Don’t Play Psychic 🧞

Tip: Sales ain’t about what you want, it’s about what your customers want and showing them how to get it.


Don’t play psychic.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I know, it’s a funny thing this time of year, you tend to see certain people react in different ways. There’s, most people out there are out doing their thing. They’re kind of recovering from the haze of New Years of Christmas and everything else.

Then you have another type of person who is like raring to go, you know, and it might be you I know, I know, I relate with the second type of person more, that there’s a there’s like this beginning of the year.

It’s like, Yeah, I’m ready to go, people are starting to come out of their slumber and their stuff to do and I’m ready to talk to people and start, you know, start my projects and keep things moving and stuff like that.

If you tend to see it more with entrepreneurial business-minded people tend to be more on that end of things, here’s what you got to watch out for, is if you’re that way, and you’re out, going out and talking to people you want, you got something to say, right, you got something to put out there.

It may be via email, it may be over zoom, or whatever else but we can oftentimes get to the point where we’re being very pushy about what it is that we want.

Don’t assume you know what they want, though and for you to have a good conversation and to really make a connection with somebody and help bring them over to your point of view or what have you.

You got to really figure out what it is that they want. And see if there’s a way that you connect what they want with what you want.

You’ve got stuff you’re excited about, that’s great, but find out what they want.

First, if at all, you can do that if you could quit assuming that you know what they want, and find out directly from them, what do they want, and then you help show them how to get it or you help show them how what you do or what you provide can help them get that. It’s a simple idea.

But oftentimes we get ambitious and excited and everything else and we want to push everything out on other people. And it’s best for us to sit and listen as much as possible, especially when we’re most excited about things. S

o hopefully that’s helpful to you. Just a quick tip for tonight. Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can go and buy a copy or you can get a free copy at AmazonProofBook. com.

That’s all I have for tonight. You have a good one, get out there and let the magic happen.