Got Health?

Got health?

I am Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live today. Coming to you from Morgantown, West Virginia. Quite an interesting area. I’ve never been to West Virginia before. Got to meet a lot of the locals. Lots of fun, very interesting area here on business and today I wanted to talk a little bit about personal health because these are things that I know I discuss a lot of the inside head games and everything that we play with ourselves.

Then we play with our customer base and so forth. And this is one of those things where it’s very much the physical end of things.

Are you staying healthy?

Because if you’re not staying healthy, it doesn’t matter how great your businesses, it doesn’t matter how much money you’re pulling in. In the end, what matters is you being able to enjoy everything. Thank you Jessie. I see a lot of people watching today that Jesse is saying, welcome to the East coast.

Happy to be here only for a short period of time, but I’m happy to be here. It’s nice weather.

So back to the health topic though, you have to pay attention to your health. You really do. And oftentimes what we can overly focus on business and other things to distract ourselves from the main thing.

The main thing is we got to stay healthy long enough to be able to enjoy ourselves and actually get something out of life and be able to give something back from what we’re doing. So, it’s a simple idea today, but it’s been going through my mind because I’ve been jumping flight to fly to flight and not getting much sleep and all of a sudden I actually have been keeping pretty healthy this last couple of years and eating better and exercising and everything.

And as soon as I get out of that routine, as soon as I start messing with it, as soon as I’m not drinking enough water, simple things, not getting enough sleep, and all of a sudden I end up with a headache.

I don’t get headaches very often. I just don’t.

And when I have one, I know something’s off.

It’s usually nutrition based. It’s the fact that I haven’t slept well or whatever.

Sometimes it can be stress related, so you’ve got to pay attention to this stuff. Don’t ignore it.

Just consider this a quick little warning to sit back and think about, okay, what can I be doing differently?

What habits can I change?

Go back and watch the videos I have on habit building. What habits can I change that’ll make it easier to have good health because there’s an easy way to do it and there’s a hard way to do it. And most of the time we’re always talking about the hard ways of doing it. And we think that because it’s hard, that means our health is going to be better.

No, not really. It’s not gonna happen. It’s not going to happen that way. So you gotta, you gotta keep, keep things, keep all that in mind. Keep your health in good shape, pay attention to it. Don’t ignore it.

Don’t put it off until after you know your business hits a hits the next million or what have you. Focus on it. Find a way to focus on it.

Set some time aside and fix anything that’s broken because all it takes is a few years of doing something in the wrong way or a few months, depending on how wrong it is and your whole life is over, or at least it’s changed drastically from that point forward, and you’re taking years off your life, so don’t do it.

Get healthy, stay healthy, and we’ll see you tomorrow for another little piece of the, this is such a simple one, but it’s one I think that gets ignored too often. So I wanted to bring it up and just pass that along to you.

Check your health, make sure you’re on top of it, make sure you’re eating right and doing what you need to do. We’re going to catch you tomorrow. Get out there and let the magic happen.