How To Handle Major Changes

Hi this is Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live today.

We’re coming from the Portland International Airport in Portland, Oregon, where I have a quick layover.

So this is going to be our real quick message.

This is going off the same concepts that we were talking about yesterday when we were talking about glitches in the matrix. Go back and watch that one if you haven’t seen it. And that’s the idea of what happens when something major comes up and it completely changes all your plans.

For those of you who weren’t here, I fell in it. So that put me, put me on kind of a strange little trip for 24 hours and I ended up here and going through a whole bunch of different things today that I wouldn’t have gone through otherwise, which was cool. It’s all good.

At least in a sense. And it reminded me of a story that, you can see out there that they’ve put out audios and stuff via social media from a guy named Alan Watts.

Alan Watts died years and years ago, but his recordings, a kind of a philosopher type and he had this story called Maybe, you know, people refer to it as Maybe.

And the whole story is a Chinese farmer has this horse runaway. And all his neighbors come by and they say, Oh my God, what a horrible news. Your horse ran away. I mean, that was your only horse. He says, Maybe.

And the horse ends up coming back the next day and brings with it seven stallions. And the neighbors come by and they say, Oh my God, that’s so great. Not only did you gain a horse, you gained seven extra horses on top of that. He said, that’s amazing news.

And he said, maybe.

And the next day his son is trying to ride some of the stallions and trying to, you know, break one and gets thrown off, breaks his leg. Oh my gosh, horrible news about your son breaking his leg, that’s just so bad.

And he says, well, maybe.

And, and a week later, the military comes in and are looking to conscript any young people to go to war, young men and his son was the perfect age, but because of the broken leg, he wasn’t taken off to war. And this, that the friends came back, all the neighbors came back and said, oh my gosh, isn’t that great news?

I mean, your son broke his leg. And that made that made it so that he didn’t have to go to war. That’s fabulous.

And he said, well maybe.

The whole concept of the story is that no matter what type of news we get, it’s like, it doesn’t mean it’s good.

It could be either one, it’s all on how you look at it.

And with time, the reasons why certain things happen a certain way, show why.

If you’re willing to wait long enough and not overreact to the situation. So just a quick little note, something to keep in mind as you’re going through your day. If you happen to be a business owner or executive that’s in the self-reliance field, go to Go check it out. the link is in the description. There’s a video there. Well, have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.