Content Marketing Costumes đź‘” (Image Branding)

Brian talks about a segment on “image branding” from Clint Arthur’s book, 21 Performance Secrets of Donald Trump.


Content Marketing costumes.

Hi, I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

I want to tell you about something that I was reminded of when I was going back and looking through a book that I had upon my shelf.

I mentioned this one before 21 performance secrets of Donald Trump by Clint Arthur, known as the, you know, celebrity entrepreneur and talking about, he likes to take famous people and kind of break down how they’ve been able to make themselves known and make themselves famous, and hold themselves out as a celebrity.

He wrote this while Donald Trump was running in 2016. So he plays a lot of back and forth with Donald Trump’s whole career versus how he was running for office.

It’s a very interesting profile, whether you like Donald Trump or not, it’s regardless if you understand the principles of how he was able to come out of nowhere, not completely nowhere, everyone knew who he was, but how he had come out of nowhere politically speaking, run for president.

It’s pretty incredible and you have to learn something about how that occurred. This is a good nonpolitical book about that. There was a chapter in here where he discusses costumes.

How Donald Trump had a very specific style costume that he wore when he was doing the apprentice TV shows and was putting himself out there on a regular basis. He had you know, dark navy suit, he had the starched white shirt, and the real flashy, sometimes neon-colored tie, and very shiny and, and just something to get attention.

That was kind of his brand for a very long time. And then when he ran for president, the one thing you saw that changed a lot was the tie is that the tie was made more conservative, you’d see up a striped or a very, very toned down color, colored tie.

He is the persona in that sense, gotten toned down quite a bit. It may not have been from him personally, it was probably from campaign handlers and other people.

But the fact that it happened, you can see that you’re talking to different markets for different reasons. And you have a different costume, in a sense. And it’s always a costume of some sort. Even the clothes that I wear here are not, they’re not overly thought out but they do.

I am very careful to not wear certain things. I want to appeal to certain types of people and at the same time, I don’t show up here in a suit most of the time, like many people who do what I do as a business investor or do something similar in that in that vein, I tried to keep things pretty low key, and that’s kind of my costume, so to speak.

Here’s another person that I love to I love to watch her stuff.

She’s got great material out there on social media, especially on YouTube. This is Dr. BOZ Annette Bosworth.

She is an MD, one of her big claims to fame as she promotes a ketogenic diet and goes through details of that from a doctor’s perspective.

So she’s got some great material, but she how she presents herself is very, very, very key at being a doctor is no small part of what it is that she’s projecting.

So she’s wearing a lab coat a lot of times I mean, if you just go through and look at the screenshots on her YouTube, she’s wearing a lab coat. And oftentimes if it with that, or when she’s not a lab coat, she’ll have a stethoscope around, you know, hanging around her neck. That’s, that can’t be accidental.

This isn’t just something happenstance that just happens to be wearing this. When she does her videos. She does it to project the idea if nothing else, to at least encourage people subconsciously to realize this is a doctor.

This is how people view doctors that this is how they dress and they’ve got a stethoscope. This is very important. Marketing is very important with image branding, and you’re not lying to people.

By dressing a certain way, you’re being very clear.

In fact, you’re communicating what you want to communicate, you’re holding yourself in the way that you want to be seen. And that’s very important about standing out is understanding your costume and understanding different types of costumes for different occasions, so to speak.

What you wear matters because it projects who you are and that also goes along with how you wear your hair how you wear your makeup.

If you wear makeup, how you wear your jewelry, If you have jewelry, and all the rest of it, so all these things have to be taken into consideration. Really appreciate Clint Arthur’s work out there, you can always go check his stuff out, go check out Dr. BOZ, and so forth. That’s all I have for today.

Go grab my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business if you want some that we’re talking kind of strategies for content marketing, but if you want to talk strategies for your overall business, which includes some points about content marketing, go check out, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business.

If you want to get a free copy, you can download it off my website, All one word,

That’s all I have for today. You have a good one. We’ll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

Do You “Dress for Success”?

Hi. Do you dress for success? I’m Brian Pombo. The reason why I’m bringing this up today is I am not dressed for success. Welcome back to the Orange Office in Grants Pass, Oregon. Today’s topic is a very simple one, but it’s one that I think gets completely thrown aside nowadays when anything goes and that’s the whole concept of your appearance.

How are you appearing and should you always be dressed a certain way?

Should you have a uniform, everything else. So we’ve got a real this conversation back and it goes back to one of the first places that I heard about this concept. There was a book that came out in the 80’s called dress for success that is still popular to this day in many circles. And what it talks about is if you dress basically the general idea is if you dress the way that in most people’s minds, how they see a successful person in their mind, a successful business person, successful business man, business woman, if you dress that way, you will automatically have an up in any situation when it comes to business.

And I think this is true, a true in principle for the most part, but you have to always keep in mind your audience.

The main thing I always take things back to is the who is, who are you trying to reach? Who are you trying to talk to? What are you trying to convince them of? What are you trying to bring to them? Are you trying to convince them that you’re a successful business person? Are you trying to relate with them today? Why am I dressed this way?

I’ll come straight down and I’ll tell you how it relates back to what we’re talking about. I got pulled away on every Wednesday. I’m always hanging out with my family, but today I especially got pulled this way and that way and it just ended up in the clothes that I ended up in it.

There was no real thought behind it. I oftentimes, when I meet you here, I’ll at least put on a nicer shirt called my hair a little bit time. Didn’t permit today, but it’s okay because I’m talking about it. I’m telling you why I’m dressed this way. I’m telling you why I haven’t shaved yet today. And because of that, it can ease the tension.

It can show me to be human and so it serves a purpose too, it’s okay and in any situation that you find yourself in, if you can’t be dressed the exact way you want to be dressed, that’s all right.

But don’t ignore it.

Address it with your audience, address it with your customers, address it with the people that you’re in front of. If you’re in a business, in any form of business situation, address why you’re in the attire you’re in, why you have shaved or haven’t shaved, what you know, address it.

Put it out there just so you could be clear about what’s going on. Now the concept comes up of the uniform. This is a very common thing nowadays and it really got popular when Steve Jobs started talking about the fact that he always just wears blue jeans and a black shirt and the reasons why behind this and other people started successful. People started talking about why they have simplified what they were. Initially someone would think, well, okay, well that puts them in a specific uniform for their audience.

They know what to expect.

They see that person wearing that and it’s comforting to think about it in that, in those senses. And it’s recognizable. It’s brand, you know all that talk. And that’s true. But the reason why Steve Jobs did it is because it’s one less decision he has to think about during the day. Especially when you are the CEO or the head of a company, you’re running your business.

The fewer decisions you can make during the day that are insignificant than the more willpower for lack of a better word, that you have to be put toward making the decisions that matter. Because that can really wear you down. Making small little decisions over and over and over again. I’m wondering, “do I wear this color or that color?”

So really being clear about your uniform is more for you than even for your clientele, your audience, your coworkers. That’s something to keep in mind.

Don’t ignore the concept of attire.

Don’t think that it doesn’t matter at all in less that’s part of your brand. So a fellow that we had on the podcast Off the Grid Biz Podcast, Gary Collins, who’s brand is called The Simple Life, he has a number of books that are under that title and he has a, has a blog and everything else.

Go and look up. Gary Collins with The Simple Life is very interesting guy.

His whole thing is, I will never wear a suit. I will never wear a tie if there’s somewhere I have to go into a business meeting where they require it, I won’t go. It’s part of his brand. He’s Off the Grid.

He lives off the grid literally where he, he doesn’t, he doesn’t have any electricity that comes off of the grid, off the electrical grid. He produces everything. He’s as self sufficient as he possibly can be. So if that’s part of your brand that he says that nearly every speech he says it on the interviews he does. That’s who he is. So it becomes, in a sense, a uniform. The fact that he wears just what he wants to wear, that he walks around with a baseball cap and a beard.

That’s his brand. That’s who he is, and it’s great that it who he is, is who he is. It’s not just a fake facade, but he addresses it. He doesn’t just let it hang there and go, okay, well who is this guy? You know? Make. Just think about it. Consider what you’re wearing. Consider how it affects your coworkers, how it affects your work environment, how it affects the people you’re doing business with because it does matter. Dressing for success does matter, but don’t overthink it.

Just find something that works for you and make it clear to everybody else what it’s all about. Hope that’s helpful to you tomorrow. Another, another great tip. We’ll talk about some of these concepts that float around, but a lot of times people don’t really dig in and talk about them.

So we’ll talk about more of that tomorrow. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.