Don’t Feel Guilty About Being Messy ๐Ÿงบ

Whatever Brian says, don’t listen. You should feel bad about being messy. Very, very bad!

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Don’t feel guilty about being messy.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

One of the things that I’ve found through the years, this has taken a long time to get my wrap my mind around and that’s that everyone has different organizing styles.

It really doesn’t come from your upbringing, there’s something very deeply ingrained in the mechanics of our brain that tells us how well we’re going to how good we’re going to be at organizing or not, or how messy we’re going to be in terms of how we keep things organized, how well we keep things organized.

My life, it’s been a constant struggle.

Yeah, this is I’m showing you a slightly different angle of my office, you can see some of the boxes in the background, I’ve got the boxes here, I’ve got, if you can see the rest, I’ve got stuff spread out all over, because I was looking for something in particular, and caused me to make a larger mess than I normally have.

You don’t get to see all of that, because I don’t show it all cuz it’s scary to a lot of people.

I’m not trying to scare you. What I am trying to do though is just remind you, if you have a messy person in your life, it’s not necessarily that they’re purposefully trying to do it, or that they’re lazy, or that they lack a certain skill, it really doesn’t come to that it really comes to how they think.

I found that over time, certain people are automatically going to be a lot more organized than others and keep things in a nice, orderly, tidy fashion.

Maybe they throw away too many things, while other people tend to hold on to too many things.

Obviously, there’s trauma and everything else that happens in your life that can make you go too far in one extreme or the other. I’m not talking about that I’m talking about just normal, everyday functioning and in business, you’re going to have all different types.

If you are an organized you need to have organized people working with you, to help you to not get overrun like I am today. But you need that and you need to quit feeling guilty about being the way that you are and find somebody that’s the opposite in order to help them or find someone that’s the opposite in order to help you.

That’s all I’ve got for today that a lot of this comes back to cone Asian, you can look a lot of this stuff up.

Kathy Kolbe has written a whole lot on this. Here’s one of her books. The I’ve mentioned it before the kognitive connection. She’s the inventor of the Kolbe Index, which kind of measures a lot of this stuff and how your brain works and it’s just how you’re born. I mean, they can measure it all the way from children, to adults.

And it’s something that doesn’t change in you how you relate with certain items as you work is very much an ingrained thing.

So don’t feel guilty, don’t make others feel guilty.

Just learn how to work around it, and move forward. That’s all you can do.

That’s all I got for tonight.

I’ve got a book that I like to talk about on a daily basis. It’s 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You could watch one of my other videos for more in depth.

Look at that book or you can go to, watch a quick video on all about that book and see if you’d like a copy.

You can purchase a copy or you can buy or you can get a free copy at

You have a great night we’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Fault vs. Responsibility
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What in life is your fault and what is your responsibility?

What’s the difference?

We’re going to talk about that today. Welcome back I’m Brian Pombo. Welcome back to the Orange Office and Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today we are going to discuss fault versus responsibility.

The only other person I’ve ever heard discuss it in these terms is a great philosopher. Perhaps you’ve heard of him. Will Smith otherwise known as the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. He discussed it on one of his Facebook posts or something of that sort and he’s the only other person I’ve ever heard use it in these terms.

Fault versus responsibility.

I think a lot of people get messed up because they get caught up with the meaning behind these two words.

So I’m going to define them as best as possible in terms of how we use a modern day. But first the real question is whether you’re ready to take responsibility for your business growth or not?

See the little tie in there?

Go to especially if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, you’re going to want to go to and watch a video. Fill out the application and you can get a free business chat with me to help you come up with the proper game plan to build your dream business in the next six months or less.

Back to the issue, fault versus responsibility. Fault,I think we get confused between these two ideas way too often. Fault really comes down to blame and this blame game that we get caught up in.

We want to say, well wasn’t my fault! It was your fault! And we get all caught up with fault and fault doesn’t really matter that much. It matters only in origin.

In other words, where did the problem start?

And if you’re following along with our deep thoughts from the last couple of days, I honestly believe that most of the problems that we have didn’t it start with us. The way you think is passed down from the generations, from your parents or lack of parents.

You learned via society, via your education, via the people you consider mentors. You learned a thought pattern, whether you knew you were learning it or not. You learned a way of thinking, a way of reacting with your emotions, and it’s all based on the people and things that you were around all your life.

Which you didn’t have much of a choice in. It isn’t that much your fault that you are the way you are, that you think the way you think. Many of the problems, if not most of the problems, if not all the problems you have aren’t your fault.

Now, before you get too caught up with that concept, I want to bring in the other end of it.

It is your responsibility. It’s your responsibility to deal with everything that’s been hoisted on you. Now you could say, “well that’s not fair,” and that’s all fine and good.

We can talk about fairness another time. But the fact of the matter is if it isn’t someone else’s responsibility, it is yours. Legally it’s your responsibility. Morally it’s your responsibility.

There’s something about self-reliance that brings everything back to you being the one responsible, regardless of what happened to you, regardless of all the abuses you’ve gone through, the horrors that you’ve seen in life, everything that’s happened to you is your responsibility now to deal with it.

It’s your responsibility to deal with this mess that’s been handed off to you. That’s life. It really is.

It’s a mess for most of us, okay. Even in the best case scenario, best case situations, best parents, best town that you grew up in, everything was great. You’re still dealing with the mess that is the imperfect life, the imperfect world that we live in.

So where do you go from here?

Realizing that it’s not your fault. You can quit playing the blame game and quit saying, well, it was my parents fault. Well, it wasn’t their fault either because it was their parents’ fault and their parents fault in their parents.

We can play the blame game over and over and over again talking about whose fault it is. In reality, it’s our responsibility to deal with whatever we’ve got on top of us, and in the same sense, it’s the other person’s responsibility to take care of their thing.

Now, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try and help people. But the best way of helping people, I honestly believe because I’ve seen it over and over again, the best ways to teach a man to fish versus fish for them.

You fish for them to keep them surviving if necessary, to keep them from starving, but in the long run, you’ve got to teach them how to fish themselves. The more we can teach people how to become self-reliant, how to depend more on themselves, the better people they’ll become and the more they’ll be able to help other people to be that way also.

In the long run even though we’re responsible for ourself. We can provide abundance to the rest of everybody else, the extras that we ended up getting, because you never just have just enough for yourself.

The better and better you get at something, the more you end up with abundance.

The more you end up with more than enough than you’ll ever need, and you’re always able to give that off to somebody else. And that’s a great thing. But it’s important that you’re responsible for yourself.

You’re responsible, your family, for your children, grandchildren, what have you. Take that responsibility. Don’t worry about the fault. Quit playing the blame game. Take the responsibility. Realize that it may not be your fault.

Here’s another scenario.

Somebody comes, takes their car, crashes in into the side of your house. Okay, whose fault was it? What was the person that crashed into the side of your house? Now they could say, “well, I was trying to avoid this situation over here, so it’s their fault.” And the fault, the blame game can go on and on and on and on right?

But really it wasn’t your fault that they crashed into the side of your house, but whose responsibility is it to fix it? Well that person, even if they were drunk or whatever else, they may have to pay some form of restitution, but they’re not going to sit there and fix your house.

The police aren’t going to come out and fix your house. It’s your responsibility to fix your house. It wasn’t your fault at all, had nothing to do with you, but you’re the one left having to fix the house.

Everything in life is constantly happening to us, but it’s our responsibility to take care of it from there.

If you agree with me, go over to check out some of my other videos there.

You go into the media section and check that out and if you are a business owner or an executive in the self-reliance field, like I said, is where you want to go because I love to talk with you. I’m not looking to sell you anything straight off the bat, I’d like to find out more about you and your business and what you’re looking to achieve.

If there’s a way we can work together in the long run, that’d be great. But really I’d like to find out more about you and your business. So go fill out the application and we’ll see if we can get together.

Tomorrow we are going to be looking into some tactics, some specific tactics used on YouTube and I’m going to show you a friend of mine, how I was able to take some of the things that he has done and been successful with on Youtube and applied it back into my business.

I’ll show you how you can apply it to yours.

We’ll see it tomorrow.