Controversy: The Double-Edged Sword ⚔️

Thoughts on controversy and the Mandela Effect.


Controversy, the double-edged sword.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J Pombo Live.

I’m going to tell you about a very specific circumstance that I went through dealing with controversy. So when you’re doing any type of content marketing, this is something that will be a temptation.

As time goes on, I’m certain, I’m sure it will for you because you’ll see that there’s a whole lot of advantage to controversy, to having things that are outrageous that makes you stand out.

In today’s world, it’s really easy to take advantage of this and you get a whole lot of views. If you’re doing video you’ll get a whole lot of clicks, if you’re doing any type of blogging or texting you’ll get a whole lot of listens, if you’re doing audio, any type of audio podcast or what have you.

But here’s the thing, with today’s search environment and with organic clicks that come through, depending on where you’re at and which format you’re using. But in general, you could have a whole lot of people paying attention to you for a split second, that doesn’t matter to your end game.

So you have to know who you’re trying to reach and you got to find the controversies that will attract them. That’s where the controversy really comes in useful.

But let me tell you about a story where it wasn’t that all that useful. So this time, I believe it was nearly two years ago to the day that I put out a video. And the video had to do with the Mandela Effect.

I haven’t rewatched it recently and I don’t remember how I tied it back in with the business. But if you’re not aware of what the Mandela Effect is, it’s when you have a situation where you have a memory in your mind.

That’s very crystal clear about the way a certain event happened or the idea that somebody is dead when they really aren’t dead and it becomes so specific.

And not only that you talk to other people and other people have a similar effect.

So it’s a common misconception that goes across the board to the point where there are people that believe, and you may be one of them, that that there’s actually some type of multi-universe or something of that sort going on, or that there is some conspiracy where they have switched history on us. And some people remember it the right way and what have you.

So there are a million different ways to be able to look at the Mandela Effect.

It’s a very interesting idea in terms of psychology, and in terms of reality if you will. That wasn’t really what my post was about, I tied it back into business and marketing. But that didn’t stop a huge portion of people coming to that post and still gets views to this day, where people will discuss will come on there. And they want to discuss my perspective of the Mandela effect.

How I’m making fun of it, or I’m mocking it, or what have you. And then you could go and look on YouTube. And you can see all my comments and everything else from that one, created a whole lot of controversy created a whole lot of views.

But it did very little from my understanding, to be able to expand my reach with the audience that I was looking for people that wanted to discuss business and marketing and so forth.

Now it may help in the overall big scheme of things. So you know, you get more views on YouTube, it gives you more reach, even just organically, it gives you the chance to be able to reach more people.

So you can play it from that game. But don’t think that using broad-based controversy is going to necessarily get you what you want.

Like I said, know who you’re going after, in terms of your ideal person, and find the things that are controversial to them, find the things that will get them riled up, then you’ve got, you’ve got something that can be magical in the long run.

In the short run, certain controversies may get you a whole lot of mainstream traffic, but that won’t necessarily mean anything to your business. And when we’re talking content marketing, that’s what matters most is what happens in the end game of your business. So hopefully that makes sense.

Hey, you want more ideas on how to expand your business and while at the same time making it competition-proof. I’ve got a whole book on it, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

You can get a free copy at

That’s all I’ve got for today you have a great one we’ll be back here tomorrow night in the meantime get out there and just let the magic happen.

Entering the Conversation In Your Customer’s Head

Entering the conversation in your customer’s head.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live, filmed live every day from Grants Pass Oregon. We’re here today at headquarters.

Today’s episode is brought to you by We’ll talk a little more about as we get going.

I wanted to refer to the concept.

It’s an old quote talking about entering the conversation in your customer’s own head.

And I believe the quote was from John Collier though I’m not certain on that. Don’t quote me. He’s an old marketing genius and copywriter and he discussed a lot of these concepts and the whole idea behind entering the conversation in your customer’s head.

It is that we’re all having these concepts and ideas and conversations in our head on an ongoing basis about things we care about, about problems that are on our mind about emotions.

These things are always going on and if you have the ability to kind of insert yourself into a conversation that’s already happening, then you have the ability to communicate directly with your customer and be able to help direct them to a solution, hopefully your products and services.

Now, yesterday we talked about the Mandela Effect. The reason why I’m bringing it up again is because of the effect that that video had, particularly over on YouTube.

I had some very positive and negative reactions to that video.

So we had people that probably found us through the hashtag for Mandela Effect.

And came and watched the video where I’m discussing how then the Mandela Effect can be tied back to mass suggestibility.

The idea that when you have a lot of people all saying that one thing is in common, that there’s a huge push from people on the inside to go along with that and to even create memories that don’t exist.

Now, I didn’t realize this would cause a whole storm of comments coming back and people basically saying that I’m full of it.

That there are actually things that happened one way and somehow through some quirk in histories through some powers that be that control things they’ve changed history and have been able to change but have not been able to change our memories. I’m not sure quite how this happens.

I haven’t researched it fully or understand all the theories behind it, but there are a group of people who strongly believe that the Mandela Effect is the sign of something, some greater force at hand.

Some evidence of some tampering with this.

I’m not here to argue whether that’s true or not, all I was doing was taking the concept and tying it back to mass suggestibility because mass suggestibility does exist.

All you have to do is look at Nazi Germany.

All you have to do is look at extreme radical Islamism in the middle East.

All you have to do is take any situation where you had large amounts of people all going along with an idea that we can step back and look at as being absurd and as being all along with, it’s so easily. That’s it in the extreme mass suggestibility is happening via marketing all the time.

If you deny the idea that mass suggestibility happens, you’re probably the most suggestible type of person.

It’s easier for us to think that maybe there’s something else going on besides something as simple as a flaw in a human character or human mentality or what have you. I’ve lived long enough to see it happen enough over and over and over.

I know mass suggestibility exists.

I’m not sure whether the ideas behind the Mandela Effect exist, but I’m open to whatever people may think.

And I’m not out to offend them or to say that say that there isn’t some mystical force beyond what we know when it comes to these concepts of mass memories existing.

So with that in mind, I want to show you what accidentally occurred with that video.

We entered the conversation happening in their heads.

MoneyBags73 ( has a channel all about this.

I may run a website beyond that, but that at has a video channel completely dedicated to this concept and in on all the evidence that has amassed regarding this and so this was something they’re already thinking about.

The fact that I’m bringing in the psychological and marketing end of it is only because I caught them where they’re at with what they’re thinking about.

If I was trying to sell them something directly, all I’d have to do is start with where they’re at.

Take the conversation and direct it back to what I’m selling, whether it be a product, a service, a cause, what have you.

That’s what true marketing is.

True marketing is finding out where your customers at and meeting them there and even using the language they use everything else to be able to communicate a message immediately and build a little bit of trust and rapport.

So that you can then communicate what you’re wanting to communicate to them and hopefully bring them over to your concept or idea.

So for the same reason, that’s why I always bring up dreams.

Haven’t you been thinking about have you been dreaming about this at night?

I know you have because you hear about me talk about it every day, so you never know what’s actually happening.

But maybe if you talk about something often enough, people will go along with it. They’ll try it out, they’ll test it out, especially if it’s free. is free. It’s a free video over there. Go check it out.

I hope you have a great night. We’re going to talk about more of where psychology and mathematics enter into marketing. Go out and let the magic happen.

Will They Believe You?

Will they believe you?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Here’s another thought provoking concept to hopefully help you and your business to stand out more from Grants Pass Oregon as usual.

And we’re going to be talking about this man.

Have you ever heard of this man?

That’s what he goes by. This man. There’s a link in the description to a YouTube video that just came out, um, just came out a day or so ago and this is by Hello Greedo. He’s a common YouTube personality and he is talking about the Mandela Effect.

And if you haven’t heard of the Mandela Effect, this has something to do with potential customers and clients, whether you knew it or not, the Mandela Effect is the concept.

You’ve probably heard of it where, they talk about Nelson Mandela and how a lot of people believe that he died back in prison back in the 80s.

But, he really didn’t and survived and got out of prison and became president and everything else over in South Africa. So there’s this whole long thing about Nelson Mandela and how there’s a very common theme that everyone ended up believing in and they’re not quite sure why.

Same thing’s true with the Berenstain Bears, which a children’s book, a lot of people thought it was spelled one way. When it was spelled another whole bunch of things. Go watch the video. He goes through the concept of the Mandela Effect, but one of the most interesting parts of this video is he discusses the concept of this man.

This was a website that somebody put up and they went and talked about and discussed how this man, people are seeing in their dreams that this particular face, people are seeing in their dreams and they’re not sure why, and they have all these testimonials of people saying that they’d seen this and all these stories and who’s it starts being covered on the news.

People start talking about it. People start saying, yes, I dreamed of this man also, and it starts getting into the public consciousness.

Not long after the fellow that came up with the website came out and showed that it was a publicity stunt and that he was trying to show the suggestibility of people. And the host of this video, Hello Greedo, he talks about how he thinks that this is what most Mandela Effect comes down to is just people being suggestible.

And pretty soon people will convince themselves, even create memories that never even happened because other people also believed them. Because our brains are made to kind of go along with the crowd. It’s a strange phenomenon, but it’s all about suggestibility, that a concept can be suggested to you and pretty soon you’ll believe it straight down to the ground.

You will believe it all the way.

It happens in marketing over and over and over again.

So why does something like this form and you’ve got to look at it. If it’s out there, if it’s getting to people, if someone saw this to begin with, if it got out there and it doesn’t matter if he got out through publicity, through a promotion or what have you, which is what happened here.

It started getting caught up in the news and getting covered by different personalities. When you get your idea out there getting coverage, that’s a huge piece of it.

Taking hold.

The fact that it’s repeated over and over again. The fact that there are, people also saying that they agree with it, that they go along with it. That they are for a concept and ideas.

It doesn’t have to be something that’s for sale.

It’s an idea that gets repeated and other people put their mark on it and pretty soon other people start going along with that idea, no matter how crazy or insane the idea might be. This happens throughout marketing accidentally, but also on purpose to people that understand it.

If you understand this concept you can take, you could have a small fraction of the impact, then you go out and take advantage of people’s suggestibility.

But you have to understand that for you to get noticed, for people to really grasp what you have to do, you have to make yourself available to possibly suggest something to somebody so that they can move forward with an idea.

So just like I always talk about Nearly every video that you see on this channel, you can go back and watch the other ones. Any video that you see on or here on this podcast discusses I say it over and over and over again.

Now, let me ask you something.

If you’ve seen or heard any of these episodes before and you tell me you haven’t been to

Now I’m not saying you haven’t watched the video and I’m not saying that you are qualified to go to DreamBizChatcom because it’s for business owners and executives who are in the self-reliance field.

Now, maybe you’ve never been to the website, but right now aren’t you a little bit curious?

After all, I’ve been talking about it for hundreds and hundreds of episodes day after day after day. I’m discussing I hold up this little placard that says I talk about how it’s in the description, all you gotta do is click on the link.

How it’s an eight and a half minute video. You see just me repeating.

It gets people thinking, well, maybe I should go look at it.

Even though it doesn’t apply to me. Maybe I should go look at it.

It’s just a natural thing.

When an idea is repeated, when you’ve found out that somebody that you knew or that multiple people that you knew, business owners that you and enjoyed the experience, would that matter to you?

I bet it would.

Whether you know it or not.

Think about that, but also think about it in-terms of your audience, in-terms of the people you’re trying to reach with your message, whether it be a business, whether it be a cause that you have. If you were trying to reach out to your audience. It takes consistency and giving them the concept of social proof.

There goes my picture.

Where’s this man?

There he’s back and let me know if you’ve dreamed about this guy lately, huh?

Have a great night.

Get out there and let the magic happen.