Matthew McConaughey and The Power of Celebrity 😎

Thoughts on the effect celebrity can have on people’s decision making.


Matthew McConaughey and the power of celebrity.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today I wanted to discuss if you’re watching this, and if you’re not, I apologize. But if you’re watching this in June of 2022, I’m going to ask you to try something, I’m going to ask you to go to your favorite search engine. Anything that shows news, Google’s obviously being the most common, and go and type in Matthew McConaughey.

Just type in the actor’s name, the famous actor’s name. And you know, you may not know how to spell it, that’s fine, type it in, and they’ll figure it out. That’s how well known he is.

We all know who he is, is a famous actor. And go and type it in. You’ll see many news items pop up in pictures like this one. That will show up and in, you’ll go what is going on.

More than likely, you already know what’s going on.

So I’ll give you a little bit of the background.

There was a shooting in Matthew McConaughey’s hometown, because it was his he started talk coming out and talking about it. And talking about you know, he had a couple of random thoughts regarding it and what he thinks should happen and everything else.

People who had had a very strong belief in gun control, encouraged him to speak up more because he was saying that there needs to be more gun control.

Now, I’m not going to take a side on this politics or anything else. I want to show you though, how this gets played up because it happens a lot.

It doesn’t happen as often as you would think it would more than often you see this happening in the business world. But the same thing, whether it’s business or politics, the same thing is true.

And there’s a power that comes with celebrity, with the fact that everyone knows somebody’s name.

So it comes back to the same thing. I know what’s a tired phrase, and people use it till they’re blue in the face, but I’m going to use it again anyways, because it really does fit this.

People do business with people they know, like, and trust the famous Bob Berg, a quote that, you know, and I’m, I’m probably butchering the actual quote, but the whole idea is no light trust, right. And it’s in that order first to know somebody, and then you like them, and then you trust them.

And even if they don’t know you, and that’s what celebrity is, they don’t necessarily know you at all, but you know them, you like them. And the really big ones in your mind are the ones you trust, you have trust in that person.

Sometimes it could be somebody like an actor, because you saw them play a role that you really loved, you really loved the character that they were bringing. And because of that you fall in love with the person that played the character.

It’s just it’s very difficult thing not to do as human beings, we’re attracted to certain aspects of people. And even if that person even if we know that that’s not actually them, we’re drawn to certain actors, actresses, singers. I mean, just name it any type of celebrity were drawn to them.

Even though we may not even know that much about them. But somewhere along the way, we got to know him. And beyond that, we got to like them. And beyond that we got to trust them.

And that’s the power of celebrity celebrity, then you can have them say anything, they could come out for a political stance.

Obviously the people at the White House brought him out to have a very specific political stance.

And it’s in a lot of people can come out and say, but then I saw I saw people from the other side of the aisle come out and say, well, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, Well, that’s against the Constitution. Well, what he said there is just playing dumb.

And you know what, that may or may not all be true. It doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not. A celebrity said it.

A celebrity said something and so more people are going to stop and pay attention to what a celebrity said and what the celebrities viewpoint is, then anyone else would is why the power of the Presidents is presidency is so huge. The presidency.

Anyone who becomes president is automatically celebrity. Every person around the world ends up knowing that person’s name, even if they weren’t a celebrity previously, like some presidents, if they become president, they become a celebrity.

And they become one of the most well known people on Earth. So that person can come out for anything. And because they are saying it, it’s going to be paid attention to but the same thing is true within the reverse.

If you have a celebrity come out and say anything, people are going to stop more than if it’s a complete nobody. Or if it’s a random politician that not everybody knows or recognizes or anything or trusts, obviously, you’re going to have a lack of trust there.

And they’re going to be able to get away with a lot more, they’re going to be able to communicate a lot more, they’re going to be able to get people to think about things a lot more. Because of that celebrity. It’s a psychological thing. It’s it’s subconscious.

We don’t even think about how much power celebrities have over us, but it has power over all of us. It’s not that you’ll automatically trust everything you’ll they’ll say, just the fact that they can get you to stop a little longer and pay attention. Just the fact that everyone is out there. Reacting even the people reacting negatively to Matthew McConaughey proves the point that there’s power and celebrity.

There’s a reason why he’s out there and I don’t think he understands it, necessarily. If he doesn’t need to, there are people that do, there are people that know that if you can get a celebrity, even if they have nothing to do with politics whatsoever, and oftentimes they don’t, you get them to come out and make a political statement.

Everyone is going to react positively or negatively. And it doesn’t matter which direction they go. Because you’ve gotten people to pay attention. And you’ve gotten people to follow along with a narrative, even if they disagree with that narrative. This is a very powerful idea.

And I hope it’s something that you can, you can dwell on a little bit and watch how it manipulate you. Because it doesn’t matter what your political perspective is, you’re being manipulated.

Celebrity is a power that is complete manipulation. And it’s so down deep, we don’t even realize it.

Why should any of us once again, regardless of what you think about what he believes, why should any of us be listening to Michael McCarney because he happened to live in he happened to grow up in the town where this happened, what gives him more authority than anyone else that grew up in that town. Nothing just because he gotten to movies.

He’s a good actor, and he’s a good actor. That’s why we’re listening to that’s the only reason it’s because we happen to know his name and know his face. And some of you actually trust the guy.

Even though we don’t really know a fact that he’s been talking about running for office, no one really knows much about his political perspective, doesn’t matter. He’s well known. He’s liked. He’s relatively trusted.

And so it really is a relative thing when it comes back to politics because everyone goes for the lesser of two evils, or they go with what seems like the best idea at the time. So something to keep in mind, watch it. Don’t fall for it.

Just because somebody says comes out and says something doesn’t mean you have to respond to it. Just something to keep in mind. That’s all I got for today. Go check out my book nine ways to Amazon proof your business. In this book. I discussed the power of celebrity and how you can use that to your advantage, in the sense become a celebrity of your own. You don’t have to be known by everybody. You just need to be known by the people whose attention you want to grab. That’s all I got.

Go get a free copy

We’ll back tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.