Do You Meet Them In-Person?

A question for you. Do you meet them in person?

Hi I’m Brian Pombo welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live. Brought to you live every day from Grants Pass, Oregon.

Today we’re going to be discussing the difference between having an online business. A business that distance versus a business that is one on one with people.

Now, most of the people that end up listening to this podcast or watching these videos oftentimes have a business that is virtual, so at least you probably do your business since from people you probably do most of your business online. This is very common.

Now, if you don’t, then this also applies to you. If you don’t have an online business, I’m going to suggest that you look into adding in online elements that’s talked about at nauseum from everybody out there, right?

But I want to talk to the people that have online businesses initially encourage you to do the opposite of what most people are encouraged you to do.

I’m going to encourage you to meet your customers in-person.

Find a way to meet them in person. It changes the entire dynamic of the relationship that you end up having and how they see you, how they view you.

It’s all changes when they at least have the ability to meet you in person.

So think about anybody that you’ve purchased, anything from online, whether it be a faceless corporation company like or like a company that actually has a personality behind it.

Think of any of the places, maybe you purchase from authors, you know, a book from your favorite author or music from your favorite artists, whatever.

Imagine the difference between having that, that one way relationship of getting it, enjoying it, having fun with it and that’s fine. But then imagine seeing them in concert.

It adds another element to it.

Imagine meeting them and having your book signed.

Imagine being able to go to a convention where where someone’s speaking or that you can actually go up and meet and shake their hand.

It adds an element to everything that so much of our world right now is virtual. We’re all living through our cell phones.

You know, we’re all living through this virtual world where it’s not real enough and you see this being voiced a lot from younger people who don’t feel like they’re really experiencing life, that they feel that they’re missing out.

And a lot of us who got to experience a lot of life pre-internet before the internet got big.

I think we take it for granted and you have to consider the value that you provide when you’re there in person.

It goes both ways.

For one thing, you’re providing a value to them that they appreciate and goes, it goes to a deeper level where they end up seeing you in a different light after they’ve been able to see you in person.

But then there’s also the other side, if you are able to see your customers, talk to them, discuss with them, see what their other interests are like. See them as an actual human being versus just a name on the other end of cyberspace.

If you can do that, you’ll find value in that. Now, there was an interview that I did with Justin Layer and John DeSpain of Fiber Light Fire Starters.

You can find that over on my website and I have a link in the description for that one, that particular episode. One of the main areas that they focus on is going to events specifically.

They’re in the outdoors door niche and so they go to a lot of outdoors events, outdoor based events, and get to really interact one-on-one with their customers. And they spend a lot of time talking about that.

We go back and forth all that well on that interview Off The Grid Biz Podcast that’s at

Go and check that out.

Find a way and I guarantee it, if you have a business that you cannot get in direct contact with your customer or, or whoever you’re going after, there’s a way for you to do it.

Leave a comment down below if you think that there’s not a way and explain to me what your business is.

How there’s not a way for you to get in direct contact with your customer. You need to get in person with them. It’s important for you and it’s important for them.

It can add enormous growth to your business. There are live conferences, conventions about everything and there are many of those that you can plug into.

Even if you don’t go officially, you know, paying for a table or a booth, maybe you go with your t-shirt on that has the name of your business and you just go around and talk to people.

It just takes getting out there and having the discussions and bringing the real world into the virtual world.

You’ll be happy you did.

You’ll be happy what you gain from it, but you’ll also be happy with what your customers gained from it.

So if you’d like to be able to talk about some of these issues regarding your business, I’d love to be able to talk with you, especially if you’re in the self reliance field like Justin and John from Fiber Light Fire Starters, go to

There’s a little video there you can watch. Go check it out. The link is in the description.

Also, we have my other materials over at Including videos just like this one.

So you have a great night.

We’re going to see you back here tomorrow where we’ll go through another concept that will hopefully help your business and really take you out of where you’re at and put you exactly on track to where you want to be.

So you have a great night. Get out there and let the magic happen.