Advantages To Slow Selling 😃 (SPIN Selling, by Neil Rackham)

Brian talks about the advantages to slow selling fro Neil Rackham’s book, SPIN Selling.


Advantages to Slow Selling, SPIN Selling a review.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today we’re going to be talking a little bit about this and a little bit about the concepts that were brought out by this book SPIN Selling, by Neil Rackham.

You could tell this isn’t a book, this is a collection of CDs, an abridged version of his book is just something I had available in front of me here that this was a real and I have to thank Sam Ovens was the one that tipped me off to how good this one was, it came out in 88.

And it’s one of those that isn’t brought up very often SPIN Selling, it’s an acronym, SPIN, it’s for Situation, Problem, Implication, Need.

And what that means is, it’s a process that he takes people through to do consultative selling. So it’s all about the slow sale and he talks about that early on discussing how, if you have certain products that are made for everybody that are impulse buys, then it doesn’t take a whole lot of salesmanship to sell them.

It doesn’t take that long if it takes a conversation, it takes a quick conversation, it takes, you know, a little bit of a demonstration, it takes some shown showing you why you need it. And you either want it or you don’t want it and you buy it.

That’s all fine and good.

There’s a huge value to that as soon as you go up in price, and further in how much time the product or service takes to complete or to be able to move on. Or let’s say it’s an ongoing product, some type of deal where you’re going to be paying forever, you know, if you’re talking about that, then a lot of times you’re going to need some form of consultative selling, you’re going to take a longer time to go about selling something to someone, explain it to them probably take more than one touch.

It’ll probably take more than one situation when people talk about selling they talk about as if it’s all the same thing.

Where if you’re selling something that’s very simple and very straightforward, and it’s a low price, that’s a whole different situation than selling somebody on something that is a larger price is going to take more commitment.

It’s going to take a whole lot of back and forth from the person that’s purchasing or from their company or what have you.

Then you’ve got a longer process on your hands. And you’ve got to be open to having a longer process, you got to be open to willing to have a little bit of a back and forth.

Like I talked about being relationship reliant is a huge piece of this. And so you’re going to want to develop some type of relationship long-term with the potential customer or client.

Now that’s where this comes in.

He was one of the first ones to really talk about this in mass nowadays, it’s talked about all over the place. But this is great if just for the historical benefit of going back and reading or listening to spins online. Excellent, excellent book. And there’s a lot of pieces in it that I would say, have possibly changed, but it’s very principle-based. So the ideas in it are very useful, especially if you don’t have any salespeople, direct salespeople in your organization.

If you have an e-commerce website, and you have no one on salespeople whatsoever.

I highly recommend that you read books, and listen to conversations about selling one on one selling because you can take that and develop it into your marketing into your website into all the things that do the selling for you.

But if you don’t have any concept of that if you have no background in that, then it’s a little bit more difficult.

So that’s why I always tend to mix one on one sales with marketing because in the end marketing is nothing more than one on one sales. I think it was Gary Bencivenga says, sales multiplied its sales in many different forms and able to reach 1000s of people all at the same time.

But it’s still sales, you’re still talking about innocence trying to convince somebody that what you have is something that they want to separate from their money for. Right. So hopefully that makes sense.

Good book, go check it out SPIN Selling. Probably a classic I would say in the field of…looking at the world of selling from real human beings talking to each other, is really good stuff.

And that’s all I got for tonight, consider the slow sale, and consider whether your product services need slow-selling to be available or not.

When you’re looking at the full picture of your marketing and sales and overall strategy, your business you really need. Most people really need help and at least just time to be able to step back and have perspective over it.

It’s one of the main reasons why I wrote my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you want to get your own free copy, it’s available right now I don’t know how long we’re gonna leave this up there. It’s available right now,

While I was in discussions today, we’re going to be coming out with some products having to do with content marketing, and I’ve teased that a little bit in months past, but we’re going further and further with developing that and some got some really exciting stuff coming ahead.

It’s not just going to be me, there’s going to be a number of different people involved in it, and teaching what they know from all different perspectives.

But all coming to the same conclusion in terms of what’s going to work best for you and your content marketing needs, whether you’ve done it or not, whether you even want to even think about doing content marketing. So stay tuned for that.

Follow, subscribe, everything else. Connect wherever you’re watching or listening to this, and we’ll be back tomorrow night back here on a daily basis. You have a good one.

Get out there and let the magic happen.