, Okay, what, what are we actually doing here?

Where are we actually going with this?

The situation tonight, going back to that scenario. They’re doing a phone call to get get out the vote. If you think about it, a lot of times when we talk about politics, we talk about voting, it’s just assumed that you want as many people to vote as possible.

In and you just did that’s going to make everything better. If we have more people voting, then that is going to make everything better.

But when it really comes down to it, the more involved you get in in politics, what you really want is more people who are going to vote like you voting and less people voting like the other person votes, or like the people, you you don’t want voting.

It’s really easy to say all Well, yeah, but that’s just callus. And that’s reality. If you pay any attention to politics, you want your perspective to win over.

You no doubt have some moral background as to why your, your position is better than it deserves to win. But that’s, regardless of the facts.

Accurate thinking is, are we getting the ball and taking it across the field, and getting a touchdown with it accurate thinking is, where are we in this process?

Are we actually getting done what we want to get done?

Oftentimes, when you have a large group of really well, meaning people, they could spend a lot of time doing a lot of nothing, or even worse, doing things that take the ball the wrong way on the field, it actually hurts the purpose.

But then you also have to keep very, very broad-minded and say, okay, even if we’re losing today, and even if we’re helping to lose today, are we achieving on one level that’s going to help us win tomorrow and the day after, and next year and the year after?

So once again, that there’s this broad-mindedness to accurate thinking you have to not just take in the narrow focus of the moment, but taking the whole big picture is all part of it.

But it takes somebody making the question, there’s always going to be pushback because people don’t want to believe that they’re wasting their time, or effort.

Wasting their life energy on something, especially if they’ve been working really hard at something, if you’ve ever worked with somebody who’s worked really hard on a project, and then you realize that that project isn’t what it was supposed to be.

Or it’s going in a completely opposite direction, that person feels like Like you’ve ripped their heart out, if you have to tell them that this isn’t going to work, we have to stop doing this, you can’t keep going in this direction. It’s tough. It’s not easy. But accurate thinking doesn’t care about your feelings.

In reality, the reality is something that none of us have complete control over. We but we do have to acknowledge its existence, we have to acknowledge math, it’s there’s a certain object of mathematics.

I’m not talking about anything that has to do with, you know, racial background or anything else goes into it. There is completely objective beyond humanity, concepts of numbers, and mathematics to life.

It’s the closest thing of us trying to create a science out of reality and that reality can’t be ignored for long, or you ignore it at your own peril.

Accurate thinking must happen, if you don’t make it happen.

If you don’t allow the circumstances for it to occur, then reality will will crash down on you eventually, there’s just no way around it. So just a little tip, a reminder, hopefully, to get you moving forward more with asking the right questions against some accurate thinking.

But also, maybe introducing and inviting more people into your organization into your business into whatever it is your cause, is invite those people who have a concept of accurate thinking, none of us are perfect, we all have our subjectivity.

But the more people you can get involved that that are willing to go toward objectivity.

The closer it is, you’ll be able to reaching your goals and dreams and doing everything you want to do in life, which is, I mean, what else is there, right?

So hopefully, this is helpful. I’ve got my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

I am going to be giving a little talk this weekend in Ohio, to a lot of friends and business partners and so forth. I’ll be talking about some of the principles in my book. If you want to get yourself a free copy of my book, you can go to go to

Where you can go pick up a hard bound copy. Sometimes they can they’re in the middle of reprinting or whatever but don’t worry, they go pre.

They reprint pretty fast those Amazon folks and my publisher, however they have that that relationship worked out it seems to they seem to get books faster than even I can get them.

So I’ll have some hard copies if you’re gonna be meeting me there in Cleveland, Ohio this weekend. Otherwise, we will see you tomorrow night.

Get out there and let the magic happen.