Hard vs Soft Offer

Thoughts on hard and soft offers in relation to direct marketing.

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Hard versus soft offer.

Hi I’m Brian Pombo, welcome back to Brian J. Pombo Live.

Today, we’re going to talk about a quote that I found. Looking through this book, this is an awesome book, if you haven’t read this one before, if you’re into direct marketing of any sort, this is like an encyclopedia of direct marketing. This is a 2239 Tested Secrets for Direct Marketing Success, edited by Dennis Hatch and Don Jackson.

I say edited because they take material from all over the place. This one happens to come from Dan Kennedy, one of our favorite people here we love, love mentioning Dan and his wisdom. This is all about the offer.

So if you’re a business owner, or you’re an executive, and you have some oversight on the offers that are made at your company, then you you always have to step back and kind of relook at it because a good offer of great offer can change everything in business when it comes to how well a product or service is performing.

So here’s here’s the point that Dan makes here. And it’s all about making a strong offer. And he calls it a hard versus a soft offer. So offers can be placed on a line with soft on one end and hard on the other soft offer is buy this stuff, and you’ll be a happier person with better self esteem. That’s a soft offer.

A hard offer is buy this stuff, and your friends will swear you had a facelift. Okay, that’s an actual offer that was out there. Simply the harder one is better.

The hard offer that the the one that is very clear cut as to what it’s saying you’re going to get the benefits are clear. It’s sharp, it has a it has a punch to it. When you can define the benefits in a way that’s tangible, that a person can sink their teeth into. That works better.

And so if you’re if you’re brainstorming new offers for the exact same item, look at that, graph them out in terms of hard versus soft. If you’re able to do that, you’ll come up with better quality ones. And you should always test these.

The best thing about having the internet nowadays is you don’t have to spend millions of dollars on a infomercial, necessarily right off the bat and just it flies or it doesn’t fly.

It’s very tough to a b test that type of thing. But online you can test things up against each other at the same time with the same style audiences and see which one works best and which one doesn’t.

So that’s a quick tip tonight on how to how to really come up with a better offer. If you’re looking for more strategies to be able to take your business and explode it beyond where it’s at right now.

Go check out my book, 9 Ways to Amazon-Proof Your Business. You can get your own free copy at AmazonProofBook.com. We’ll be back tomorrow night. In the meantime, get out there and let the magic happen.

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